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Pregnant for Two CEO'S

Pregnant for Two CEO'S

Authoress Brenda


Meet the cold hearted and ruthless Cheng Xiao and the sweet hearted and ladies choice Chang Jiang, two brothers and CEO's competing for the position of being the CEO of Baoshi Gongsi (the biggest makers of quality jewelry in China). It turns out the only way for any of them to get that position is to get married to a billionaire's daughter but then they both fall in love with a middle class lady Yihan. The story takes a turn when they find out Yihan is pregnant, who could she be pregnant for? Is it Cheng Xiao or Chang Jiang? What happens to being the CEO by marrying a billionaire's daughter? Find out in this sizzling and suspense- filed romance story.

Chapter 1 Worse Monday Ever

Eyelids opened slowly, the rays of sunlight stopping it before it could open fully, after a while it flicked opened with a flash.

She looked around as day light brighten her room, she rubbed her eyes believing it was still a dream.

Everything was just how it was ,she rose up from her sleeping position immediately as she reached forth for her alarm.

It was exactly 7:30am!

Not another day! She screamed as she rushed out of her bed without performing her routine duties of tidying the bed before shower.

She got to the shower and immediately turned it on, stretching her hands for her body shampoo, it wasn't there.

Not again, she cried hard as she wondered how she was going to get it from her dressing table.

Another problem came, as a result of her rush, she forgot to take her towel from the wardrobe.

Today was just going to be bad, she thought.

She really needed the body shampoo and fast, imagine bathing without it.

That would be just a waste of time.

I will have to take the risk, she thought.

She rushed out again without minding she was wet , she slipped at the door landing with a thud .

"Ahhhh" she cried as she felt her butt hurt badly .

She landed on her butt and felt her bones crashed

It really hurts, she cried out loudly with tears flowing from her pretty eyes.

She cried as her mind wandered around for how she could stand up, she couldn't shout for help from her next door neighbor.

That would be stupid and insane,she thought.

She sat down crying for sometime and then decided to take the bold step of standing up on her own.

Her eyes searched the room for something she could lean on to as support but found nothing, she stood up slowly and gently with great pains.

I will have to massage it, she thought.

Suddenly the clock ticked 8am, all she could do was shout and run to get the body shampoo but she slowed down after getting a warning sign of pain.

She got everything and walked carefully back to have her shower, within minutes she was done.

Dressing up was another problem, she forgot to iron her clothes the previous night.

She scanned her wardrobe for something suitable , nothing caught her attention.

All her clothes were just looking so plain .

What would I do, she thought.

Time wasn't on her side at all, she quickly made up her mind to wear a white plain blouse with a black straight skirt to match.

Shoe wasn't a problem, she had different colours of flat shoes and she wasn't a fan of heels.

She couldn't imagine wearing something that will stress her walking steps.

She dressed up then it suddenly dawned on her that she had not brushed her teeth.

She gnashed her teeth in anger as she stormed off to brush , she was just a forgetful person.

Maybe i would need to take classes, she thought.

She brushed carefully in order not to stain her clothes because if it stained then it was her downfall.

Work today would be cancelled.

Boss will be so mad at me, she cried in anguish.

Everything all set next was breakfast but there was no time for that, she hurriedly arranged her hair to the simplest way possible and left the house without checking to see if everything was in place.

Finding a cab was the next issue, she had to walk down to the next avenue before she could see a cab .

She got into the cab by exactly 8:30 as she prayed silently for her boss to spare her this once.

" Drive faster" she yelled at the cab driver with her heart racing so fast for fear of being scolded at again.

" Ma'am, I can't go beyond this speed, the authorities can arrest me for overspending" he explained.

She nodded in anger as she looked out of the window staring at the scenery.

The children chasing one another and screaming to their parents for new toys when they got to a store reminded her of her childhood.

She could remember how she would always play with her little sister running round every street with her dad chasing them.

She enjoyed her mother's delicacy every festive season and all the places they went as little children.

That wasn't the case now, this time around her dad couldn't chase her or throw her up in the air like he used to, she couldn't enjoy mum's cooking again.

She was all grown up now and mum and dad were separated, that was about 8 years ago.

She could remember vividly how mum left the house to stay with her new lover all pleadings from dad fell on deaf ears. She left and since then she had not set her eyes on her.

Tears that dropped on her face brought her back to reality, she didn't realize that she had been crying silently.

She got her handkerchief as she wiped her tears, there was need crying for her mum.

She didn't care about them, so why should she worry herself about her?

She looked around as she noticed this wasn't the route she took while going to work.

At that point fear gripped her as she looked for something to use to defend herself if the driver was to be a kidnapper.

"Ma'am, are you okay" he asked as he looked through the rear mirror.

"Err..am fine" she stammered as she fidgeted.

" Are you worried about this route?" He asked trying hard to concentrate on his driving while looking at her .

She looked at him in astonishment as she could only give a nod as an answer.

"Don't worry about the route, the others had large traffic on them, did you notice it?" He asked still maintaining eye contact with her through the mirror.

She gave no answer as she looked away to stare at her outside environment.

How would she had notice it? Her body was there but her soul was thinking of her childhood memories.

"Don't worry, we would be there within 5 minutes" he chipped in.

She nodded still looking outside. All she needed was a distraction because she knew she was in deep trouble with her boss.

" We are here ma'am" the driver announced.

" Thanks so much" she said handing him his payment as she rushed out.

Carrying her bag, she raced the few meters to the office arriving to an angry boss waiting for her at the gate with face full of rage and furry.

She couldn't even offer an explanation to her boss, all she could do was pant so hard and at the same time catch the breath she lost while running.

"Miss Yihan, do you know have an idea what the time is?" He screamed in anger.

Without allowing her to answer, he gave an answer for himself.

"It's 9:15, your work starts by 8am , it means your 1 hour and 15 Minutes late" he yelled so loudly that she thought it was an earthquake.

"I... Can explain sir" she stammered quietly.

"Explain? that's what you say every single time, you always give a silly explanation, it's either your sister didn't come home early or your dad fell sick, now tell me what happened this time around " he asked.

She couldn't answer, how would she say it to his face that she was late because she overslept.

Nope, she couldn't say that, all she could do was look away.

" I know what to do, here... " he said handing to her an envelope.

" Your no more needed in this company, You are fired" he yelled as he flinged the envelope and shut the doors after him.

All she could do was stand still with his last words ringing like a bell in her head.

She squatted as she slowly opened the envelope, he wasn't lieing nor joking, she was really fired.

Tears flowed down as she read the letter.

No! She screamed as she tore the envelope and it's content into shreds.

She had just lost 3 jobs in two months due to her lateness.

She cursed herself loudly as she scattered her hair and removed her shoes and cried so loudly attracting the stares of passers-by but none came to her aid, they thought she was insane or was heart broken.

After minutes of crying and waiting if her boss would change his mind and accept her back , she decided to leave.

Staying here would only remind me of my predicament, she thought as she walked barefooted away from the office environment.

She walked with no destination in mind, all she needed was a place where she could just forget her problems.

Walking absentmindedly she moved without give a thought that she could be hit by a vehicle.

All she thought was how cursed she was.

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