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Twinkle clocked eighteen hoping she will get her mate like every other female Wolf, she attended the mate matching ceremony only to discover she doesn't have a mate yet. Benivire who has being her secret admirer and right hand wolf hoped to be mated to her but it was all viod not even prince Flaskie the son of alpha Festo the second. Twinkle waited yet another three years to return to the mate matching ceremony for the year with the hope of getting her mate this time. She has met with different caliber of men and creatures as the seer said that her mate isn't from her pack, she built a relationship with Lord Durga the vampire of fire and as everyone hoped that he will be the mate it turned out he wasn't, they never did had an intimate feeling. Just like everything is turning to be over,. A Long lost prophecy came hanging on twinkles neck the destiny of her kind, her pack and all her wolf span now lies in her hands. But to carry out this task,. She has to find her mate. Will twinkle get a mate? And who would that be? Will she be able to save her people, Even if she finds the solution?.

Chapter 1 -01

Twinkle sank into the chair with teary eyes as she gazed into space saying no word to anyone.

"Twinkle dear, please cheer up, you don't have to mourn Because of this? You will surely get your mate my child."

Grantinity twinkle mother consoled her daughter.

"When mother,? When? I am the only one among my friends who haven't gotten a mate!"

"No... You..."

"Even my male friends already got their mate! Some got at sixteen and do you know the worst mother, I haven't even gotten my wolf! And you are asking me to be calm?"

"Twinkle it is always a step at a time! Yours will come the goddess will..."

"No! Mother do not call a delay a step at a time! I refuse to heed to that!"

"Twinkle please listen to mother! Listen to her at least this once"

Marginia twinkle sister said.

"I have always listened to mother, but look at you my younger sister, you will be performing the mate bond ritual with your mate in seven days time in the night of the full moon and you say I should listen to mother?"

"Twinkle please calm down we understand how this is and what you must be going through right now."

Beta Ralo said

"No Father! No one understands anything!"

She sobbed silently to herself.

"I know you will feel this way twinkle, but Look your mother and I have decided to let you have a three years break before you begin searching for your mate. It might just be your mate isn't just ready at the moment."

"Ready? why not? Father infact I'm suspecting he is dead."

"Sister!" Margin called out to Twinkle

Margin and marginia are twins Twinkle's sibling from same mother but different father.

"What margin? Look here the goddess has been preparing you in every possible way because, in no time you will be mated right?"

"No my child, things doesn't work this way no one is born to be unfortunate not you my child"

Grantinity said again to her daughter.

"I doubt mother! What will my friends say? They will laugh at me"

"No one will Twinkle!"

Grantinity said again she is ready to do anything possible to restore her daughter sanity Because right now she is losing it.

"Hahahaha okay! No one will untill the day it becomes an open issue I shall refer it to you."

Twinkle said and walked out of the house.

"Margin! please follow your sister and make sure she doesn't hurt herself".

Beta Ralo ordered his son.

Twinkle walked out of the neighborhood looking very tattered she didn't care how the members of her pack were staring at her all that is her concern is to find somewhere to ask the goddess why she did this to her.

"You have really shown that you ain't fair to me! You don't love me at all. I doubt if you are still watching over me else, why will you choose to disgrace me this way?."

She asked digging her fingers into her hair as she scattered it all.

"Like my Dad has said I'm going to wait for just that three years and after which, I will do as I please because, waiting for you is..."

"Twinkle! Twinkle!!"

Benivire called holding twinkle's wrist.

"What things are you saying? Twinkle?"

"Whaa... What... What are you doing here?"

Asked twinkle surprised as she saw him.

Benivire has been twinkle's friend since childhood and they hoped he will become her mate but unfortunately he wasn't as he was someone else's mate.

"I just came to seek some answers, I just want to free my head."

He said looking pitifully at her.

"I only came to ask the goddess what she has done! I don't understand any of this! She gave me hope that isn't real?"

She sobbed resting her head on Benivire chest as the latter stroked her hair gently.


He called mildly making her to look at him.

"I hope you get over this soon twinkle, honestly, I was way affected by this I can't explain how I felt."

"Alright I will get over this thanks! I will stay for sometime before going home."

She said with a tone of disappointment.

"Is that so? But I think you should leave now, it's windy and the rain might start soon."

He replied really concerned.

"Twinkle, the wind is much! I can't leave you here!."

"I said just go! I don't want anyone around me not even you Benivire!"

She shouted in anger and that startled him as to why she is acting funny.

"I do care for you twinkle, I'm not going to leave you here in this storm!"

"You say you care for me? Oh really? So,then why didn't you rewrite this fate of ours? I know why, it's because neither you nor anyone care so much about me and that's the truth!"


"Just let me be?"

She said as she walked away from him walking deeper into the woods as she didn't care where she is going.

"Margin? You are back? What happened?"

Grantinity asked imediately she saw his son.

"Yes mother I met with Benivire he is with Twinkle so he asked me to go as the storm is much and it's going to rain."

"You did leave her there?"

Asked Grantinity in anger.

"Father just said I should follow her he didn't say make yourself visible also, Benivire is no stranger he has been a part of this family for long."


Beta Ralo called in anger.

"Father! I have done as you said I only left because it is going to rain!"

"I didn't ask you to explain you may go inside."

Beta Ralo said to his son as he watched marginia twist her mouth in anger.

"Do you maybe want to go look for your sister?"

Beta Ralo asked her seeing how furious she is.

"It's late already! I cannot have two daughters out in the dark without knowing their destination."

She complained and walked inside with her husband while marginia sat there listening to every creature making noises in the night.

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