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Journey Of A Transmigrator

Journey Of A Transmigrator

Little Nerd 001


After Ciara died in a car accident orchestrated by her step-sister and step-mother, she met with a Soul Reaper, Alexandra, who offered her a proposition to transmigrate into different worlds as different identities to fight for other innocent souls like hers who died unjust deaths. But she would have to first reincarnate to solve her problem in her past life, before being granted the opportunity, else, her soul and that of the Soul Reaper, would perish. Join Ciara Smith in her adventure, with Alexandra in a dark void in her mind, as she journeys through various worlds to avenge the souls of the identities she takes and fulfil the wishes they had before their death. Alexandra: Cici, you've got the brains and the looks, why are you still after the big shots! You can clearly complete these missions on your own! Leave those innocent men alone!!! Ciara: Oh calm down Alex. I'm a girl, and I've got physical and mental needs. Plus, with these men in my palm, the missions pass in a breeze. It's as good as enjoying different lifetimes with different men! Hahaha. Alexandra: Crazy... Absolutely crazy. Note; some smut scenes present.

Chapter 1 Dead

Ciara Williams lived a rather unstable live, always in the shadow of her

elder sister who took credit for every thing she did. Her only sin was to be

born of a mistress and taken in to the William home at sixteen. Her elder

sister, Maria Williams, hated and aimed mishaps at her. Her step-mother

maltreated her and tortured her to death.

With the two ladies of the William house behind her, Ciara was the target of

public criticism and hate, till she was eventually involved in an accident on her

way to school. Looking up, a crowd gathered around her as she was slowly

loosing consciousness, but no one stepped up to help her. Who would help a

good-for-nothing illegitimate child with no shame? Who would step up knowing

fully well everything Ciara 'did' to her elder sister? People called her a dumb

beauty while some called her evil, but one thing is inevitable, and that was

the fact that Ciara was way more beautiful than Maria.

Amongst the people who gathered around her nearly dead body, she could clearly

see a man, pale faced man in a dark suit, but the more she looked at him, the

more she thought him surreal. He stood among the crowd, yet, seemed different

from them.

Before she could think more to the matter, her consciousness slowly faded

and she felt herself grow light. After what felt like forever, she felt her

pain subsided, she couldn't feel anything, she could only hear the criticism of

those around her.

"The illegitimate daughter of the William family passed away in a car

accident, pathetic"

"Serves her right for scheming against her sister"

"She's quite pitiful though, she didn't even get to say goodbye to her


"What father? He only took her in because her mother was dying and she

was his blood. Do you think Elvis Williams is a good guy? He might have dome it

for public opinion"

"Her father doesn't accept her. I don't know where you got your

information from but from a reliable source, I heard it was the Old Master of

the Williams family that accepted her back. Even her father doesn't recognize

her as his child"

"Those rich people are quite disgusting"

The onlookers kept talking till they finally dispersed but Ciara definitely

didn't want to hear anymore of it. She was in shock. One minute she was lying

on her blood in pain and the next minute, she was standing in the audience,

staring numbly at her lifeless self in front of her.

"Impossible" She murmured. She looked around but it seemed no one

could even see her. "Impossible" she mumbled again. She just couldn't

find any suitable explanation for what was going on. She looked around once

more and noticed the pale man in black, staring right at her!

"You...You can see me? You see..." she couldn't even form a simple

sentence due to anxiety. Looking back at the man, then her corpse, then back to

the man, her eyes widened in shock. "You...see ghosts? I'm a ghost? Do you

know what's happening? What do I do? I..." She didn't even know what more

to say, she could only look at the man in front of her who stared back at her

silently. "You..."

Just as she was about to urge him to speak, she saw someone walk through

him, then her, before she suddenly turned dumb.

Staring at her dumbfounded state, the pale man sighed before he calmly said,

"Ciara Williams, illegitimate daughter of the Williams family. Always at

the mercy at her step-mother and step-sister. Only backbone being the Old

Master of the Williams family, Samuel Williams, eldest member and Patriarch of

the Williams family. Ignored by biological father and slandered by both people

who know her and those who don't. Eventually, lost in thought about her

pathetic life, she's involved in a car accident orchestrated by evil

Step-sister Maria and Step-mother Sophie. Am I right?".

Ciara was not shocked that the mysterious man in front of her knew of her

identity and predicament, rather, she was shocked upon finding out that it was

Maria and her Step-mother who actually killed her. "You...is what you're

saying true? Did Maria and Aunty Sophie really...really kill me?".

Noting her discomfort, the pale man could only shake his head before

explaining, "If not them, who? The masses? We both know that they only

love to gossip and no psycho maniac would waste his or her time to actually

kill you, knowing fully well the Old Master is on your side and risking a life

imprisonment, or worse, death? They may be stupid but I don't think they're

that stupid. Not like Sophie or Maria are they're idols or something".

Listening to the pale man's explanation, Ciara could only sigh. "It's

all done, so there's no mulling over spilled milk. Now, I'm dead, and there's

no going back. But you haven't told me who you are yet. Are you an Angel taking

me to Heaven or a Demon taking me to Hell?".

The pale man stared at the curious eyes in front of him in silence, waiting

to see her reaction to his silence. But Ciara didn't back down, she just stared

and waited for him to talk patiently.

Seeing her persistence, the pale man asked, "Do you really want to

know?", to which Ciara hurriedly nodded.

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