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How to tattoo a SEAL

How to tattoo a SEAL

Kj Hix


When 23 year old Aurora Wilkerson runs into 30 year old Pax Bellerose she quite literally is knocked on her ass. Pax is different from the rest of the guys that Aurora has wasted her time on in the small yet bustling Louisiana town of New Orleans but that doesn't mean that she wants to waste any more of her time on him. she has sworn off men but somehow this one has managed to squirm his way around her defenses. The only problem now? Breaking the news to her brother and Pax's 1st sergeant.

Chapter 1 Aurora

Pain courses through my legs as I push myself to the brink. My feet crashing down on the pavement so hard that I think my ankles might snap. I don't care though. I deserve everything that I've given myself. I cant really remember a time that I was genuinely happy, all of my childhood memories consist of my parents pushing me into itchy, uncomfortable dresses so that I would look presentable to their rich, stuck up friends and business partners. I was never enough for them though and they made sure to voice their opinion everyway possible.

"You're too tall Aurora."

"Stop eating so much."

"You're completely unproportional."

"Maybe a nose job would be a good idea."

My memories cause me to push myself harder. My legs have started going numb and my vision is blurring from all the sweat running down into my eyes. I don't care. My lungs ache as I force them to take air in then blow it back out again. I don't care. I've never pushed myself this hard before. My black Fitbit lets me know that I have already run two miles over my usual four. I need to stop but I'm not going to. My anger fuels me as I feel it rush through my veins. Urging me to go one more mile. A breeze starts up and I thank God for the gentle rush of air blowing against my face and through my hair. I breathe in a gentle breath then have it forced out again as I run into what feels like a solid brick wall. What the Hell? My ass hits the pavement.

I groan as I lay sprawled out on the ground. My eyes look up once the world has stopped spinning and my heart sputters and I realize that I didn't run into a wall but a very tall, very rugged man. Jesus. As I look up at the monster of a man he raises an eyebrow that has been split by a scar and his lips turn up into a small smirk. God those lips. Two rings pierce the bottom one and cross over each other before disappearing over the top of it. A giant hand extends down to help me up but instead of taking it, I shake my head.

"I don't need any damn help."

I muttered trying to ignore the throbbing in my temples and attempting to sit up. A groan slips past my lips and a deep chuckle lumbers out of the huge man in front of me then two very toned arms wrap around me and lift me up as if I way almost nothing.

"I don't think so, sweetheart."

Whoa. His voice is enough to send shivers down my spine. Then again maybe it's not his voice. My body is racked with shivers as I sit there trembling in his arms. My head feels like it is going to explode and I still can't feel my legs.

"Put me down jackass."

I say pushing against a chest that feels like the cement I just crashed into a few seconds ago. The walking tree chuckles again then set me down on a bench.

"That's not very nice sweetheart."

He says smirking as his bright blue eyes dance with humor. I grit my teeth as I glare at him then huff and try to slide off of the bench. My legs wobble as I stand and a hand reaches out and grabs my elbow softly to keep me from falling.

"Sit still for a minute dammit."

Who the fuck does this man think he is telling me what to do? I've worked too hard for anyone to boss me around. shooting a glare in his direction I yank my arm from his grip and dust myself off then put my hands on my hips and hold my eyes to his.

"I don't need your help. I'm sorry for running into you but you can go now," I say yanking off my jacket and tying it around my waist. The man shakes his head and stands up.

"Okay sweetheart. Have a good rest of your day. Try not to run into anymore men. there's easier ways to get dates you know." He says flashing a cocky smile before turning and continuing his jog down the path. What an asshole I think to myself as I finish up my run back to the parking lot.

My breathing evens out as I walk to my motorcycle. A gift from my crazy aunt Alice and uncle James.

My mother and father had nearly died when I pulled up at their house for family dinner that weekend. There isn't much I wouldn't do for them but I will never sell my bike. I don't care how unladylike it makes me look, I love it.

I run a hand over the sleek black paint of the custom 2017 Ninja 650 ABS sport motorcycle loving the look and feel of the powerful machine beneath my fingers. Grabbing the custom fit bike suit (Also a gift from my deranged aunt and uncle,) I pull it on, letting my hair loose from the confines of the hair bow after I pull the black leather suit over my shoulders.

My hair was another thing that had almost sent my parents over the edge, along with the tattoos and piercings I was labeled the black sheep of the family. I wasn't like the daughter they had stuffed in dresses and expensive outfits, as soon as I had left the house I did what I wanted. I put up with a lot from them and lately I've had about enough. Maybe I should listen to Briar.

My older brother, Briar, has always been there for me no matter what. He was there when I got into my first fight after Ally Winston called me a whore and accused me of giving her brother chlamydia, and Briar was there when I graduated high school. My parents hadn't bothered to show up to my graduation because I wasn't valedictorian but Briar was there with and air horn and a big ass sign. I miss him.

Back at my apartment is a calendar with the days counting down my brother's return. I'm supposed to meet him that day at the airport to take him home. Three more weeks girl, that's not very long. God, I can't wait. Briar is the only thing holding the family together. Without him, I would have left a long time ago and never looked back.

I look down and the watch on my wrist and check the time. 11:17 AM. I'll have to be down at the parlor at one to start my shift. Maybe I can call Briar when I get home. Hopefully, we'll have a decent connection this time, I hate when he keeps breaking up while we're talking. Briar joined the Navy as soon as he graduated high school. He had always wanted to be in the military and told my parents that was exactly what he was going to do. I was only six when he left for the navy so I don't remember much of that day only the feeling of worry and loneliness as the only person that made me happy left. Of course, he wasn't always gone. He'd come back for special occasions when he was granted the leave time by his superiors of course. I didn't really understand it at first but as I got older I understood more and more of why Briar has chosen to do the things he's done.

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