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Cole Harrison is your typical bad boy and an asshole. Despite his playboy title, he never had a girlfriend before and when a weird nerd came to him asking him to be her boyfriend, he accepted her. For him, he's going to use her to do his homework but for her bringing with him was just a dare and she spends her life begging him to break up. She can't deal with him because she's living as a two-person. She a nerd and a sexy model, will Cole find out about her identity?

Chapter 1 1

Chapter 1

Living as two person is such a pain in the ass but I love every second of it. I still get the fame and the private life that I've always wanted.

I was born as Cassie Edwards, your typical nerd at school that always wear braces and glasses. Not to mention that I'm the second daughter of Billy Edwards who is a famous businessman. I have one big sister and 3 older brothers. Yes, that's a lot. But I live as another identity too. I made Katherina Locks. I've been modelling since I was 15 and now I'm 18 years old. I joined a famous model agency called the McCoy Models.

Living as a billionaire daughter and a model was not easy. My family wanted me to have privacy living my school life and not wanting people to bully me too. So when I'm living as Cassie, I used wig and fake braces along with the big glasses. I wore baggy shirts too so I will be invisible.

I used to be bullied when I was in middle school, so I prefer that I stay hidden all the time. Not to mention that I'm not that smart to begin with so.. such a perfect scenario.

I have 4 older siblings. My sister, Clarissa, she's a pianist and famous one. She's so loveable and I always look up to her. Then I have a twin brother, Victor and Vincent. They're 3 years older than me. Victor is an actor and Vincent is a famous chef. As for my oldest brother, Dean, he is the CEO of our company replacing our dad.

I have 3 bestfriends and they're all models. I love them a lot.

"Let me drop you to school." Dean said.

"Breakfast first, Cassie!" My mom said as I'm taking my shoes out from the shoe rack.

"I'm late, mom." I said.

"Make sure to eat at school!" My dad said from his office room.

"Bye!" I said as I dragged Dean with me out form the house. He took out his keys to his Porsche and I got into the passenger seat. I got inside and pulled my small mirror to see myself.

Black wig check

Fake braces check

Big glasses check

Baggy shirt check

"What time will you finish school?" Dean asked as he got in. I put on my seatbelt and ready to go.

"Don't worry about me."

"Ask Clarissa to pick you up, sadly that we only have two drivers and the twins are using it." He said.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. I'll call Clarissa later.."

"She might have practice but I'll let her know." Dean said as he started his car and drove out from the house.

Who doesn't know the Edwards? But my parents successfully keep everyone hidden because they're afraid that we will get affected. So the only kid that people knew was Dean. They knew Billy Edwards has 5 children but the public only knew one. I mean some people knew but my dad always took off our photos from the internet before it gets spread out.

"Dean, stop here." I told him to drop me a block away from my school.

"Okay. Cassie.."

"Hmm?" I asked as I turned to him. He gave me his sandwich and I chuckled.


"Make sure to eat it, you lose a lot of weight after that fashion show."

"I'll keep that in mind!" I said and got out from his car. I looked around and I'm glad that I'm an early bird so there's not a lot of student here. I walked to school and greeted by my bullies. My family never knew that I always got teased a lot at school.

"Look who's here.. Cassie the nerd. So dare or dare?" Gina asked as she cornered me witj her minions.

"Or?" I looked down.

"I dare you to ask Cole Harrison to be your boyfriend." She said and I looked at her in horror.

"No, I can't." I said in a small tone. I really don't want to get into trouble.

"If you don't do it, I'll let the principal know that you stole my things." She threatened me and I know she's not bluffing.

"I'll do it." I said and she gestured me to go. I looked around to look for Cole. I made my way to on the other side of the hallway where I saw him leaning to the locker talking to his friends. This is going to be embarassing but I had no choice.

I walked to him slowly and Gina gestured me to speed up. I stopped right in front of him and he looked at me raising his eyebrows.

"Uhmm Cole.. Cole Harrison, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked in a small tone.

"What?! Louder!" Gina said and everyone turned their attention at me.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked as I gulped nervously. I was ready for him to embrass me in front everyone. Cole looked at me with a smirk and I closed my eyes, ready for him to say no.

"Okay." What?! I could hear everyone gasping and I opened my eyes looking at him disbelief.

"What?!" I heard Gina completely pissed.

I just knew, from that moment, my life will change.

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