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A Sniff From The Alpha: The Stain Of Her Scent

A Sniff From The Alpha: The Stain Of Her Scent



Just a chef, that is what I thought. Dedicating my life to the House Of Alphas, I thought things would finally become smooth for me, especially when favoured by the next Alpha. But right at that moment, squeezed in that darkened trunk that reeked of chicken poop, there was no doubt that things had gotten pretty soar for me. "Goddess Herak… please, do not let me suffer too much as I face my death." In a whispering tone, I poured my eyes out. The hotness of my tears was like fire in my eyes, and on my cheeks. And my heart… it shook along with the dancing car. When the vehicle stopped, I could feel myself vibrating. That fear was real. The smell of one of the most dreadful packs wafted into my nostrils. "Jersey…" Silently, I cried out with a bleeding heart. ~~~~~ "I, the crowned Alpha have sniffed, and permanently marked her scent. It isn't a stain!" All Rights Reserved Copyright 2022 A SNIFF FROM THE ALPHA: THE STAIN OF HER SCENT

Chapter 1 Episode 1

The air became thinner as she got closer. Shutting my eyes for a moment, I tasted the foul smell dangling on the tip of my nostrils. Then it softly landed on the table before me. Feeling myself draw closer below into it, I paused when it got stronger.

"Why did you get me this rotten food? Who made this?"

With my eyes still shut, my head met the headrest. The rhythm of their shaky hearts fell into my ears.

Then that limping step came, and my eyes slowly opened.

"She was driven out… out by… I mean, taken–"

"Find yourself out of here this second, and make sure you return with my chef! You got that, you fucktard?!"

"Right away, crowned Alpha." He limped off, counting his steps.

As if counting Cyril's receding steps, my hand sent the tray of trash crashing down. As the sharp gasp burst out of my servant's mouth, I rose back to my feet, and glared at them. With full rage spreading like smoke, I stormed my way through the hallway and into the indoor pool.

Heavy noise filled the space.

Not minding the sexy women with their bare asses popping like popcorn before my very face; my gaze fired at one who lazily laid at one corner in a lounging chair. That slender one with a face identical to an angel… sadly. That face I wished I could peel off and toss it to the black wolves.


Flashing me that evil smile, she stood, wrapping a scarf around her broomstick waist. "Hey, brother. You should join the little pool party with my–"

"Damn you and your loose mouth!"


"I'm gonna rip that hand off if it stains my skin!"

Rolling my sleeves up to my elbows, the sound of Firsy's heart beating wildly filtered into my ear as she retreated from my blazing form. Behind me, her stupid guests rushed out of the pool, slapping water against the floor as they picked their hearts.

The smell of fear was the fragrance I needed to perceive at that moment.

"I'm gonna tell Mom!"

"Mama's girl. Go cry to your Mommy again so she would come and fight me, you stupid cunt!"

"You should stop insulting me now, Jersey!"

The urge to rain curses at her flooded my mind, and so I gave in…

"Didn't I warn you to stay off anything that concerns me, including my chef!? How dare a little weak pup like you flaunt that order?!"

"I knew you're this high because of that filthy slave girl who somehow crawled into none other but my twin brother's stomach!"

"You're barking like a little drenched dog again, right?"

"I'm no dog, Jersey, but a werewolf! Stop calling me a dog!"

"When you stop behaving like a tiny annoying dog, I will!"

"I'm gonna fucking skin that omega alive! I'm gonna tell Mom!"

Forcefully, I yanked her back, to smell my rage. "Come right back, my friend!"

"Ow!" She fought to loosen my grip. "You're hurting my arm, Jersey!"

"Start talking where you'd kept Moon, then I'd consider the punishment to give you!"

"Let go of my baby's arm right now, Jersey!"

Turning to see that familiar snarling wolf taking heavy steps towards me and that twin I wished I never had, for safety reasons best kept, I released my grip.

"A second out and you want to kill her for me?" Her mind-link was as sharp as her oral tone.

A mother I'm sure I took after, but she was more fierce than I could imagine. Her glowing yellow eyes burns more than looking directly at the blazing sun, and her white wolf with black stripes, stretched as far as several feets to the roof…

"Mommy!" Taking that opportunity, Firsy threw her arms around the wolf's furry neck. "Jersey wanted to punish me again because of that stupid omega, Mommy!" Her fake tears gushed down like the thin stream from our backyard, down the rocks.

"You want to punish..? Then you should go ahead and punish me, because I showed that tramp the way to end her mystery!"


"One more word from that mouth, Jersey, and I'd forget you're the next Alpha!"

Fuck! The rage was trying to take over from within as I felt my wolf growling. Unlike me, my wolf could destroy, then think about it afterwards.

"Mommy deal with Jersey for me…" That evil little pup glanced at me while gluing herself to the Luna.

She knew quite well to stay glued or…

"If your brother harasses you again, then I will surely deal with him. I'm gonna start from that omega, sending words for her to be burnt alive on a stake!"

As if frozen, I watched as the evil wolf and her pup sauntered off. The mocking giggles weaving around Firsy's heart filtered into my ear, irritatingly.


Just a chef, that was what I thought. Dedicating my life to the House Of Alphas, I thought things would finally become smooth for me, especially when favoured by the next Alpha. But right at that moment, squeezed in that darkened trunk that reeked of chicken poop, there was no doubt that things had gotten pretty soar for me.

"Goddess Herak…please, do not let me suffer too much as I face my death." In a whispering tone, I poured my eyes out.

The hotness of my tears was like fire in my eyes. And my heart…it shook along with the dancing car.

When the vehicle stopped, I could feel myself vibrating. That fear was real. The smell of one of the most dreadful packs wafted into my nostrils.

"Jersey…" Silently, I cried out with a bleeding heart.

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