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The Throne Is Mine

The Throne Is Mine



The story of a girl whose life was a mess, she lost her parents and her brother was sick, he had a few hours to live, and Nancy had no place to borrow money from. She wasn't even done paying the money her parents borrowed before they died. Dylan, the king of Devon kingdom is being pressured by his uncle to get a wife. His uncle underestimated Dylan and thought that was the only way he could make Dylan step down but to his surprise, Dylan brought a girl to the palace. Dylan's uncle, Mark wasn't the only one who wasn't pleased, his adopted daughter was determined to sit on the Queen's chair, right next to Dylan. She wasn't always content with what she had, she wanted more. Nancy couldn't bear the pain of losing her only family, she was ready to do anything. She stood under the rain when Dylan saw her Dylan offered Nancy millions of dollars including the money she needs for her brother's treatment to be his wife only by name, since his people needed a Queen, Nancy will be their Queen. The terms and conditions were all written in a file. Nancy wasn't fortunate, her only family died before she got there and Nancy is forced to live with Dylan because she has already signed the documents and nothing could be done Would Nancy ever find a way out? Will she experience what true happiness feels like? Read The Throne Is Mine and journey with me to find out what Nancy's fate is.

Chapter 1 I accepted your condition

The wind blew indicating a heavy rainfall, for Nancy it felt like the world was coming to an end, she stared at the things around her confused, in truth, she was sure that she didn't belong there. The rain began to drizzle and soon it fell heavily, it fell on Nancy's pale skin, she closed her swollen eyes as she felt the cold rain on her skin. She stood under the rain not caring whether she was going to fall sick, all that she could think of was her sick brother, laying in the hospital bed striving for survival.

The words of the doctor kept ringing in her ears as she recalled what happened at the hospital

"Your brother only has 48 hours to live, his condition is very critical miss Moore, this is what I've been trying to explain," The doctor said reminding her of the time when she first brought her brother to this hospital

"Doc. Please help me, I don't have that kind of money, please help my sick brother, I'll pay you back" She begged, her parents left them with nothing, and she uses the money she earns from her job to pay the debt her parents left behind, she's always begging for them to give her more time and now her brother is seriously sick, she couldn't think of anything, her head was blank and the only name that suddenly popped in her head was Linda,

"What if Linda could help," She thought

She took out her phone and dialed Linda's number "Hello" Said the voice from the other end

"Hello, Linda," Nancy said, her voice filled with fear,

"Is anything the problem?" Linda said abruptly, she knew what Nancy wanted. "Why would Nancy call her," She thought. There's no other reason than to beg her for money

"Linda, I'm in the hospital, the doctor said..."

"The doctor said what?" Linda said feeling disgusted.

"Miss Holy, I can't help you for long, I'm your friend and I'll tell you the truth, I don't like when you beg me for money, or am I wrong? Isn't that what you want to ask me for" She added, she was being sincere

"Linda, I'll pay you back" Nancy begged, ignoring hurtful Linda's words

"For how long, I've told you, we're on earth and this is reality and not your fantasy world, you're pretty" Linda paused for a while before she continued

"I hate to admit it but you're even prettier than me, why can't you use that as an advantage and make money, you can take care of your sick brother"

Nancy knew this was where Linda was going, she couldn't understand why they can't have a normal conversation without her bringing up topics like this

"Linda, my brother has 48 hours to live, and the money is huge, I swear, even if I listen to your words, who would possibly give me the kind of money I need to get my brother treated," Nancy said thinking Linda would change her mind but Linda wasn't ready to hear a shit about borrowing her the money

"Nancy, If you had listened to me, then I wouldn't be stressing myself right now," Linda said

"Linda, please help me, I'll pay you back" Nancy begged

"How much is the money?" Linda asked

"It's fifty thousand dollars" Nancy replied In full hopes that Linda would help her

"You mean, a whopping fifty thousand dollars, where do you except me to see that type of money to lend you," Linda said, she always thought her friend, Nancy, was insane but today she's fully convinced that Nancy has lost her mind.

