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My Cat Is My Lover?

My Cat Is My Lover?

Alona Seraphim


Can you imagine your boring and single life without a lover? Then, if ever you're going to have a lover, will you choose a cat? Can you imagine a cat to be your lover? Will you ever forgive the family who chase you out and accept their offer? Then what if your real family suddenly came out when you turned to be a rich man, and they are asking for your help. will you able on accepting them? Or leave them be, because of what they did to you?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Hi, I am Aoi, yes my name is in Japanese, but I am not a Japanese person.

It was a rainy day when I saw this cat outside our school, She was so drenched in the mud because of the rain. Well, I am not a fan of taking care of pets because they are troublesome, really~ troublesome, but she has this kind of unique eye, it was so colorful, cute, and pitiful.

Well, what can I do!?!?! She was so wet and full of mud around her and she was looking at me like she was saying something like "Please take me home, I am hungry" or something like "Please take me with you, pretty please" with that cute, colorful and beautiful eye of her.

"Ugh seriously what a seductive cat!" *sigh*

I brought the cat home and wash her and also feed her, I was about to kick her out but she let me pet her and it was pretty cool, her fur is so soft, oh yeah, She is beautiful and also cute but she has a terrible temper.

Before I pick her up she was furious, and she keep scratching me like crazy, now I have bruises, I feel like a fighter in the series that I'm watching HAHAHAAH HILARIOUS.

So, yeah I am about to kick her out but she was obedient and f-----g beautiful.

I let her stay in my house as long as she needs it.

Now it's Friday and I need to go to school, she was on my doorstep while looking at me with assurance and obedience.

"Meow," she said while lifting her right paw and waving up and down.

"That means you're saying goodbye right?"


"Yeah, I understand you, ugh whatever, why am I talking to a cat anyway." I rolled my eye and closed the door.

what a crazy day today, uwahhhhh I have a beautiful and cute cat inside my house if only she was a girl wow I can't even imagine that.

oh yeah, I forgot to give her a name.

Cats POV

meow.. memeeow meowww..


Aoi's POV

Mmm, I should give her a name when I got home later.

What should I call her? mmm.

Whittie? she's white so I think that is nice? but yeah ugly for her to be called JUST WHITTIE

Ah, I know Princess would be better!! she looks like a princess anyway with a magical eye because it's colorful, f--k what am I saying? am I a f-----g girl? sheesh.

Okay, settled, her name will be princess.

My cute little cat Princess.

One month later

When I woke up A girl is sleeping beside me, she was so beautiful and had long white hair it was soft and shiny.

I was so shocked and I kicked her and that makes her wake up, yes. I kicked her. so what.

who is she anyway, but damn she was so beautiful, then speaking of beauty I remember my cutie and beautiful Princess I searched for her all over my house but still couldn't find her.

I looked at the girl again and I was shocked when she looked me in the eye.

she has these colorful eyes like Princess and especially a white soft shiny hair, I couldn't believe it when I ask who she is she said meow.

wait. what? Meow?

so is it possible for a cat to turn into a human? what the f--k is happening here? what the s--t is happening here!?!?

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