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Bound To The Wolfless Alpha

Bound To The Wolfless Alpha

Lynn Balzano


Katherina Rosemary is an omega who was rejected by her Alpha lover as a mate. She felt so devastated when she realized her fate would be the same as her mom's. Yet, fortune still followed her when the observation visit took place. She was chosen to be a committee member and met an Alpha from the Scarlet Moon pack named Terrence Gregory. A handsome, charming, and perfect Alpha yet, so cold and annoying. The two of them get closer to each other by the project. Can Katherina open her heart for Terrence or she'll come back to Felix?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Felix Klein Ramirez. he’s my boyfriend, and we’ve been dating for almost two years. we love green tea cake and comics, that’s why we feel that we fit in and become a couple. Felix is my senior in miracle academy, we meet each other in the futsal match. he’s a council member and he love futsal as well. I’m so comfortable with him all the time, but till now, I believe that he’s my true soul mate. tomorrow, I’ll prove it.

Tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday, my first transformation. I hope it’ll be for the best, even though everyone said that the first transformation will be hurt because monster harvester tried to chase young wolf. My mom always said that they were just telling lies, I hope my mom words was truth.

Felix also said that way, but he looked so quiet these days. He refused to meet me after school two days ago, I have no idea what’s the reason behind the refusion. He refused to drive me home yesterday when my tires exploded because of little nails. He acts so weird whenever I try to borrow his phone to take a selfie.

I forced him to enjoy some shrimp balls at the cafe today. He drove me home. He’s standing before me without showing up his cute dimples. He’s going to be weird, even though our relationship never got serious matter, I admit that he’s weird now. He’s changing to be someone different from the first time we met.

“What’s wrong, Babe?”

“Kate, I don’t think we’re compatible anymore. Our relationship is messed up right now,” Felix said in such an ambiguous tone.

The amber eyes looked strange to me.

“But … I don’t get it. Which one messed up anyway?”

“I’m not comfortable anymore. You’re acting like a baby, although you’re almost seventeen. You’re childish.”

“Erm, what do you mean? You said that isn’t a problem,” I asked in a hoarse voice.

“I admit it isn’t big deal, but you know that you’re almost seventeen. You couldn’t act like a baby all the time.” Felix looked at me with an unfriendly gaze.

“What’s wrong with you? I didn’t know if I couldn’t do that again. I didn’t know what kind of the matter you’re talking about, Babe.”

I tried to make everything more conducive so I wouldn’t get into a ridiculous quarrel with him. Felix sighed in desperation. He’s averted his gazes to another object before us. He doesn’t want to look at me for a long time like what he’s doing to me before.

“Kate, how did you think that our relationship hasn’t a big matter?” he asked me.

“I didn’t think that way, our relationship is okay. You loved me and I loved you.”

“No. I asked you. How did you always think that our rela–”

I chimed in, “Babe, what’s wrong with you? Just tell me why? What happened?”

Once again, he sighed but now, he’s going deeper. He turned his head facing me, while grabbing my palm. His breath sounds like someone who’s participated in a marathon contest.

“I was texting you about our relationship. We couldn’t be together because we no longer fit in with each other. I tried to fall in love with you every day. I hoped I had the same feeling as when we met the first time,” Felix said in a weird gesture.

“Are you serious about that? You want to break up with me?” I asked him once more time.

Felix took a deep breath. “It’s so hard to put into words. But yes … Kate, I think we should break up.”

“But why? What’s the strong reason for breaking up? We were comfortable with each other. We were so sticky like a sticker. We never had a big quarrel before. I couldn’t change my personality if our big problem was my childish personality.”

“Kate, please… you know that in a relationship. When you’re not in the same way as your partner you should be gone.”

“Could you answer my question in the honest way? Do you love me?” I shot him with a pointed question.

“I love you but loving someone doesn’t mean you have to be in the relationship with someone you doted on.”

I let out an exasperated breath. My chest feels tight and heavy. I turned my gaze to another object. I never imagined I’d be in this position. Felix wants to break up with me, even though he knows I still love him. He texted me a few days ago about his wish to break up with me. I thought it was a joke because I hadn’t texted him since the morning. I sat on the iron bench, looking at him with a sad look.

“I’ve trying to fall in love with you again, Kate. I can’t do that. My affection for you changed as if the elder brother’s affection for his younger sister.”

“Which girl can make you fall in love so quickly?”

“Please don’t accuse me of cheating on you with other girls, because I’m not in love with other girls at all.” Felix defended himself and walked up to me.

He touched my hand gently and then explained what he was really worried about. Felix was worried about my first transformation. He was worried that he wasn't my real partner. I squeezed his hand for a moment and said that I was worried about it too. I explained to Felix that we can get into a relationship, even though Moon Goddess wasn’t written our fate to be together.

