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Lily A mountain's flower

Lily A mountain's flower



I'm presenting a creative girl's feelings in this novel, and she wants to use paints & sketches to express her love of nature.

Chapter 1 Introduction

A mountain is not an easy thing to climb. The mountain that held the village was too steep and its slopes too sharp to simply scale it. Instead of scaling it, however, they had built a small hut at the top of it, where there was more than enough room to sit and relax in peace without having to worry about predators or cold winds.

There they spent their days drinking and trading with the other villagers who lived on the mountain slope below. They didn’t venture up high often. It would be easier to climb back down should anything attack them, but they all trusted one another enough to know that they were safe here on the mountain. That safety allowed them to relax.

When a group of children came together to play on the mountain, they were always careful not to hurt one another or fall into one another’s traps. And when a young woman visited their community for only a few minutes every day to trade goods for fresh milk from nearby farms, she never tried to steal anything.

In this beautiful village a little girl Lily

sat quietly by herself, drawing the clouds as she watched everyone else run around her. She drew pictures of everyone and everything she saw. Her parents used to tell her that if she ever had the chance to go somewhere far away from home then she could draw pictures of it in her notebook so she wouldn’t forget it.

But it wasn’t long after she got her first sketchbook that she started making the drawings on her own. It took many hours to make the simple shapes that made up the sky and stars on each page.

“Oh look! Here comes a bee! I wonder how many bees there are?

She likes books and learning new things

Lilly liked animals even more. She had

pets in her village of Crescentshire. She’d played with her dog, a brown retriever named Socks and her cat, Pippin. She’d also had some friends in town called Rosa, Meera, Neelam and Ruby. All five of them loved to run wild in the forest outside the village. Lily thought the forests were beautiful and full of interesting places to explore.

Sometimes she even helped her parents with some tasks such as planting herbs or taking care of the garden. Her mother taught her how to cook and bake and sew. Lily loved sewing, too. She would take her mother’s old clothes out of the closet and try different ways of making patterns. Some days she would make her own dresses out of the material. Others she would cut pieces out of her dolls, which she would glue onto cloth before putting them to bed for the night.

She enjoyed doing crafts, but most importantly, she wanted to help people and give her gift for others to carry with her wherever she went. That is why, while all the other villagers had been born with gifts from gods in their hearts and knew how to use them, no one had been blessed with gifts for creativity. Lilly was a creative person. Her gift was art.

As the seasons passed through the year, winter began to creep in. Snow fell from the sky like white feathers. One night, just as the moon rose, the wind began to pick up. Lily’s parents told her that the wind could blow away almost any object that was left behind. She had once lost her doll when a gust of wind blew it from its hiding place.

After the storm passed, it returned to its place. In the end, however, she kept her favorite blanket. This made her happy since her mother said that a good blanket should never stay forgotten because someone might want it someday. Even though she was afraid of what would happen if that happened, she still cherished it. And that was why she wrapped it around herself whenever the snow came and covered herself with blankets until she could finally sleep.

Next day , there were no snowflakes in the sky anymore.

She went outside to find something nice to draw. As she sat under a tree she began to draw. She drew a big red bird. As she added a line between her wings the bird looked less like an eagle and more like a kite. Then she added little dots on each wing to show its shape.

Finally, she put a crown on it so it would look bigger. She smiled as she drew the last few strokes on it, admiring her work. She was proud of her design. She folded it carefully and tucked it inside her bag. Then she walked back towards her house.

Her friends Rosa, Meera, Neelam and Ruby are waiting for her. They all go to school at the same time so they meet almost daily. They talk about everything under the sun but the weather, school, games and homework. The three of them have known Lily since the beginning of their lives on the mountain slope. Her family was very kind and treated her well.

She also tell them about her drawings


“Lily, your drawings are fantastic!” says Meera. “Where did you get them? Do you have a secret stash?”

“My mom showed me how to do a few basic sketches,” answers Lily. “I made those up myself!”

“Well done, Lily! We love your drawings! Come on, let’s see them!” Says Rosa

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