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My first love is a 150 kilograms omega

My first love is a 150 kilograms omega



Alpha is a genius and is capable of everything. Alpha has a passion when smelling the scent of omega when heat. Alpha can marry omega and beta, make up 30% of the world’s population and have a long life expectancy. Omega makes up 5% of the world’s population, has a high fertility rate of 100%. Omega is weak, sick, has a low life expectancy, will give off a scent when it’s time to have sex. Alpha will dominate them. Beta is a normal person, does not have arousal or arousal. The scent of omega does not affect beta, fertility is low 2%. Alpha or beta can be married. Beta accounts for 65% of the world’s population. They divided the modern world into omega, alpha, and beta. 16 years old will divide the sexes. The main character is Shawn Reid. He loves the school’s prince Jimmy Ellis. Because Shawn Reid is too fat, Jimmy Ellis and his friends always bully, beat, and destroy his school supplies. Jimmy Ellis has a cold, arrogant, honorable, jealous personality, like Shawn Reid, but he is afraid that people will laugh at him for loving a fat guy, so he always pretends to hate Shawn Reid. The truth is Shawn Reid is a neighbor of Jimmy Ellis. Every day Shawn Reid cooks for Jimmy Ellis. During a high school basketball game, Shawn Reid meets an omega in heat, misunderstood and jealous Jimmy Ellis. Jimmy Ellis’ juniors bullied Shawn Reid, kicked him out of the car. They robbed Shawn Reid, almost raped. A man rescued Shawn Reid. Later, this person was his stepfather. Shawn Reid confessed to Jimmy Ellis, but he refused him. Jimmy Ellis’ juniors almost drowned Shawn Reid. The swimming instructor threatened Shawn Reid not to talk about this and kicked him out of the swim club. Shawn Reid’s parents divorced, so they moved to another place. Shawn Reid was heartbroken, so he was very upset. He agreed to move house with his mother. In the new place, he transformed into a special omega, spent all day in the hospital doing experiments that made him lose weight, successfully lose weight, become handsome. While in high school, Shawn Reid met Jimmy Ellis again. Shawn Reid is the omega, Jimmy Ellis is the alpha. No matter which school he went to, wherever he moved, Jimmy Ellis was hooked on Shawn Reid. In the past, Shawn Reid was in love with Jimmy Ellis. In the present, he just wants to study well, go to work and earn a lot of money, earn a gentle beta to get married. Shawn Reid vows never to love Jimmy Ellis again. But the heat of the omega made it impossible for Shawn Reid to leave Jimmy Ellis. What should he do?

Chapter 1 Do not eat!

The end of class bell rang, students rushed to the door, rushed to the cafeteria to buy food. There is no shortage of food in the school, but there are some really expensive dishes, not competing is a loss.

I looked towards the last table across the class, where the most prominent group of people in the class gathered. Jimmy Ellis sat in a chair, right in the center. His figure is tall, neat and healthy hair, handsome face, slightly fierce eyes when looking at people. He just said something to the girl sitting in front. She blushed and got up and walked out of the classroom.

“Jimmy Ellis is number one. He just said one sentence that the class beauty immediately stopped eating, went to buy water on demand without a word of complaint.”

“Who is Jimmy Ellis? With a single nod from him, there are countless students ready to squeeze through the scary crowd in the cafeteria to buy him food.”

Jimmy Ellis kicked the boy’s leg as he spoke, rolling his eyes in warning. “Are you standing here gossiping because you want to starve this afternoon?”

A group of students noisily asked him what he wanted to eat so that they could line up to buy it. This is a scene that often happens when it’s time for a lunch break. Hot boy of the school, Jimmy Ellis, always has a bunch of juniors around to take his heart. He doesn’t need to do anything himself. There will always be someone willing to volunteer to do it for him.

Everyone was just standing up when they bumped into me, who was carrying the cages.

“Whoa, look who came looking for Jimmy Ellis? Isn’t this our class pig?”

“Hey, you’re really clingy. Every lunch brings rice to invite Jimmy Ellis. Didn’t he forbid you to come near this pig?”

“Are you trying to invite Jimmy Ellis to eat to be fat, full of fat like you, pig?”