Felix smiled then stroked my hair gently. He stood up before me.

“I’m sure you’re just kidding with me like last month. You are playing prank with me.”

Felix shook his head, but he said nothing. My mom opened the main door and looked at us with confusion.

“What are you doing here? Kate, why don’t you take Felix inside? The air outside is so cold, you can get sick if you chat outside.” Mom asked in a puzzled tone.

She stepped up to us. Felix greeted her and apologized for bringing me home a little later than the usual hour. Mom understands that. Mom invites Felix into our house to enjoy a cup of rose tea or warm chocolate. Felix shook his head, he said that he should go home soon because he was going to Elder James’ house. Felix and I looked at each other awkwardly.

“I understand you’re going to be part of the strongest wolf, right? Well, go home and rest soon.” Mom smiled at him.

Felix nodded once more then he rubbed my hair warmly as if our previous conversation was a joke.

“Go to bed soon, don’t stay up late anymore. See you tomorrow, Kate.”

My heart fluttered at his words, but I had to laugh at his innocence. “Felix, take care.”

Felix grinned widely. He winked. I wrapped my arms around my torso and whispered in, “I hope this is just a joke, tomorrow is a big day for me. I know you’re lying, right? You’ll prank on me again like last month. You know that I never joke.”


I woke up when it was already eight in the morning. I’m late to get up early for the umpteenth time. I quickly cleaned myself up and grabbed the suit I had just picked up from the tailor a few days before. A sunflower patterned jumpsuit that is complemented by a yellow outer but made of denim.

I happily started applying my makeup light makeup so I wouldn’t look like a sick wolf in front of everyone. I took half of my hair and tied it a little high.

I went downstairs with happy steps.

“Sweetie, are you awake?”

I heard my mother calling, heard my footsteps coming down the stairs. I immediately ran to meet him because I did not want to waste much time meeting my soul mate immediately. My mother was in the dining room, preparing breakfast for me. He smiled widely.

“Come here, sweetie.”

I walked over to him and received a warm hug.

“Happy birthday, sweetie,” she said.

“Thank you, Mom. I love you,” I mumbled later.

I received a warm kiss from my mom, then she gave me a cute package that was sure to contain delicious food. I immediately gave my kisses on both cheeks.

“I love you too, dear. Be a good girl,” she replied.

I smiled widely, then put the cute packaging in my backpack to school.

I’m just living with my mom now because I don’t know where my dad is now. My daddy was an ordinary human being, which was annoying and disgusting. He still lived with us a few years ago, and now we don’t know his whereabouts. However, I’m grateful that he went away from my life and my mom’s life.

Their relationship may be like humans in general. My mom loves my dad very much, even will do everything possible to survive with one soul mate until the end of life. However, fate said otherwise because my dad had an affair with another woman. And it keeps repeating itself, and it makes me sick.

Honestly, I hate him and want to pounce on him if I’ve transformed into a werewolf. I wanted to rip his neck and let him feel the same pain he did to me. Unknowingly is what made me grow like this, made me grow up with half a grudge shrouding my heart. My mom was one of the unlucky werewolves to get a second chance at finding a mate.

She focused on me and my older sister, who now lives with an Alpha of her choice, Gustov.

After breakfast that morning, I immediately went to school with a cute motorbike as a gift from Elizabeth, my sister. Just now, I parked my motorbike in a special parking lot, and I looked for Felix. I looked around carefully, and suddenly I felt a wolf’s movement inside my body.


I chuckled a little, looked around the place, and found Felix in a park with his arm supporting a comic. I approached him.


He glared at me, and he didn’t seem to like me shouting like that. He’s been acting weird lately. I don’t know what happened to Felix. His brow furrowed in annoyance, and then he looked at me with an annoyed look.

What did I do wrong, I thought.

“Honey, are you still mad? What happened? Why did you suddenly change?” I asked.

He stood up straight, left his comic, and put his hands in his trouser pockets. “Listen to me. I am Felix Klein Ramirez, rejecting you as my mate, Katherina Rosemary.”

I felt lightning as if it struck my body that morning. I don’t understand what made Felix have the heart to do that to me. I thought Felix would be so happy like me. He even refused to let me be his mate. What is wrong with me? What happened to him? He rejected me.

I can’t think well now, and I look stupid. While still standing there looking at Felix, who had left in front of me. I’m devastated now. My eyes feel hot from expelling the clear liquid. I looked at his back once again.

“What happened, Felix? Why did you reject me?” With tears slowly falling, I quickly left that place. Find a safe place to cry.

Lunchtime feels so empty right now, I’m sitting at the same table with my close friends, Britney, and Nina. The two of them had already found their partners, because they were indeed older than me.

“Have you found your mate?” asked Nina with a faint smile.

I nodded.

“Oh, my God, really?!” they both exclaimed so gladly.

