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Loving The Alpha Through Two Worlds

Loving The Alpha Through Two Worlds

Scarlett avac


Luke glanced around and his eyes fell on Valeria. He came closer and squinted his eyes. Having seemed to have confirmed something, the look in his eyes slowly changed to utter resentment. "I've found you. You are she." He looked away from Valeria and addressed Princess Eleri, "My apologies milady for the sudden intrude but she is my prisoner." The resentment was back in his eyes as he looked at Valeria again, grinding his teeth. He ordered his men, "Capture the witch!" ***** Being a twenty five year old lady in the modern era of 2069, Valeria is thrown into confusion when she wakes up and finds herself as a character in a book. Valeria saw herself land into the role of a witch that had laid a curse on Luke's Pack, making him a bitter Alpha that swore to either find and make her reverse the curse or have her blood on his hands. Maybe even both. The fact that the man had the face of her crush in the real world wasn't helping matters. How would she make this powerful man understand that she wasn't who he thought she was. How would she survive in this world where almost everyone wanted her dead. She had to survive. And to do that, she had to stay by her captors side. Facing near death experiences together, fighting off a mutual enemy and the many months of saving, needing and understanding each other soothes one bitter soul and another roaming soul. 

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Where am I?" She sat up from the floor she had been lying on. Valeria looked around, it was a small room that she had never seen before.

From the look of things, it seemed that the room was designed after the antique rooms of maid servants during the ancient Greek times.

"What is this place?"

A gasp escaped her lips when she looked down at herself. She was dressed in strange clothes too. She didn't know much about Greek clothing but her clothes looked like peplos from the classical period.

"Is this a dream?" Valeria wondered aloud.

There was a loud bang on the door not far from her, interrupting her confused thoughts. This was followed by a series of violent bangs and a crashing of the weak door.

A lady dressed as though she was a Greek princess walked in, escorted by a maidservant and knights. Her majestic purple peplos and chiton swayed with the force of her rage.

"How could you Valeria? How could you deceive me with your pitiable lies and stories? How could you betray me?" The princess-like lady spat spitefully at Valeria, stomping her feet, clenching her fists and rapidly closing the distance between them.

Anyone could tell that the princess had been trying to contain her anger but was quickly failing at it.

One of her knights rushed to shield Valeria from her wrath, or rather, shield her from Valeria.

"Princess Eleri," the guard said in a voice laced with concern for the princess' safety. "I suggest you stay back; the witch is dangerous."

"Seize her!" Princess Eleri ordered her guards as she stepped back with fear now taking over the overwhelming anger, "We must accord her a shameful death most deserving of a traitor."

The guards, with fear as well as determination to obey the princess' orders to bring down evil, charged well armed towards the petrified and very well confused Valeria.

"My princess, the tragic Alpha is here!" A watch guard that has spotted the feared Alpha of the Werewolf Clan, ran towards the princess in cold sweat and wide eyes.

Everyone automatically stopped as the loud neighs and stomps of horses' hoofs hitting the ground drew nearer and clearer. From the large hole created by the wooden door that had been battered and removed from its spot on the wall, Valeria could see him.

He was accompanied by a few other werewolves. His stallion drew to a halt and so did others. A strong leg was thrown over the horse and he landed perfectly beside it.

He glanced around and his eyes fell on Valeria. He came closer and squinted his eyes. Having seemed to have confirmed something, the look in his eyes slowly changed to utter resentment.

"I've found you. You are she."

He looked away from Valeria and addressed Princess Eleri, "My apologies milady for the sudden intrude but she is my prisoner."

The resentment was back in his eyes as he looked at Valeria again, grinding his teeth. He ordered his men, "Capture the witch!"

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