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Lusting After My Lawyer

Lusting After My Lawyer

Mr Ben


Vanessa lost her parents in plane crash and this event turned her sweet life into a sad and painful one. Her uncle who used to be nice to her when her parents were alive forcefully collected her inheritance and treated her like a nobody. In the verge to fight her uncle and take back her inheritance, she met a lawyer named Adam and her life evolved into what she least expected.

Chapter 1 The Wealthy Thompsons

Vanessa is lying on a luxurious bed in a beautiful room, the room is painted with the colour of pink and a touch of white. She turns to the left side of the bed and opened her eyes to behold once again the beauty of her room. Her room was specially designed by her father, Mr Jude Thompson who is both an Architect and an Interior Designer. Just as she was about to jump of from her bed, she heard a gentle knock on her door and a voice saying "Vanessa darling, Arise and Shine, it's a new day, remember you have a dancing class to attend this morning".

Immediately, the person finished speaking, she rushed to the door and opened it. It was her Mother, Mrs Mabel Thompson. As Vanessa opened the door, she hugged her mother, passionately, and said "A sweet morning to you Mum!". Her Mother looked at her like someone gazing at the North Star, wondering how beautiful the North Star is. Vanessa then pecked her mother on her right cheek and this brought back Mrs Thompsons' consciousness. She then said to Vanessa, "your beauty can't be compared to anyone my darling Vanessa, even with the morning look on your face, you are still looking beautiful... Please, go and have your bath and come downstairs to the dinner, I am preparing Breakfast Sandwich, your favourite, you need to be in good shape for your dancing class". Vanessa nodded her head agreeing to her mother's instructions, she pecked her mother again and shut the door. After taking her bath, she sat down in the front of a mirror in her room and began to admire herself in the mirror. Vanessa room was located upstairs in the Thompsons' mansion that looked like the palace of a king. As Vanessa walked down the stairs to the Dinning Room she was greeted by her father, Mr Jude Thompson. When she saw her father, she hurriedly went to hug him and said " A Gorgeous Beautiful morning to you Dad!.. hope you slept well?" Her father then responded, " yes my little angel, I slept well... Let's go eat breakfast so that I can drop you off at your dancing rehearsals on my way to work.

Vanessa is 23 years old, and she is the only surviving daughter of Mr and Mrs Jude Thompson. They had three children, James, Phoebe and Vanessa. James and Phoebe died in a fatal motor accident, making Vanessa the only surviving child they have, and this made them to shower her with excessive love and care. After the family breakfast, Mr Thompson hugged his wife, kissed her passionately and told Vanessa to meet him in the car garage because she was still eating. Vanessa hurried her food, hugged her mother and ran out to meet her father. He was waiting in front of his Lexus RX 350 model car for her. When they got to Vanessa dancing school she hugged her father and pecked him as she jumped down from the car. Vanessa loves dancing so much, she sees dancing as the essence of her existence. So after graduation from College, her parents enrolled her in a dancing school to be trained as a professional dancer. As Mr Thompson dropped off Vanessa, he received a call from Thomas, his manager "Sir, Please do not forget that we have a meeting today with our partners" Mr Thompson replied "Of course, how can I forget, am close to the office". Mr Thompson is the CEO of The Thompsons' Enterprise, a company that is into Architectural works and Interior Designing. The Thompsons' Family is regarded as the most wealthy family in the whole of Venice City, every business enterprise wants a partnership with them, because the benefits attached are mouth watering. As Mr Thompson got to the office he was greeted by his Manager. Mr Thomas is like a son to Mr Thompson. Mr Thompson so much loved Thomas because of how coordinated Thomas is and how hard working he is. Mr Thompson had plans on willing some of his properties to Thomas to reward him for being a good worker in his company. As Mr Thompson walked into the company, seeing his brother who was waiting for his arrival, he called him "Michael! What are you doing here? why didn't you come to the house?" Michael replied "Big Brother, i wanted to see you for something very important, that can't be discussed in the house, don't be offended" Mr Thompson then replied "And what could that be" Michael then replied " I have serious health problem which I need money to solve, and that is what brought me" Mr Thompson, looking at his brother like someone who reads the mind of people replied "Like how much do you need?" Michael then said " 500 dollars" Mr Thompson then told him "Go and meet the accountant to sign you a cheque of 1,000 dollars". Hearing this from his brother, Michael looked at his brother like someone who just saw a ghost, he couldn't believe that his brother would double the amount of money he wanted. He then said in gratitude "thank you very much Big Brother, this is why I call you Big Brother!". Michael is the only brother of Mr Thompson. Thier parents died when Michael was still tender, and since the death of their parents, Thompson have never allowed his brother to lack anything, he took responsibility for his brother. Mr Thompson went into conference hall for the meeting which ended well. On his way back home, he branched at Vanessa's dancing school to pick her, but as he got closer to the school, he saw Vanessa with a boy from afar and smiled. As Vanessa turned to check if her father was approaching, she waved the boy as Mr Thompson got closer to the school. The boy was scared to return the wave because of Mr Thompson. As Vanessa got into the car before she could greet her father, Mr Thompson asked her softly "Who is he?" Vanessa smiled at her father and replied "His name is Benjamin and he is my boyfriend". Mr Thompson looked at his daughter keenly and zoomed off.

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