“He rejected me, and I don’t know why,” I said.

“Who is he? Does he go to school here too?” Britney asked. I didn’t answer it and ignore it, but Nina already knew the answer.

“I thought it was because of Rafflesia? Or Giselle? Lately they’re both close,” Nina sighed deeply.

“Felix?” Britney asked, making sure.“ But, aren’t you two dating already? How could Felix refuse you?”

“I don’t know.”

Nina and Britney looked at each other when they saw Felix and Giselle come out of a class while chatting. I sighed and stood up. I know maybe Felix and Giselle have a slightly special relationship because they are often together but, am I don’t worthy of Felix.

“Don’t fight in school or you will be punished by Ms. Rogue,” Britney whispered.

I let out a long breath. Staying in school isn’t a good idea for me. I don’t like this. I hate the atmosphere that surrounds me now. I went home immediately and cry as much as I could.

I went home and immediately went to my room, closing the door with a slight slam. I didn’t think that a relationship that had been two years could collapse because of Giselle’s presence. This is weird! Why is it that easy? They were close due to a project from Elder James.

“Sweetheart, what happened? Why did you come home earlier than usual, sweetie?” My mom opened the door slowly.

“It’s all right, Mom.”

“Then why are you crying?” asked my mom.

“I’m not crying, and I just think some dust got into my eyes.”

My mom entered the room and sat on the edge of the bed. “Have you met your mate yet?”

I nodded resignedly.

“Really, sweetie? I hope you two can be together forever, unlike your dad and me,” my mom mumbled, stroking my head.

“But, mom. He rejected me,” I whispered.

“Reject you? How could that be? Haven’t you guys met before?” my mom asked.

“I don’t know why Felix turned me down, mom.” I took a deep breath.

“Oh, honey.”

I got a warm hug from my mom, and she kissed my forehead softly. Tears were falling down my head, making my head spin.

“It’s okay, and there’s still time. Take it easy,” she whispered.

I sobbed in my mom’s arms. I don’t know until what time I cried and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up with an annoying pain in my stomach. I screamed and crumpled the sheets that were already drenched in cold sweat. This pain is more than just an ulcer pain. I got a hand from my mom.

I screamed in pain as I tried to explain what I was feeling at that moment. The pain was getting worse and made me jiggle here and there. I moaned in pain.

“Mom… please do something. This is so painful. Find a doctor or something,” I said through groans of pain.

My mom mumbled softly with a look that words couldn’t describe. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I can’t help you or find a doctor in the middle of the night like this.”


She stroked my head and tried to calm me down, however. I really couldn’t stop feeling the pain.

“Mom, what exactly happened? Why is this so painful?” I asked in such a low voice.

“Your supposed mate is having sex,” she said.

“Then what should I do to relieve this pain, Mom? Please help me. This hurts so much!”

“Sweetheart, forget him. Accept his rejection,” he replied later.

I groaned even more when I heard my mother’s answer. I didn’t know whether to be so happy or sad because I would be living alone. I don’t know if I should accept Felix’s rejection or feel the pain worse than this. It’s just… can I live alone like my mom who was rejected by my dad?


The sun rises on the eastern horizon and illuminates my room as if asking me to get up immediately. I sighed deeply as I tried to get out of my bed, and I saw a strange mark on my body. However, I didn’t know where it came from. I tried to think about it alone and didn’t tell my mom about it, because I understood she must have had a lot to think about.

I got up and immediately took a gray jean and a red t-shirt. I will not take a shower this morning, I don’t need to shower regularly or look good in front of everyone. I will go to school as early as possible from now on, because since I don’t have a mate, I don’t need that kind of treatment.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and immediately went to go downstairs. My footsteps echoed throughout the house, making my mother, who was in the kitchen, immediately turned to stop me.

“I made you a serving of your favorite spaghetti with cheese on top. Have breakfast first.”

Mom, I’m not in the mood to eat anything today, I complained to myself.

“Honey are you still thinking about it?” asked my mom with worried eyes.

“No, Mom. I’m just not feeling well.” I shrugged.

“Would you like me to allow it to your teacher? You look pale and—”

“I’ll be in today, Mom. No need to worry.” I answered while walking to a dining table to eat his spaghetti.

“Honey, how are you feeling? Did you feel something odd?” he asked then.

Does she know the lines, I asked myself.

She looked at me a little scared.

I shook my head, “I’m fine, Mom.”

“Okay, but you really are okay, right?” She asked again with concern.

I nodded and smiled. “I’m fine, Mom. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Allright darling. I finished your meal and I’ll take you to school,” my mother mumbled.

I was shocked and shook my head, declining his offer. “No, Mom. You don’t have to take me.”

“You don’t have to take me to school, mom.” I smiled and gave her a big hug. “Mom, I’m fine. I don’t need a ride. I’m fine. I’ve got it.”

