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Anastasia Molest,a twenty-two years old girl who lost her parents at the age of fifteen due to a fatal accident that claimed both of their lives leaving her alone in the cruel cold world since she was the only child of her parents…… The universe wasn't in her favour by having her encounter with a strange creature that almost caused her life and traumatised her for life. As if her struggles weren’t enough,she got caught up with a dashing rich guy Called Zach Zentaro who appears to be a normal human being and took a liking to him.Little did she know she invited a demon into her life. Anastasia's trauma made her scared of trivial things that made no sense,but what happens when she finds out she was already marked and belonged to the devil? What happens when Anastasia finds out about Zach 's true form?

Chapter 1 Meet the devil

Anastasia heard a strange noise like someone was calling for help so she decided to check it out.”Where is that strange noise coming from?” She blurted out confused wondering what the strange noise was.Anastasia peek through her window to look outside but sees nothing.She signs and wants to turn back when a mysterious shadow passes her window making her jump in fear.

“Omg what’s that?”She walks slowly to her window to see if she saw something or she was just hallucinating.Her eyes scanned outside vigorously checking to see if there’s anything.

“Hmm I guess I was just hallucinating there’s nothing there” she sighs in relief.Anastasia left the window and went to the living room.As soon as the left blood splashes on the outside window and a message of you are next was carved on the blood stain.

Anastasia went to her room since she was too scared to watch a movie now.She decided to call her bestie Sophie a young lady with the age of 21 years,she owns a mall that was Anastasia favourite place to shop since she usually get free things when Sophie was around.Sophie had a light skin with big brown eyes and long straight blonde hair.A few minutes later she picked up.

”Hello Sophie!” Anastasia said with a smile plastered on her face.

“Hey girl,how are you doing?” Sophie questions how she was as her voice book through the speaker.

“I’m not good,”she tells Sophie with a low tone.

“Why what’s wrong?” Sophie's voice was laced with worries for Anastasia.

“Well for starters I can’t sleep and I keep hearing strange noises which make me feel like someone is watching me,”Anastasia explains.

“Girl calm down,it’s probably just in your head”Sophie assures her that she will be fine.

“No Sophie I could have sworn I saw a shadow pass my window”

Anastasia said still doubtful. “Well did you check it out?”Sophie jokingly said

“What,are you crazy?” Anastasia yelled, surprised by her own tone a bit.

“Hehe calm down, I was just joking”.Sophie giggles through the phone.

“You better be,you know I ain’t the curious type and that’s why i'm still alive”. Anastasia said.

“Yeah”.Sophie agrees before changing the topic.Anastasia was talking with Sophie about her business when all of a sudden a loud noise was heard and it came from Anastasia's kitchen.Anastasia raised her eyebrow confused if the noise came from her kitchen.

“Uhm Sophie I think I have to go” Anastasia squeeze her face a little on hearing the sound.

“Why?”Sophie questions her sudden change of mood

“Just heard a noise and I think it came from my kitchen..”Anastasia doubtfully said, still not sure.

“Really I thought you live alone” Sophie said. “I thought so too,”Anastasia jokingly said.

“This isn’t the time to make jokes”Sophie groans from the phone.

“Words coming from a jokester” Anastasia playfully rolled her eyes.

“Go check where the noise came from!” Sophie yelled worriedly.

“Okay calm down mom,it’s probably a rat”. Anastasia tries to calm her nerves down.

“Can you just check it out?” Sophie questions still worried.

“Fine!” Anastasia gave up and decided to go check it out.Anastasia opened her room door slowly and went downstairs to check where the sound came from without hanging up on Sophie.

“Did you see anything?” Sophie impatiently questions her.

“Hush up dear,What if it was a thief that your loud voice would definitely get me killed” Anastasia irritatingly said while walking and holding onto her phone right.

“Well I can’t help it, I am scared”.Sophie breathed out.

“What,You are not even here”.Anastasia rolled her eyes.

“Yeah but I can feel the tension from the phone” .Sophie stated.

“Want me to hang up?” Anastasia asked

“No!”Sophie yelled.Anastasia walked slowly downstairs with Sophie still on the line breathing heavily which made Anastasia roll her eyes.She wanted to say something but her eyes widened when she saw a black huge furry beast in her kitchen destroying all the dishes there.Anastasia scream out her lungs making the monster look at her direction ,It flashes her it long sharp fangs as its move towards her slowly.

“What’s wrong, is it a rodent?” Sophie curiously said.

