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Alpha’s Regret: My Luna has Twin Daughters

Alpha's Regret: My Luna has Twin Daughters



Alpha that regrets all the bad things that he did he to his luna and does everything to chase

Chapter 1 Upside Down

Athena's p.o.v (point of view)

My head is hurting, but I feel that there is someone next me which make me feel comfortable because at least my sister is with me. When I open my eyes, I noticed that am in a room that I don't recognize, but my head is pounding which instantly I regret the drinks that I had last night. The last I remember is the annual Alpha meeting, which was a costume party that I attended with my family. My sister and I went off to meet with the other future Alpha after my father told me that I needed to get in goods with them, since I am the next one in line to take over the pack in a few months when I turn eighteen. However, I have no memory to how I got into the room.

I groan, started to rub my eyes, praying that I am seeing shit. The alcohol is burning my system which is making me more confused, until I moved and noticed that there is a heavy arm wrapped around my waist and my head whips to the side right away. My worst fear is realized, and I wanted to scream of horror, but I contained it because I didn't want to wake up the naked man lying next to me. He wasn't just any man, but Kyle of the Blood Stone Pack. He owns half of the city and is from a rival pack. My father is going to murder me.

"Fuck! Fuck!", I whispered under my breath before I looked down and noticed that I also was naked. I felt a slight discomfort between my legs, which made me realize that I tossed my virginity away and have absolutely no memory of it. He must be a shitty lay, I chuckled to myself. Out of all people, it had to be the notorious Alpha and my father's biggest rival.

My phone vibrating on the floor beside the bed has me almost diving off it to retrieve it; my sister's face pops up on the screen. I quickly answer it, mindful to keep my voice low, whispering into the phone. "Hello"

"Where are you? Dad is going to lost it, I told him you're with me, he asked me to come home", she shrieks through the phone. I looked around before looking out the window trying to figure out my location. Fuck, I am still at the hotel where the Alpha meet was held.

"Still at Clark hotel", I whispered, and she pauses, going quiet for a few minutes.

"Oh, my fucking god, please tell me you didn't fuck Alpha jackass". She whispers, knowing dad would kill me and probably disown me if he ever found out. Alpha Kyle's reputation is scandalous and terrifying. I looked over at the Greek god lying in bed beside me, ultimately passed out and unaware of me standing and gawking at him. I would love to see the horror in his face when he wakes up, but he just might kill me along with my father, shit they may conspire together to make my death unexceptionally horrific.

"No, of course not. I just fell asleep in one of the rooms here, completely alone". I lied, hoping Amalia believes me. I won' t get her caught up in my minor issue if dad asks her; she sucks at lying. She doesn't need to know, so she can't get in trouble because of me.

"Stuff it, dad knows you stayed with me at Scarlett. I will have Scarlett pick you up, we are on our way, be there in five". She says and hangs up. I quickly look around, scooping my clothes off the floor and squeezing into the tight bodycon dress I toss the stupid ass angel wings into the trashcan in the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, I try to fix my makeup. My face is still covered in ridiculous amounts of glitter, and the eye mask that was painted on my face by my sister still concealed my face. I chuckle to myself, knowing the Alpha will probably wake up just as confused as me, and wonder why he is covered in glitter.

I vaguely remember talking to him, finding myself drawn to him for some unknown reason, but he was paralytic, which left me wondering who took advantage of who. I give him one last glance, scooping up my heels and grab my clutch before rushing to the hotel door swinging it open, only to crash straight into Alpha Kyle's Beta.

I recognize him from last night's introductions, though thankfully, he has no idea who I am, I was in the back of the room when he was introduced. I smack into his chest, and he stumbles back, staring at me. I am thankful for the paint on my face because he may have recognized me as my father's daughter, and that is the last thing I needed.

He smirks at me, clearly finding it funny that I am running from the Alpha's hotel room.

"My Alpha in there?" he asks. I dropped my head hoping he doesn't recognize, and quickly nod. Stepping past him trying not to touch him.

"Are you alright, or do you need a lift home?" He says, making me stop.

"What, do you give all your Alpha's one-night stands a lift home?" I chuckle at him, and he smiles.

"Only the pretty ones," he says, I rolled my eyes, waving him off before taking off to meet my sister. We needed to hurry home before my dad sent out a search party to run through Pocono Mountain City to retrieve his daughters.