I winked. “And I can take care of myself.”

“Honey, I trust you. Besides, I think you need to find another mate.”

“I hope so, Mom.”

“Hello honey how are you today?” greeted Nina when I had just entered the class.

“I’m fine,” I said with a shrug.

“Is that true?” Britney confirmed, bringing her face closer. “You cried all night?”

“Not really.” I smiled wryly.

I saw Felix and Giselle chatting together for the second time, passing in front of our class. Felix and I were in different classes. He was 3-2 with Giselle while we were 1-2. I’m bowing my head with worry now. I was afraid that I couldn’t find another mate even though my mom always gave me positive words before I left for school. I just thought that I still wasn’t willing to break the relationship I’d been in two years with Felix. I love that alpha.

“Look at the bitch from Scarlett Moon. It sucks. If only this wasn’t the school controlled by Scarlett Moon, I’d have made sure she regretted ruining your relationship with Felix,” Britney hissed.

Nina chimed in on Britney’s hiss while folding both of her hands in front of her chest. “Huh... what are you expecting from Scarlett Moon? Scarlett Moon’s werewolves have a better intensity than the rest of the pack.”

“Scarlett Moon has many great, handsome, and dazzling Alphas. Why isn’t Giselle looking for Alpha in her own pack?” Britney complained.

Nina clucked. “Have you ever heard that something outside our zone looks so tempting compared to what’s in our zone?”

I ignored their conversation and chose to put my backpack on the table. I could still feel pain, anger, and betrayal when I saw Felix so attentive to Giselle. I don’t understand what makes Felix so attracted to Giselle. Is it because Giselle is a werewolf with beautiful fur?

Nina looked at me. “Forget about him, Kate. I’m sure you can still attract the attention of another Alpha who is more loyal than Felix.”

I exhaled so heavily. “I don’t know. I just haven’t been able to forget the memories of the two of us. I don’t know how to forget those memories in such a short period. I love him, Nina.”

Britney interrupted our conversation, “Why are you thinking of an Alpha who hurt you, huh? You’re young, and you might still be able to find another Alpha. Can we go to the park after school?”

“Good choice, dear Britney. Maybe if we go to the park and take a walk to see the beautiful flowers in the garden, you can forget Felix, Kate.” Nina said.

I shook my head. “I really don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to sleep after school.”

“My sweet Kate, come on. We’ll treat you whatever you want. Do you want sweet smoked beef? It’s a sweet pop cycle? Do you want something we don't know?”

I sighed once more. “But....”

“Come on. We’ve both asked permission to accompany you,” Nina mumbled.

I thought for a second, then nodded. I don’t want to disappoint the two of them.



“Boss, I have a new journal for you,” said a woman with straight hair as she walked into the luxurious room.

The man sitting on one of the chairs raised his eyebrows, giving a gesture to a man in a black suit to approach the woman. Please pick up a journal that will be his new book. The man in the black suit immediately handed the journal to his Master.

“I would also say that your parents told you to take care of the observation visit,” mumbled the woman.

“Should I take care of that?” he asked.

“Of course, I’m just reminding you of this. The Great Lord wants you to take care of the work or find a mate.”

The man simply exhaled so lazily, leaning his body on the back of the chair. “Get out of my room, don’t bother me.”

“But, what if Miss Madonna—“

“Get her out. I would rather not see her again. My business with her is done.”

“Okay, Mr. Gregory,” mumbled the woman.

The man with the surname Gregory quickly checked his journal, while the man with the black after could only sigh and stood beside him intently. A few minutes later, he just took a deep breath.

“Mr. Gregory, I think people are right,” said the man in the black suit.

“About what, Judith?” asked the handsome man.

“About you, sir. You are too cold and stiff. Maybe that’s what makes it difficult for you to find Mate,” said the man named Judith.

“What’s wrong with me, Judith?” asked the handsome man a second time.

“You should be sweeter to everyone you are. I know you are such a handsome and authoritative Alpha, but there’s no harm in not interacting with the others?”

“I’ve had enough of Madonna,” said the man with Gregory’s surname.

“Sir, don’t you feel sorry if your mate somewhere is in pain?” asked Judith.

“Hm... Can you give me some advice? Should I go to that school? I didn’t intend to meet those brat kids.”

“That’s your job, sir. I thought you should attend that school. After all, you can’t possibly give this task to your little brother because he will take care of his own activities,” Judith replied.

“Well, that sounds so ironic. I must see them again.” The handsome man stood up and asked that Judith prepare the car. He would get out of his room and go to find some fresh air out there.

“Don’t let Madonna come back here, or I’ll punish you,” Gregory grumbled.

“Well, Mr. Gregory. What about the planned visit to school?” asked Judith once again.

“Don’t ask me. I don’t want to talk about it.”

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