Jimmy Ellis’ fierce gaze shot straight into my face. I bowed my head in fear, walking persistently forward. Jimmy Ellis’ juniors seemed to want to see my antics, so they automatically parted to the sides to make way. The air was suddenly quiet, even they can hear my nervous breathing.

I looked at the stony face in front of me, slightly retracting my neck, making the fat under the neck more visible.

“I cook lunch for you. Let’s eat together, okay?”

“Do not eat!” Grumpy answer.

I bit my lip, tugging at his sleeve. Jimmy Ellis threw his lunch box to the ground. A student next to me quickly shoved me.

“How dare you touch Jimmy Ellis with your dirty hands?”

I bumped into someone and we both fell to the ground. The lunch box rolled around and hit the table leg. I looked at him in shock. In a sitting position, I could only see the side of his indifferent face.

Everyone around laughed and teased the unsteady student who was hit by me. He raised his hand to hit someone. “This fat boy, I beat you to death...”

Jimmy Ellis’ movements were quick. A kick straight to the knee of the other student made him pounce, and his fist didn’t hit me.

“So noisy! Fuck off!”

The green-faced student got up and ran after everyone. Everyone well known that Jimmy Ellis hates noise. No one dared stand up to his anger.

The class quickly left just me and Jimmy Ellis. He kicked my knee, nonchalantly said. “It was dirty.”

I lowered my head, my bangs hiding my red eyes from self-pity. I picked up the lunch box and put it on the table and sat down at the table next to Jimmy Ellis. The three-tiered lunch box, the food turned upside down when it fell to the ground, looked ugly. I was just about to put the least messy portion of rice on his table when I heard a hateful voice.

“Huh. I don’t eat pig feed.”

I quietly sat down at the table, picked up my chopsticks, and ate myself. Eat two pieces, I whispered. “It doesn’t look good, but the taste isn’t bad.”

Jimmy Ellis glared at me.

I bit my chopsticks, not wanting to give up. “I got up at five in the morning to prepare. Don’t you want to try a genuine piece?”

My response was a fierce glare. I quickly bowed my head to eat. Anyway, there’s not much time for lunch. I have to eat quickly and get out of here before Jimmy Ellis’s friends get back.

He kicked the leg of the chair I was sitting on hard. Jimmy Ellis’ irritated voice echoed in the classroom.

“You’re so fat that I kick your chair and it won’t fall.”

I pursed my lips. The hand holding the chopsticks trembled uncontrollably. That’s right, I was the most popular in school because of my short and fat appearance, normal academic performance, timidity, and no outstanding features. After a classmate accidentally discovered that my phone was full of Jimmy Ellis pictures, I became the object of the school’s bullying.

I like secretly the hot boy in the school is not wrong, wrong here is my gender. A boy who unilaterally idolizes everyone, under the indifference of Jimmy Ellis. I don’t know when they ostracize and hate me.

Jimmy Ellis continued to kick my chair sarcastically. “Eat like a pig. It is an eyesore.”

I picked up the egg roll and held it in front of him. He glared at me angrily. I shrunk my shoulders, pulled my hand back, but he grabbed my wrist, leaned over, opened my mouth to eat the whole egg roll.

“So sweet.”

Although he criticized the food I cooked, the lips that held the egg were so beautiful. It didn’t take long for me to practice how to make scrambled eggs that are both beautiful and delicious. I blushed when I stared at his lips for a long time. I ate all the egg rolls and hesitantly asked.

“The fried squid is also sweet. Would you like to try it?”

He doesn’t answer but always opens his mouth when I bring food to his mouth.

Loud footsteps coming from the hallway didn’t give me a chance to feed him all his meals. The boys had returned with bread and lunch boxes bought from the cafeteria. Jimmy Ellis received a lunch box bought for him by the class beauty. I think everyone surprise to see me eating at the next table, many of them sarcastically.

“Your pig has been pestering Jimmy Ellis all along? How long are you going to sit here and have a tantrum?”

“Hurry, fat pig. There’s a pig sitting next to you who won’t be able to swallow the food in the canteen.”

“There is a piece of fatty meat sitting next to it, and it tastes good. Roll back like a pig. Don’t walk on two legs.”

Everyone burst out laughing as if the insult was hilarious. I pursed my lips, got up to collect my lunch box, and Jimmy Ellis snatched back.

“Where are you going?”

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