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Anita the vampire's last hope

Anita the vampire's last hope

naom lee


A 200 years old vampire who desires to be a human finally sees the one that carries the "live" in her. But the gritting in her eyes stops him from taking her blood. Anita on her own side keeps wondering why this handsome man won't let her live in peace

Chapter 1 The meeting of Anita and Alenzo

Chaper one

Anita woke up to the sound of the alarm and she reached out her hands to turn it off.

"Damm it" she cursed as she saw the bright sun outside. She hated morning cause it shouts of work and work and she is the lazy type, everyone knows, even her mum knows.

But today they are moving out so Yeah it is time to park.

Her name is Anita lee she is the only daughter of Mrs Lee and she never got to see her father, and she was told never to talk about him, for a reason she knows nothing about, it didn't matter much she is just eighteen and her father is not what she needs.

she needs to survive knowing her father's were about won't pay the bills

She went downstairs to take boxes for her to be able to park her load in, she had a lot to pack. from her books, to her, shoes to her clothes, to make up and bla bla bla.

"Hey mum" she greeted when she saw her parking the kitchen wears.

"You are up, I didn't disturb you did I?"

"The alarm did, you are packing up already?" She asked looking around

"Yes We should get ready now, I don't want us to be late, I heard it's really scary at night"

"Sure mum"

she took empty box's and made her way back to the stairs were she came from. If only her mum had not thought of another business, if only she had stopped her just if only. She really had a lot of memories in this house but not to had to be sold because of the accumulated Dept they had.

Maybe a new life is what she needs right now after all her life here as been a mess. Even her boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend.


He dropped the dead rabbit, and cleaned the bloodstains in his mouth.

"Am sorry" he said looking at the dead and bloodless rabbit, with sympathy in his eyes cause he is really sorry.

"I was really hungry?" He added again in respect to the rabbit.

"And I had no other option. I can't believe I killed your whole family"

He moved away from it and went deeper into his Cafe.

He has been alive for 200years and if he is a human he would have probably won the award for the longest man that lived on Earth, with a young looking face and also handsome to be exact.

He fed on only animals, blood and humans that makes him angry he really dislikes taking human blood and he is who you think he is a vampire.

The last vampire they ever lived, that's him Alenzo.

"Anyone home?" A voice resounded at the end of his cave, and he looked up the sent is obvious. His only companion, "Rico" a human that he has been friends with since he was six.

"What are doing here? The ladies are going to the stream"

"Am not interested in going tonight" he replied removing his shirt exposing his muscular build. That could make anyone crazy.


"I killed a rabbit"

"So? Is that new?"

"I have been raising it for three years now and I killed it"

"Why? Is there nothing to catch here again" Rico asked also removing his shirt.

"Seems like they all identify me, they run anytime I want to greet"

"They know that your greetings means death"

"I seriously should find the one with the *live* and became human, I have been Living on blood for 200 years"

"You won't find her if you sit here doing nothing"

"I know but I have a feeling that I would get one as I soon as i see the person I would devour him/her instantly"

"Find her first" Rico said and I nodded.

"Of course I will"


Few hours later we arrived at Grandpa's place, it is sincerely in the middle of nowhere. A house in the Forest like a hunted house.

All that could be seen in his house is Forest and garden show with loot of vegetables. Not even a house a cottage a small dwelling with three rooms.

"Am so doomed" she thought within herself because she had promised her mum not to complain. but she had a lot to complain about, this place is in the middle of no where.

"This place looks perfect for my knitting" her mum said smiling

"yeah right? What people would patronize you? Antelope, tigers or what?" she said holding back all her anger.

"I never said am going to sell it here" her mum said still smiling.

"Sure you won't" Anita made her way Inside first and of course she was greeted with cobwebs.

"What the heck?" She said and dusted them off her body.

While her mum followed dragging their luggage.

"After a good cleaning am sure this place would look like a palace" he mum said also stopping to look around.

"What is suppose to laugh" she said

"Nah you don't need to force yourself"

"I need to step out for a moment"

"Don't go to far" her mum shouted

"Sure mum"

She went out of their little cottages and started for the east side she needs network to be able to check put the latest thing online. But everything was on red.

Alenzo had smelt her from after and a Smell alone drove him crazy and he rushed to where she is and peeped on her from behind.

Not only his her smell beautiful her eyes so is beautiful. Her body she is totally his style.

He moved closer to her and studied her cause it seems like she needed help and he is will to help any lady as beautiful.

He like everything but liked her glittering eyes he liked that more.

Maybe if he had knew that she carried "life' he won't have fallen for her eyes like that, he would probably had taken her blood right away before other vampire those.

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