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Her Bad Alpha

Her Bad Alpha



Amber is a sixteen year old girl who’s about to turn seventeen in a week when tragedy happens. She looses both parents in a car accident on the way home from seeing her brother in college. It’s not until her birthday party that she finds her fated mate. Her mate turned out to be the only one person in the world that most people feared Alpha Onyx Wolfhound.

Chapter 1 Death

It was on this fateful day that she was on the edge of the woods about to take her clothes off and shift into her wolf when someone stopped her. It was Gamma Blake Jeffries. He said “You need to come back to the pack house with me, it’s important!” Amber hopes that Alpha Colton and Luna Marian Blackwood are doing well. As they reach the pack house she notices that there are a bunch of the pack members gathered outside the entrance of pack house. She could see the future alpha, Fallon trying to calm them down. However that all changed when they caught a whiff of her scent.

They knew who she was and who her parents were. They are good people, so they drop their heads as she came closer to the group. She wonders why everyone’s head is bowed. Gamma Blake ushers her into the house. As she steps through the front door she can feel that something is wrong, but she doesn’t know what it is just yet. The foyer of the house is gigantic in size. The stairs leading up to the four floors of the house splits to the left and the right sides. There are rows of rooms, in both directions on all three floors, except the top floor. That is where Alpha Colton and Luna Marian and their son Fallon sleep and live. There’s a hallway off to the right side of the stairs where Alpha Colton’s office is and the hugest kitchen known to man. It’s got steel appliances and modern gadgets. It also has two long tables with benches for seating for the pack members to eat at that live in that pack house. On the left side of the stairs is a gigantic family room. It has three long couches, three recliners and a huge entertainment center complete with a sixty inch television. Fallon came into the house right behind them and said, “ My father wants to see you two in his office.” Gamma Blake led her down the hall to Alpha Colton’s office. He then knocked on the door with his signature knock. It’s two knocks, a scratch, and another three knocks. He then opened the door when he heard, “ Come in! “ from the alpha. He pushed her into the room before he entered the room. Alpha Colton is sitting behind his desk and looks up when they enter the room. He gets up and comes around the big walnut desk. He then takes her hands in his and tells her the most tragic thing that she has ever heard. That her parents were in a car accident coming home from visiting her half brother in college. They were hit head on by a drunk driver. Her father was Alpha Colton’s beta, his second in command. Her mother was Luna Marian’s best friend.

“They died instantly in the car crash, their bodies are being Transported home.“ said Alpha Colton.

She looks at him, and bursts into tears. He then pulled her into a hug. He told her that she didn’t have to worry about the arrangements that the pack would take care of them for her, and since she was still technically a minor she could move into the pack house with them, there weren’t many rooms taken because most of the pack had met their mates.

Her name is Amber Scott. She is sixteen years old about to turn seventeen in a week. She has long dark wavy hair and piercing silver eyes. She stands about five foot eight inches tall, weighs about one hundred, and twenty pounds. Amber is part of the Dark Moon pack, one of the biggest and strongest packs in the United States. The Dark Moon pack controls a big section of green and fertile land near the east coast. She was excited about her birthday because that is where and when she might meet her fated mate. (A fated mate is the other half of your soul, the one picked out for you by the Moon Goddess herself.) With the death of her parents, she doesn’t think she should celebrate her birthday. She voices that thought to the alpha and he says that exactly the right thing to do is to celebrate her birthday with a party like they wanted to do for her birthday originally. She asked the alpha if she could go for a run now, because her wolf needed to get out. He allowed it on the condition the someone went with her. Gamma Blake volunteered to go with her.

They go back to the edge of the woods, and Amber goes behind a big tree to strip out of her clothes and to shift. Her wolf is a medium size golden haired wolf, with four white paws and a white star on her forehead. Gamma Blake had already shifted into his wolf. He was bigger than Amber’s wolf but not by much. He was also dark where she was golden. His wolfs name is Maddox. Also Amber’s wolf’s name is Kia. They took off into the woods, running as fast as they could go dodging trees and jumping over fallen logs. They ran as far as the western border and stopped to rest. They had been running for a good two hours straight or more. So they rested for about an hour and a half, then they started running back home to the pack house.