“Fifty rodents would have….definitely be better than this!” Anastasia exclaimed .Anastasia screamed before running back to her room ,she shut the door of her room and locked it before trying to catch her breath.

“Girl what’s with the screaming?” Sophie asked

“Omg Sophie you won’t believe but there is a monster in my house!” Anastasia yelled expecting a gasp from her.

“Monster?” Sophie scoffed in disbelief.

“Yes with sharp fangs” Anastasia tries to describe it

“Stop joking, okay,you're scaring me”Sophie warns her.

“What am I not!” Anastasia defends herself.Anastasia tries to explain to Sophie what she saw ,when the beast hits the door loud but it doesn't break, making Sophie gasp ,Anastasia panics as tears start to drop from her eyes.

``I’m gonna die!” She screams as tears rushes down from her eye holes.

“Not on my watch,you have to escape from there now and come to my place!” Sophie said

“But how?The monster is blocking my door….I’m so scared!” Anastasia panicked as the thought of the monster breaking the door filled her mind.

“Calm down girl,you have to escape because it's gonna break the door open soon”. Sophie tells her

“What should I do?” Anastasia questions.

“Look around your room, are there any windows?” Sophie asked.Anastasia eyes scans her room and she sees a small window and quickly runs to open it but shifts back in fear when she sees how high it was.The height wasn’t much but Anastasia fear of height kicked in making it look too high.

“There’s a window ,but it’s too high”.she said as she was afraid of heights.

“Girl I know you are scared of heights but you have to jump off that window”. Sophie tells her.

“No no I can’t!” Anastasia protested as fear creeped into her mind.

“It’s either you jump or get eaten by the monster” Sophie said

“Well if the monster doesn't kill me, jumping will definitely do the work” she said while looking at the height.

“Girl focus,You have to jump down,wait, are your car keys in your room?” Sophie askedAnastasia looks around and see her car keys on her bed. She immediately grabbed them .

“Yeah” she said. “Good now jump off and drive off from there,you can come to my house”. Sophie saidAnastasia wanted to protest about jumping when the door came flying in the air and the monster came to view,Anastasia immediately climbs the window ready to jump.The monster saw her and runs towards her but before he could tear her with its claws she jumped down and immediately went to her car.

“I jumped down Sophie omg!” Anastasia said in disbelief about what she just did.

“I knew you could do it,now get out of there!” Sophie proudly stated.Anastasia immediately opened her car and drove off immediately,She looked back to see the monster chasing after her,she drives faster as she entered the road far away from her house,the monster was still chasing her car .Anastasia drives in the middle of two trucks just so she can get rid of the monster.She made a left turn confusing one of the truck drivers which led him to matching his break to stop the car and hit the monster by mistake.Anastasia smiles and immediately drives to Sophie house leaving the scene.


Things at the police station were chaotic as the people were asking the cops about the mysterious thing that keeps killing people.Liam a tall guy with broad shoulders,He had deep blue eyes and white milky skin he was also one of the officers and was good at solving mysteries.

”This is the fifth person that is losing their life now by an unknown monster”.Liam stated.The whole police officer was busy talking about the case when the senior police officer came in,everywhere went silent as they all greeted the senior police officer.

“What are the statistics?” He questions Liam with a cold expression on his face.

“Sir we have no idea,this case is a strange one”.Liam calmly said.

“What?”The senior police officer yelled, making everyone pay attention to them.

“We don’t know if the thing that keeps taking people's lives is a human or a monster” Liam stated.

“You all are just useless!” The senior police officer shouted as he glared at everyone.

“Sir please calm down,I promise you we will get to the bottom of this”. Liam tries to calm him down.

“I need answers!” He said before leaving .Everyone murmurs about what was happening.Liam bends his head down in disappointment.


Liam stayed up late in the station studying the mysterious case from bottom to top.His colleague noticed him and walked towards his direction.

“Won’t you go home? It’s already late”. He mutters to Liam whose eyes were focused on the file on his hands

“Nah I have things to do”. Liam said without even glancing at him.

“Why don’t you come tomorrow and finish up ?” He said.

“ I have to do it now okay,you go on without me I will be fine” Liam assured him.

“Hmm okay I will be off”. He said.Everyone leaves Liam at the station,Liam scans through the death report of the girls who were victims of the attack and finds it strange that they were all murdered at the same time .



Anastasia was driving fast like she was in a car race or something.She kept on looking back while driving,She shifted her side mirror a bit while holding the wheel firm.Anastasia eye was on her side mirror not paying attention to the road.She heard some noise while driving which made her look front ,She screamed and step on the break when she saw…

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