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"Miss try again, try your best" The nurse encourage a woman about giving birth, she try again and finally the baby is out, it is a baby boy but he is still (Born dead) "Miss we are sorry but the baby is still" the nurse told the woman "No! What are you talking about arghh!!" She shouted holding her tummy "Miss are you okay?" The nurse asked "My tummy, it's hurt!"she said, the nurse quickly went to and come back with the doctor, the doctor later discover there is still a baby inside her, she later give birth to another baby which is a girl and her husband later came for her but the sad news is that one of the baby is still and the mother couldn't make it.... Before she died she gave her necklace which her mother give to her as a gift to her husband to give her baby "Honey give this to our baby girl.. since the other baby didn't make it... Please take care of her and name her DOVE"She concluded and her hand drop indicating she is dead. The doctor show the husband the dead baby and the man was said, he lose his wife and a child in a day.... She carry his little baby girl and leave the hospital without thinking straight... The drop the little girl in the back seat and get behind the wheel and started driving home... The baby started crying and he didn't know what to do... He wasn't looking at the front and unfortunately they had an accident... *********** *********** Gabriella Daniels is a promising child of 17 years old,she came from a very wealthy background but she doesn't act like one, she dressed like a commoner but doesn't care what people say about her... Her father, Mr. Daniels warn her several times but she didn't heed... Mr. Daniels enroll her to a rich school in Korea when she insisted she want to school there.... She meet with a lot of rich brat but doesn't mind... She made friends with Kingston and Jayden, she later fall in love with Kingston while trying to tame him and their love life begins.... What will happen Gabriella get to know that she is not the biological daughter of the Daniels family?? What will happen when Gabriella find out she is a twin from birth??? What is gonna happen if Jayden is Gabriella twin??? What will happen when Kingston find out Gabriella is from a rich family??? Find out in this upcoming drams

Chapter 1 1

Gabriella POV

The Daniels mansion

"Dad! Dad! Dad!" I called running down the stairs to the living room

"What's it Gabby you know am busy right now" dad replied

"Dad you know I am in the last grade in high school" I saidlikeIthatof

"Yes so?" Dad ànswered

"So dad I don't feel likeIthatof schooling here again I wanna school somewhere else" Ithatof said and he frown

" What do you mean by that Gabby you know I built thatof school in your name"dad said

" I know dad but I just want to have a change of environment beside in that school they treat me like am some sort of goddess or queen and I don't want that" iyou answered

" Gabby! Okay where did you wanna school" dad asked and I become happy

" Soeul In Korea" I said

"That far?? No you are not going" dad said

"Please daddy" I pleaded but he insists I am going no where so I angrily went to my room and lock the door..... PROPERTY OF AUTHORESS DAMMY...... Well my name is Gabriella daniels, am seventeen years old, I love my dad and he does too.. my mom died when I was seven and dad only told me she died of leukaemia.... Alright that's all you have to know about me for now you will know the rest as the story goes on...



South Korea, soeul

Marker high school

"Reiya...." Kingston called shocked, well what happened is this Kingston caught his girlfriend reiya making out with another guy

"Kingston please wait I can explain" reiya said running after angry Kingston

"Explain what exactly explain what... Reiya please don't follow me" Kingston said angrily

"Kingston he...." Reiya was saying but Kingston leftmine already and reiya smile

"No matter what I will still get you Kingston you are mine forever" reiya said and smirk



America, Los Angeles

The Daniels mansion


"Gabby Gabby Gabby" Mr. Daniels called from the dinning room actually it's already dinner and Gabby won't come out

"Gabby come out and let's eat" Mr. Daniels knock on her door

"No am not hungry" Gabby yelled

"I know you are hungry please open the door" her father said again

"I don't wat to talk to you leave me alone" Gabby yelled again

"Ok you will go to Seoul happy..." He father was saying but she already jump out of the room

"Dad are you for real?" She asked

"Yes can we go and eat now" Mr. Daniels said

"Thank you daddy I love you dad" she said and peck his cheek and run to the dinning


Marker high school

"Kingston I swear I didn't mean to do it... Forgive me please" Reiya pleaded

"No Reiya...this is not the first time,it's not the third time either,,,,you f**king cheating on me,I caught you read handed,,,,leave now before I lose my temper" Kingston replied in an angry voice

"Please,,,he forced me to do,,,,,,"

"No,,,don't feed me that lie again,, that's what you keep telling me everytime,,,do I look like a fool to you,,, Reiya I love you alot but you betrayed me,,,,you hurt me,,, now I can't date a sl!t anymore" Kingston said

"Kingston please I swear I won't do it again" Reiya said

"GET OUT!!!!" Kingston yelled pushing her out

"If I ever see you near me again I will kill you"he added and Reiya walk out not feeling any kind of hurt or guilt of what she did,,,, After she was gone,,,, Jayden Kingston's friend enter his room and meet him drinking alcohol

"Hey dude don't kill your self because of a girl that doesn't deserve you"Jayden said and take the alcohol from him

"I told you before that she doesn't deserve you but you won't listen now see what she had done to you"he added

"Jay,,,I couldn't see all you have been telling me all this year,,,, that's because I loved her,,,,I really do love her but she betrayed me,,,you know what,,,, she made an advance towards me but I told her I don't wanna take advantage of her and she said she is okay with it that when am ready she promised she won't cheat on me me she doesn't love me Jay"Kingston cried

"Kingston,,,,calm down everything will be fine just forget her you will find someone better than her"Jayden said

"They are all the same, I don't wanna fall in love again they will keep hurting me"Kingston replied

"No, they are not,,,now dressed up let's hang out"Jayden said


Los Angeles

The Daniels mansion

"Dad am done packing my laugages"Gabriella said rolling her bag down the stairs

"Princess,,,,are you sure of what you are doing will you be okay there"Mr. Daniels said

"Yes daddy you worry too much"Gabriella said

"There will be a lot of bullies there, and you sure you will be fine?"Mr. Daniels said worriedly

"Yes dad let me go already,,,,,I don't wanna Miss my flight"she replied

"Okay,,,I will miss you girl"her father said and she peck his cheek

"I will miss you too Daddy,,,I will call you when I get to SOEUL"she said and wave her father goodbye and went out of the house




Gabby rolled her bag around the city of soeul,she was really excited and enjoying the view,she feel really happy to be alone,now she doesn't behave like a rich kid,that will attract fake people to get, she went to a nearby hotel,she Lodge in the cheapest room and the receptionist give her the key to the room,she collect the key and smile

"The last room by the left"the receptionist said

"Thank you ma'am"she said with a smile

"You're welcome"the receptionist replied,,,,, Gabby went to her room,,,drop her laugages and fall on the bed

"Whoa!!!!!"she shouted,she later stand up and take a bath,she was very happy and want to order for food but she decide against it,,"the food will be expensive"she said to her self,,,she went out of the hotel room and out of the hotel to buy a snacks

"Hello,,,,one cola and a sandwich"she said to the street seller,the man give it to her and she pay for it,,she was on her way back when she bump into a guy

"Hey!watch where you are going"the guy snap and walk away she look at his back and smirk

"Handsome manic"

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