"I know you don't have such amount of money but please help me with the little you have, so that I can deposit it for his treatment" Nancy wasn't giving up, she couldn't possibly let her brother die?

"Nancy, I don't have a penny to give to you, I've told you, use what you have to get what you want," Linda said before hanging up.

Nancy watched her brother for thirty minutes before standing to her feet, "I can't sit here, all day waiting for God's miracle" She told herself, she had to step out and seek for a loan, this was the lifestyle her parents lived before they died

She went from place to place seeking for loan but no one offered her a penny. The weather suddenly changed and it started raining, Nancy didn't bother to hide, "what was the use," She thought, she stood under the rain in the middle of the road, she was absent-minded, she just lazily strolled thinking of what to do next when suddenly a man shouted

"What's your problem, madam? Can't you see where you're going? Please step out if the way" Nancy turned, she heard his words but her brain couldn't process anything, all she thought of was how she would pay for her brother's treatment, she continued strolling, she didn't increase her paste

"Excuse me, ma'am, my boss wants to see you," He said, he was an elderly man,

"Your boss?" Nancy asked as she followed the man to where his car was parked

"Do you know that you can spend the rest of your life in jail for standing on the road?" The idol in front of her said,


"Do not give any excuse, homeless brat" He said with a calm tone, and when Nancy looked into his eyes, she was confused, he kept a straight face and she furrowed her eye brows

"Don't you have parents, why do you look so unkempt" His words sank, she was only nineteen.

"Oh," He said as I'd realizing something

"Did you get heartbroken today?" He said and Nancy couldn't take any more questions, "my brother?" she thought and burst Into tears, she couldn't control herself, she just wanted to let it all out

"Hey, let me help you" Dylan said, he had more important places to be, watching her cry did not amuse him. He was heartless but it felt strange to watch her cry

"What do you need," He asked, If Nancy was herself she wouldn't ask this strange for help but right now, she didn't care

"Sir... My brother is seriously ill, the doctor said..."

"Save your story," He said, he didn't want to hear about her brother's illness

"How much do you need," He asked with a straight face

"Fifty thousand dollars sir," Nancy said and Dylan brought out his check book. Nancy wasn't expecting this, "this is too good to be true" She thought, it didn't matter how much he gave her, even if the money wouldn't her brother's bill completely, she didn't care

"This is a check of five hundred thousand dollars," He said handling the check to her

"Sir... Five hundred thousand dollars you say, I just need fifty dollars, and I promise to pay to back" She said withdrawing her hand for taking the money, she couldn't take such a huge amount of money, what for?

"I'm not giving you this money because I care, and I don't want you to pay back," He said and removed his glasses, revealing his features completely, his eyes were as blue as the sky and his perfect pointed nose was wonderfully created by God, his straight face didn't reveal the naughty things on his mind. His lips were pink and wet, it looked extremely luring and when he opened his mouth to speak, she could see his white teeth, they described the words perfection.

"I want something from you in return," He said revealing his dimple, "could someone be this perfect," She asked herself mentally but the idol in front of her smirked as if hearing what she said

"I will do anything, all I want is for my brother to get better," She said with utmost seriousness, but his next words left her in a state of shock

"I want us to get married" His words were like diggers pierced through her chest, for a minute everything went blank, she was dumbfounded. This wasn't what she expected, she thought she would work for him

"Sir... I can serve as your maid, anything but..."

"But... I'm offering you this money for just this little thing that I can get elsewhere, millions of girls are dying for the opportunity of spending a minute with me talk more of being my wife, if you're not interested..." He paused as he put his eyeglasses back on

"Simply say it, I have something important to take care of" He said in a business tone, he was serious and clear, if she didn't agree to what he said, her brother would die because she had no where to get this money from. Nancy fell on her knees to beg, "maybe he would change his mind" She thought but Dylan was far from considering her as his maid

"I'll pay this money back as soon as I can" She begged, Dylan stared at her for a while before signaling his driver, Peter, to drive off

"Wait please, I accept your conditions"

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