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My Journey To Finding Love

My Journey To Finding Love



Charlotte is a young sexy lady who has been through a lot in her life since she was born and was suppose to die before she turns thirteen. But due to her strong-will to live she survived. Years later, she becomes a rich and influencial woman who owns a hospital and cosmetic company. But has one problem Finding True Love within 365days or she will have to marry the man chosen by the Council.

Chapter 1 It's a Dream

She felt someone pull her hair behind her ear and kiss her forehead. Opening her eyes was a difficulty because of the bright light which shone from the openings between the curtains on the top to bottom window.

She managed to open her eyes a little but couldn't see the person clearly but before she could try to rub her eyes inorder to see clearly, she heard the deep sexy voice of the figure above her on the bed.

" Good morning my love. Had a good sleep? "

Without caring much to remember who exactly it was, she replied trying to sit up a little, " Good morning. I had a pretty good sleep. What's shocking is that you woke up before me. "

Before he replied he cuddled her and placed some kisses on her bare shoulder, " You were pretty tired last night that why you slept longer than usual. So what would you like for breakfast, Mamacita or should I say pink nips ", he said teasingly as he hands went inside her dress to caress her tits.

" Jai . . . mmmmmm . . . it's too early for this . . . ", Charlotte said grabbing his hand from her boobs.

" C'mon. . . is there a time for lovers to made love? Besides it's twenty minutes past eight. It's even late in the morning. It's sweeter early in morning and it's been a while since we taste those pink nips "

One of the statement he made stroke her, making her reply at the realization, " Wait wait wait. . . it's twenty minutes past eight already."

" Yeah. . . what's the matter ", he asked as he watched her disengage from him and jumped out of the bed in a hurry but he grabbed her arm.

" I have a meeting with the Minister of Health this morning by nine o'clock "

" So you are leaving me hanging "

" l promise to make up to you ok. But I have to go now "

" You are really going ", he persisted refusing to let her go.

" I have to go. I'm really sorry. I promise to make it up to you "

As she rushed to the bathroom, she slips trying to dodge the steps.

The sound of her crashing on tiled floors echoed. Hearing this he rushed into the bathroom to check on her.

" Holy sh*t. . . are you ok. . . why can't you be careful. . . you know I can't leave with you and you are trying to kill yourself ", he said with a worried voice as he carried her up.

She held her head as her sight became more blurry.

" Charlotte. . . Charlotte . . . Charlotte ", someone kept calling her name and the blurry picture of the man she was with suddenly turned to the figure of a woman.

Rubbing her eyes then closing and opening her eyes again, she saw that it was her best friend, Trinity and her twin sister, Charlie. They were sitting on her bed on opposite sides.

" Where did you guys come from? ", she asked surprised as she sat up from the bed.

" What kind of question is that? This is our house too you know ", Trinity asked confused.

" It was a dream "

" What are you talking about? ", Charlie asked.

" It was all a dream ", Charlotte said disappointed.

" What dream are you talking about? But anyways we have a meeting with the Minister of Health in about an hour and thirty minutes. So get dressed, let's be on time. Even though we have much influence, we can't afford to be late "

Charlotte got out of her big bed after removing the white duvet from her body. She put on her slippers which had a gold chain on top of it.

" Em, Trinity, what time is it "

" Five minutes past six. It's still pretty early. . . don't worry ", she replied as she sat down on the cushion by the window wearing a bathing robe with her brown hair packed up.

" Wait. . . don't tell me you are going to wait here till I'm done bathing "

" I actually don't mind waiting but in this case it is necessary that I wait "

" Even I'm going to wait too ", Charlie chipped in as she entered the room with a tray filled with food.

" I even brought breakfast. Take a bath quick so we can eat ", she added, " I'm starving "

Looking at them with a look which showed that she was already getting annoyed by the intrusion in her privacy, she asked, " What did Mabel tell you? "

" Charlotte. . . please don't get her wrong. She's your doctor and she is doing what a doctor who cares for her patient would do ", Charlie replied trying to protect Dr Mabel.

" I know but I'm also a doctor too. I know what's best for me and what's not ", Charlotte said a little annoyed.

" We know that but you also need need support, that's why we are here. You can not go through this journey alone. The only thing that Mabel said is that you need someone to always be by your side, ok "

Hearing this, Charlotte calmed down a little.

" Besides we made a promise to spend the next 365 days together and equally help each other find our life partners ", Trinity said reminding her.

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