It took six hours for the bodies of her parents to return to the hospital on pack lands. They were put in the morgue until arrangements could be made for their funeral and cremation. Alpha Colton is in his office making the arrangements for the funeral and cremation, when Luna Marian comes in and tell him that she is a little worried about Amber and how she is taking the death of her parents. Alpha Colton voices his own concerns about Amber and the situation as well. The Alpha’s wolf is huge and pitch black. His wolf’s name is Phoenix. In human form, he stands almost seven feet tall and weighs about two hundred and sixty pounds. He is built like a “Mack truck” all solid muscle. He also has short light brown hair with gray patches in his temples. His eyes are a deep cerulean blue. The Luna’s wolf is pure white. She also small for a wolf. Her wolf’s name is Athena. In human form, she stands five foot six inches tall, and weighs about one hundred and thirty pounds. Her eyes are a light baby blue, and she has long chestnut brown hair. She still has an hour glass figure, even though she has had two children; Fallon and Felicity. Felicity is only ten years old. She has inherited her mom’s chestnut brown hair, and baby blue eyes. She currently stands four feet five inches tall and weighs about eighty pounds. She is still young, so she doesn’t have a wolf yet.

Fallon Blackwood, the future alpha, is eighteen years old but hasn’t found his fated mate yet. He decides he will go for a run and let his wolf out for a little while. His wolf’s name is Max and he is bigger than the average wolf and he is black with a white blaze from his forehead to his nose. In human form Fallon stands six feet and six inches tall. He is well built and his muscles are well defined. He has short chestnut brown hair like his mom, but he inherited his deep blue cerulean blue eyes from his dad. Many of the single daughters of the pack members all have a crush on him. But Fallon wants to wait for his fated mate, so until he finds her he has made a vow to remain celibate. Though many of the girls have tried to tempt him into mating with them, he stands strong in his belief that he has a fated mate somewhere out there in the world.

Amber’s best friend, Clara Martin who was away visiting her grandparents for the weekend, has just returned home and received the news from her father; about the death of Camron and Olivia Scott. Clara burst into tears. Her father pulls her into a hug, and tells her things will be alright. Shortly after that, Clara calmed down and dried her tears and asked her dad, “Where is Amber now?” “She’s at the pack house.” He said. Clara went into her room to put her luggage on her bed, so when she gets back from the pack house she can put her stuff away. She then went back down stairs, and told her dad that she was heading to the pack house to see Amber for a while. She went out the front door and turned right to follow the path that leads to the pack house. The walk took about five minutes to get there. Clara’s house sits back on the edge of the woods on the eastern border of the pack territory. Where as the pack house is more like situated in the center area of the pack territory.

Clara rings the door bell, and waits until someone answers the door. It is one of the omegas that works in the pack house that answered the door. Her name is Jasmine and she is a petite person with brown hair and doe like brown eyes. She is also slender and stands five feet tall compared to most other people in the pack. She let Clara in. Clara asked “What room Amber Scott is in?” Jasmine told her that she was on the second floor on the right side in the third room on the right. Clara hurried up the stairs to go see her friend. When she gets to Amber’s room, she knocks on the door and patiently waits for her to answer the door. Amber opens the door with a tear stained face, red puffy eyes, and a red nose from all the crying she has been doing since the death of the her parents.

Clara immediately pulled Amber into a bear hug. They both burst out into tears as they hugged each other tightly. Clara told Amber that she was sorry for the loss of her parents. She hopes that she can come to depend on Clara’s parents like they were hers too. Amber exclaimed “That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me!” She then went back into her room to get ready for dinner, since she hasn’t eaten anything at all yet today. That’s when her stomach makes itself known with a loud grumble noise. The noise was so loud that it startled both girls so much that they jumped in the air, and they cried out in fright.

Once they realized that is was just Amber’s stomach growling, they calmed down and made their way back down stairs to the kitchen for dinner. As they neared the kitchen. However, the girls could hear what was said because of their heightened hearing. As the girls walked into the kitchen, the voices stopped. Everyone that was seated at the tables, turned towards the entrance to the kitchen and they all stood up to approach Amber to give her their condolences and sympathies. They also want to give her hugs so she knows that she isn’t alone.

