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Forcefully betrothed to  him.

Forcefully betrothed to him.

Has sy ella


He is ruthless, She is compassionate, He is presumptuous, She is modest... Bella a beautiful lady who's mom died on her birthday and her dad was turned to a crippled lunatic by his mistress.She was both physically and mentally abused by her father's mistress who took over his empire.she became a maid in her own father's house. Gabriel an arrogant multi billionaire, who deals in all kinds of dirty work.He is very heartless and most especially, he hates kids. * * * * * * " Vivan, I will take her." He said in a husky voice while pointing at a particular maid that just served him. "Okay, be you know that nothing goes for nothing.right?" She asked smiling. " Name your price." * * * * * * Will there marriage last? Will Gabriel a man that does not believe in love ever fall in love with her? Will he attempt looking for her when he finds out that she has escaped from his confinement with his unborn child? Find out in this breathtaking story...



"Mom, dad, where are you!"

Bella exclaimed a little frighten as she has searched for her parents in their room but didn't see them.

Suddenly the lights of the living room offed leaving Bella more apprehensive and perplexed. After few seconds, the lights shone again with balloons scattered on the floor and the television in the living room was turned on, displaying her when she was younger and her mom playing around in the garden with her, and her dad capturing the beautiful moment.After few minutes, the television offed and she started hearing her mom's voice saying.

"To my beautiful angel, my lovely daughter, my princess. You completes me by making me a mother. After having you, you engrossed the feeling of joy and happiness in my heart, The first time you called me ' mommy ' you made me proud and I promised to always be there with you through out all the stages and challenges of life if nature permits me. Bella, the beauty of my life, I know that this is not the first time of you hearing this from me and on this special day of yours I want to say this again I LOVE YOU, more than you can ever imagine because you are my world and happy twentyth birthday my sweet daughter."

After she heard this audio record she a tear slid down her cheeks. And she muttered.

"I love you too mom."

She was Snapped back to reality by loud claps and people singing a birthday song and after the song, her mom ran out from a closed curtain that she failed to notice and embraced her so tight and passionate. When she broke the hug she kissed her temple passionately and said.

"Happy birthday love, how was your night."

She asked looking at her with smiles.

" Thank you mom. Mom you guys scared me."

She said making a baby face and she initiated another hug.

"I am sorry baby. We wanted to surprise you."

Her mom responded while patting her back and suddenly her father came out from the same curtain and asked.

" Am I not included?"

Without waiting for their response he joined in the hug making her and her mom laugh at his childish act.

When they broke the hug her father said to her.

" Happy birthday princess, dad loves you."

He said and kissed her on her cheek.

" I have a surprise for you princess."

He continued without breaking his gaze on her.

"Okay, can I have it now."

Bella replied in a curious tone like a child.

" Ah..not so fast princess. Remember is a surprise so I have to blind fold you okay?"

He said.

" Okay"

she replied

He brought out a blue ribbon that is wide enough to cover her eyes and tied her eyes with them.Then he led her outside and she had people singing a birthday song to her and clapping after the song her father asked her.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready am always."

She answered with excitement in her voice.

When her dad opened her eyes she was dumb founded to see Volkswagen Golf cabriolet car with balloons tied at each edge of the car. She so surprised that she instantly hugged her dad. After few seconds she ran to the car and attempt opening it when she realise that the key is on top of the car and she took it and opened the car and started the engine and she got an applause from the people standing there.She came out and ran to her dad , initiating another hug. When she broke the hug she noticed that all these people where in fact her relatives and she went and started greeting them.

When she was done engaging pleasantries and the went inside to prepare for her party later tonight with her mom, she noticed her boyfriend Daniel coming towards her with smiles and she quickly ran to him and hugged him tightly and took her up and spin her round before dropping her.

"Happy birthday babe."

He said and kissed her temple.

" Babe, on this precious day of yours, I wish you more happiness."

He kissed her two cheeks.

" Long life."

He kissed her nose.

"And most especially, I wish you more love and I want to tell you that I love you, no matter any challenge."

After saying this he looked at her blushing face and he bent to her height and locked his lips with her's in a passionate kiss.He held her waist and drew her more closer to him so that he can deepen the kiss and she held his neck and returned his kiss with the same velocity his using. When the broke from the kiss to catch their breath, she looked up to him and smiled.

" I will forever love you Dan, with every thing in me."

She said while smiling.

He brought out a little box and gave it to her.

She took it and asked him.

"Can l open it now?"

" Yes , go on and open it."

He replied.

She opened it with anxiety and brought out a necklace that was made of pure gold and the pendant was decorated with two alphabets D and B when she looked up at him, he smiled at her and she hugged him tightly.After the hug put the necklace round her neck and placed tender kisses on her neck.

During her birthday party in the night, she received various gifts from different relatives.Daniel came and took her outside her house where nobody can slight them.

"Happy birthday love, you look more beautiful tonight, more than I can ever remember."

He said with lust and love.


She was caught off guard by Daniel who started kissing her hungrily as if she is running away and she responded though a little confused.

" I've something to tell you."

He said in a husky and serious tone after breaking the kiss.

"Okay, am all ears."

Bella responded with her heart palpitating over what he has said.

"Bella look, am traveling tonight to Russia and I don't know when I will be back, maybe I will stay for five years or ten years or maybe remain there so lets..."

He was interrupted by the sobbing Bella who shouted.

"No Dan, you can't leave me. Even if you are traveling is not enough reason for us to break up. I will wait for you please don't leave."

She said and tiptoed and started kissing him and caressing his neck. He responded to her kisses but disengaged immediately he noticed her wet face.

" Bella, am doing this for your sake, I don't want you to feel obliged to me.Am doing this for us babe but remember that I will always love you."

He said and took her hands and kissed her fingers then.

" Lets end this Bella. We are done."

He said looking straight into her tears filled eyes and he slipped his fingers off her's and left the crying Bella all on her own and she squatted and started bawling out her eyes.

She carried to her heart content before she stood up and went inside.

When she stepped inside she was called upon to cut her cake by the MC of the party.

After cutting her cake, she can't hold herself anymore and she ran to her mom and hugged her tightly started sobbing at her back.

"What is the problem love."

Her mom asked her in a concerned voice while patting her back.

" Mom, D-Dan... He ..."

Her mom instantly pushed her with all her might and she slumped to the floor.

Before she could stand to her feet her mom fall down on the table behind her.

She stood up and in an attempt to help her mom to her feet, she met her in a pool of blood.

Out of agony and pain she shouted.


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