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The Zodiac Lovers

The Zodiac Lovers



Morisette is an introverted girl who dreams of having a fantasy love story. One night after her class, while walking in the middle of the night, she picked up a book with 'magical book,' written on it. When she brought it to her apartment, a fairy appeared out of nowhere and told her to find her fated man, whose zodiac sign is compatible with hers. How many men are going to be in her life just to find her fated man?

Chapter 1 ONE

Tuesday night was another typical day for Morisette, who was having coffee outside the balcony of her 28-square-meter apartment in New York City. The snow falling from the sky makes the scenery more dramatic and calming. Morisette wrapped herself in a winter jacket, as the breeze of the cold air gave her body a chill. As she leaned on her wooden carved chair, she could see the whole city of peaceful New York City in front of her.

Reading fantasy books is a hobby she enjoys the most, especially tonight because she's found a story about a princess who finds her lover in the enemy of her kingdom. They fought for their dominance, and their relationship became the way to put an end to the rivalry of their kingdoms. Morisette finished reading the fantasy book with a smile and looked into the distance as she dreamed.

"I hope I find my prince charming too... I hope my love story will also be a fairytale. I want it to be something magical," she mumbled. Then she closed her eyes and imagined herself in the shoes of the princess in the story.

The story was so good that she was smiling when she slept. Tomorrow morning, Morisette woke up earlier than her alarm clock. She got off her bed and started preparing, before heading to her walkable university. She is a very introverted girl who enjoys her own company. She always stays at the library to read any fantasy books she finds.

A librarian woman wearing thick-rimmed geometric glasses frames and red lipstick interrupted her reading of another fantasy book."Hey, it's already 8 p.m. in the evening. Are you not going home yet?" asked the librarian.

Morissete gazed at her golden-yellow vintage watch and returned her gaze to the librarian, who had a serious face and spoke with a soft voice. "I'm sorry, the book I was reading was so good that I didn't notice it was already late in the evening!" The female librarian smiled and removed her glasses. "That is just okay. Actually, I often see you in this library, and I'm just glad that there are still people like you who like to read. If you want, you can borrow that fantasy book and return it tomorrow or when you finish it!" Morissette stood up and put the two books back on the bookshelves at her back. Then she took her purple handbag with green straps at the table.

"No thanks, I enjoyed reading those books and I'd like to continue reading tomorrow. I just want to rest because of the amount of work I did at school today!" "Okay, but what's your name, dear?" asked the librarian. Morisette happily introduced herself to the librarian. "My name is Morisette and I am a graduating student. Nice to meet you!"

"Oh, while I am happy with you, I'm worried... what if you're not in this school anymore? No one will read the books like you do, and they will be stocked in the dusty bookshelves!"

"Don't worry, I'm sure there are still students who will go to the library. Everything really depends on the teachers of this school. See you tomorrow and take care, Ma'am!"

Morissete left the library, as she was walking down the road, she saw a strange book with a blue cover. What drew her attention was the strange one-hand clock that revolved around the twelve strange signs.Then she read what was written on the book's cover.

"Magical book?" She picked it up and brought it to her apartment. Twenty minutes later, she got home and read the book on her round table. She found it weird that there was nothing written on any of the pages of the book as she turned the pages.

Then a tall, beautiful lady dressed in a white gown appeared in front of her. Morisette's eyes widened in shock, and she could hear her heart pounding in her chest. "W-who are you?" she asked curiously. "I am a fairy and my name is Elvenia. I would like to help you find your fated man, Morisette," said the white lady, who spoke like she was under water and whose voice echoed inside Morisette's apartment.

Morisette's cheeks glistened in sweat, and she could barely talk. "W-why do you know my name, and... where are you from?"

Morisette turned around at the door of her apartment, and it was locked. "Are you a ghost or am I dreaming?" "Like I told you, I am a fairy and I came from the future. I went here because you found my magical book, which means you are the one I have been looking for the entire time!" Morisette frowned as she found the statement of Elvenia odd.

"Pardon me, white lady, but I can't fathom what you just said earlier? Are you drunk or crazy?"

"I know it's hard for you to process what is happening right now, but imagine yourself in a fantasy world where you are a princess, and I will help you find your fated man!" Elvenia elaborated. Morisette grinned and showed interest in hearing more from Elvenia. "If you really wanted to help me find my fated man, then I would be thrilled to listen to what you were planning to do with my love story!"

"I am glad to feel the excitement in your voice. The book you are seeing in front of you is called the 'magical book,' and the pointer revolving on concentric shafts at the center is called the zodiac finder. As you see, it has never stopped rotating since you brought it here to your apartment. It will only stop on any zodiac sign once it detects your possible zodiac lover, known as "the fated man!" "I see. How about the blank pages of the book? What is the purpose of that?" inquired Morisette. "It's a magical book that enables you to know something about them before they meet you, including their zodiac signs and characteristics!"

"That sounds like clairvoyance, which only occurs in fantasy. I actually can not believe what I am hearing right now. It's peculiar, yet a thrilling journey for me. Finding a man who will love me for the rest of my life in a magical way is the best feeling I've ever dreamed about!"

"Indeed, I guess, I need to leave now. I look forward to seeing you in the future... with your fated man, Morisette!" The fairy disappeared, and Morisette hugged her magical book. "Who would have thought that, out of a billion people on this planet, I was chosen to have this wonderful fantasy journey in this realistic world. I can't wait to begin this exciting part of my life. Perhaps this is more exciting than my upcoming graduation!"

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