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Falling for Alpha

Falling for Alpha



He was rumored to be ruthless, cold and inconsiderable, what happens when he sees a lady who had pierced her way through the heart of this man at first sight but everything comes with a price, she has become the target of his enemies. "Stop calling me your mate, I don't know you " I said to the man who seemed like he didn't listen to what I had said , '' You are my mate, I will make you mine, whether you accept it or not "

Chapter 1 Quinn

Quinn's POV

"Quinn,what do you think you are doing, sleeping! ? " the look on Sabrina's eyes showed sign of pity, at least that was what she wanted me to think as she stared down at my lifeless body , one she had condemned to starvation and slavery.

" Where…. where am I? " I asked, trying to avoid eye contact with her, " Oh my God Quinn, I have been calling for you for the past thirty minutes.

``There was a slight tone of mockery in her voice . " What!, thirty minutes?.. how can I just pass out just like that? " , thirty minutes was a whole lot of time for me, it was almost time for dinner and if I don't get finished with vacuuming the rooms on the third and fourth floor, then I can as well kiss today's meal goodbye just like the previous day.

" Sometimes I wonder what's your worth in this mansion if you can't do some basic cleaning " coming from the person who had never laid her hands on a broom.

"See, I'm doing my best for you since I consider you as a friend but if you don't finish today's work there's no food for you " she said even when she had reminded me a lot of timestimes.

Sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if she gets a kind of feeling of satisfaction whenever she says that to me.

" I'm sorry but I would like to be left alone " I immediately told her my mind because only God knew what I would have done if she had stayed there any longer .

" Not without taking a picture and sending it to the college group ".

This was my life, a life as a slave to one of the most well known packs in the country , the silver pack and Sabrina as the only daughter to the alpha of the pack, what a lucky girl.

" Please can you not do this to me, I will be the laughing stock of the school " , I knew why she was doing this, she saw me as a competition ever since we met Jacob, she had always find ways to embarrass me so Jacob could see my flaws .

" I have told you times without number, I don't have anything to do with Jacob, I am not even friends with him " I remembered the last conversation I had with her about Jacob "you can deceive everyone else but certainly not me " she said " you can ask him yourself " and that was the last time we talked of Jacob but who knew she still had that thought to herself .

It was true, I wasn't friends with Jacob even before Sabrina had started stalking him, I only talked to him or would I say bow to him as a guest whenever he visited Mr Gabriel, Sabrina's father who was also the alpha male .

" Don't make me feel bad Quinn, I am only doing this for you so when Jacob sees you dressed like this, he won't be surprised " ,maybe someone needed to remind her that Jacob had seen me in clothes that even beggars would call rags .

" I thought we were bestfriends ,so why do this to me ? " I cried in pain, I had a reputation to manage, if she post that video, my lonely life as the girl who eats alone would be over.

" Of course we are, have I ever said otherwise? " she asked

" Wh… . . "

"Good evening madam Sabrina, sorry to interrupt but there is something I must tell you " my foster father said, there was no words to explain how happy I was that he had interrupted the moment.

" What is it, old man?".

She didn't even care that I was in her presence as she rudely said those words to him but knowing my father , he cared less about whatever she said.

" I would like to inform you that Sir Jacob is here to visit the alpha " .

Those words were enough for her to rush to the living room where he was waiting.

" Do you realize the trouble you just saved me from? " I said to my father, " why do you think I came here?, clearly Sabrina had no business with Sir Jacob's visit but I had to make her leave you alone " .

This was one of the reasons I loved this man, although he wasn't my real father but he had a long time ago filled that position, he had even went to the extent of pleading with the alpha male to deduct from his salary so I could be sent to the same school as Sabrina.

"Grhh" my ravaging stomach called for our attention,

"you know the rule of the house, no work no food, so please hurry up " this was a rule set up by Sabrina that even my father can't mess with but the only difference was that I was given chores that were too much for a human to talkless for a twenty year old lady.

" But father, there is no way I can finish the chores before dinner, that means I will have to go hungry for two conservatives days " I said for my father to look at me with pity before looking at both left and right as if trying to check if anyone was coming.

" The alpha and the rest of the pack would be very busy with an event tonight, just get done with the hallway and tomorrow you can finish with the rooms " , immediately he said those words,a weird feeling of happiness started gushing into me since I had lost hope of ever tasting anything that evening but I needed to be sure so I won't draw problems for my father and I.

" How did you know that? " I asked " Sir Jacob told me " , if there was one thing I knew about Jacob, he was a talkative making me wonder what Sabrina must had seen in him

" but what if…. . .. ``

'' don't think about it, based on what I learnt, the event is very important and no member of the pack would dare miss unless he or she is seeking their death wish", which made me thinking what must had happened for an event like this to occur since it was very rare for the pack to call for a mandatory meeting.

"Enough of the talks about the pack, what's really going on between you and Jacob? ".

I knew this question was going to come sooner or later " father you know there is nothing going on between Jacob and I, we don't even talk even when we run into each other in school so why are you guys saying I have something to do with Jacob? " I asked "are you sure about that because that's not what I heard ``.

"Whatever you heard is a lie , what makes you think I would be attracted to a man who talks too much and wouldn't lower himself to talk to me? " ,at that moment I felt like killing anybody who would join the names Jacob and Quinn in the same sentence.

"That's what you should have said, you like Jacob but you are afraid that he wouldn't return the feeling because of your background " father said, it was supposed to be the other way around, I can't recall the number of times I have caught Jacob staring at me but due to my non caring attitude, I waved it. "

Can you not mention Jacob's name again so I can finish my chores ? " I said for my father to look at me in mischief, for an old man, he certainly does talk dirty.

" I understand, Jacob's name can be distracting especially to you but if you finish fast you could talk to him " there was no way I was going to do that, our conversation shouldn't pass ' good day sir ' . " I also saw the way you reacted the moment I said Jacob was here , you don't have to worry, he came for the alpha and not Sa…. " before he could complete his sentence, the look on my face immediately shut him up and he left.

" Me and Jacob?, that's impossible, I'd rather stay single forever," I murmured to myself…. .

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