Amber burst into tears again, but this time they are happy tears because thanks to her fellow pack members, the Alpha and Luna, and Clara, she no longer feels she is alone in the world. Clara and Amber both took seats at the table to eat. They sat down to three huge pieces of succulent pot roast, garlic mashed potatoes, green beans with bacon, and for dessert caramel apple pies. Of course, there was large portions of all the food except the pies. Everyone that was seated at the tables were waiting on one more person to join their group. They were waiting for Fallon to come down and eat dinner with his parents and friends. His beta is Jacob Johnson. Jacob is a rather gifted wolf. He knows when something is wrong or when something is going to happen. He was the one that informed the Alpha and Luna, about the accident that took the lives of Amber’s mom and dad; before the authorities came and told them the news.

Jacob’s wolf is of large height for a wolf. However, he’s not as big as Fallon’s wolf. Although, he is bigger than most of the other wolves in the pack, with the exception of the Alpha, Luna and Fallon’s wolves. His wolf’s name is Axel, and he’s a dark chocolate brown wolf with green eyes. He is the only one that has jeweled green eyes as a wolf. In his human form, Jacob stands five feet ten inches tall with dark brown hair and sparkling emerald green eyes. Jacob is the only one who has green eyes as a wolf and a human. Jacob is sitting beside Amber on her left, and Clara sits on her right side at one of the tables.

The three people that are seated across from them are Michelle, Michael, and Ezekiel. They are fraternal triplets, which is very rare and unheard of in the werewolf community. Michelle’s the quiet one. They say you always have to watch out for the quiet ones. Michelle‘s wolf is gray with four white paws. She is of average size for a female wolf. Her wolfs name is Scarlet. In human form she stands five foot five inches tall. She has golden blonde hair and bejeweled amber eyes. Michael‘s the protector of the three. That explains why he is on patrol duty at night. Michael‘s wolf is large for a wolf, he is almost as big as Fallon’s and Jacob’s wolves. His wolf is also gray, but he has brown patches here and there across his body. His wolf’s name is Kyle. In human form, he stands six foot five inches tall. He has platinum blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. Ezekiel is the funny one to be around. He’s always making people happy and makes them laugh at his jokes and silly stories. His wolf’s name is Shadow. His wolf is of average size for a wolf. He is tan in color with gray and brown patches covering his body. In human form, he stands five feet eleven inches tall. He has sandy blonde hair and piercing silver eyes. The Alpha and Luna are seated at the head of the front table Fallon is seated at his father’s right side and his mom is sitting on his father’s left side.

Amber and Clara were sitting towards the middle of the table with Felicity sitting beside Amber on her left side and Clara was on her right side. Amber and Clara were talking about going for a run after dinner. However, the Alpha heard what they were talking about and told them no because rouges had crossed the border on the south side and were being captured by the warriors at the moment. Amber was worried because they have not had any problems with rouges in a long time. When dinner was over, Michael left the house to start his scheduled time on patrol on the northern border. There were about five other people who were on patrol on this side of the border as well. All in all there are about twenty five to thirty people patrolling the borders. There are men and women who are trained in their human form and in their wolves to fight the rouges. Most of the men and women in the pack are trained as well. In fact it is, Gamma Blake who is training them, and they continue their training every day.

Even Amber and Clara are training with the other pack members. They have been in training since they started to shift at the age of twelve. There’s quite a few younger members of the pack out on the training field. Today is one of the days that they are training in their wolf forms. Clara has already shifted into her wolf. Her wolf’s name Jaylin, and she is a light tan with four white paws. In human form, she stands five foot six inches tall and weighs about one hundred and ten pounds. She has light blonde hair that is dyed purple and glowing Amethyst eyes. She inherited her father’s eyes and her hair from her mom. There was a female wolf of average size for a female wolf. She has black and tad patches from her nose to her tail. She was Gamma Blake’s mate and her name is Abigail, or Abby for short. Her wolf’s name is Nori. Everyone who was of able bodied was on the training field getting ready to take on the rouges that got away from being captured, because they might return.

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