One month later

One night that is all it took to throw away everything I has ever known. I felt a little under the weather, and being a werewolf, we rarely got sick. My father is the Alpha of the Litha Moon Pack, and after spending the last week sick, he decides to take me to see the pack doctor.

We lived in a city full of werewolves Pocono Mountain City. The entire population was werewolves, comprising of the four packs. My father's pack is the second largest pack, and he only has two daughters', and I am his oldest. As his eldest, I am next in line for the Alpha position, well until the doctor came back and turned my dreams upside down. My father had a look of disappointment on his face which made my heart clench. One night, one man, the biggest mistake of my life.

"She is pregnant," Doc Lyon tells my father and me as I sat on the green chair in the doctor's office. Doc's words horrified me; I couldn't be pregnant. I only had sex once, and I don't even remember because I was fucked up. How the hell could this be happening? My father looked at me from where he sat before returning his gaze back to our pack doctor.

"It's wrong, rerun the test. She hasn't found her mate, she can't be pregnant", my father says. I shrieked back in my chair. I am only seventeen, nearly eighteen, and the number one rule all she – wolves have drummed in our heads is to save ourselves for our mate. This was a huge deal, especially to my father. This would bring shame to our family, that I would break the one sacred rule for she – wolves. Sure, men can fool around which is a little biased, yet we do, especially someone like me in a position of power, that is frowned upon. I would be a disgrace to the family.

"Alpha, I have tested the urine sample twice", Doc tells him, but my father shakes his head, not believing his words or not wanting to.

"No, test it again, it is wrong". My daughter is not a rogue whore", I cringe at his words. That's what women are called who fall pregnant to someone that is not their mate. It is the worst thing to be labeled besides a traitor, yet both were treated the same.

Rogue whores are forbidden on pack territories and are only allowed on neutral territory, which is the main drag of the city and the two streets behind it on either side. Our city was pretty lucky, most she-wolves in other cities that fall pregnant are banished making them forsaken wolves. They turn feral without any pack contact and are forced to live outside the cities sending crazed. They are made like they do with those that betray or commit treason amongst the pack. No one wants to leave the city and be on their own out there. It wasn't safe and definitely not how anyone wanted to live.

Our city is different. We didn't kick women out of the city and don't banish them. We just them rogues, free to go about their lives without pack help. I used to look down on those women I would see try to make ends meet for their poor choices. Maybe this is my karma, I was soon going to be one of them.

"Yes, Alpha, I will test it again", Doc says before rushing out of the room and away from my father's deadly glare. My father starts pacing and I feel my heart rate quicken when he stops turning to face me and starts to stare at me.

"He has to be wrong; you are not like that. You wouldn't shame me this way", he says looking for confirmation. I shrink back in my chair. The Doc came back in again, stopping him from saying more.

"The results are the same, Alpha", Doc says before looking at me with pity. I swallowed, staring wide eye at the pack doctor, hoping he could save me from my father's wrath, but even I knew the elderly, grey men was no match for my father. Neither was I since I still haven't shifted. We shift on our 18th birthday, then we can find our mate, but being pregnant would now delay that process. Our bodies wouldn't allow us to shift while pregnant, it's a safety mechanism to protect the unborn pup.

My father growls, turning on his heel and glaring at me, his fists clenched by his sides as he fights that urge to shift. I had never seen him so angry at me before, his eyes flickering black in anger. My father has always been so proud of my sister and me, always showing us off and telling everyone about what great daughters we are and what a great Alpha, I would be when I took over the pack. I look like him, and he raised me in his image, preparing me to take over. His light hair, greenish-blue eyes, I got those traits from him, but right now he looked like he is on the verge of killing me as my face mirrored in his black orb.

"How far along is she?" My father says the venom in his words makes my blook run cold.

"We can have a scan done next week to confirm gestation", Doc tells him, and I look at my hands.

"No, do it now so we can take can of it before it gets out. I won't have a rogue for a daughter. This is not to get out, do you understand, Doc?" The Doc nods his head nervously while I am too staring gob smacked at what my father just said. It was going against the moon goddess to abort a were – baby.

"Wait!" I say, finally finding my voice. My father turned to look at me, and the Doc actually moves away from him when feels my father's aura rush out of him.

"Wait for what? You aren't keeping these monstrosities, we can sweep it under the rug, no one has to know, and you can still take the Alpha position, we just need to take care of this poor choice, then things can go back to normal", my father says, he made it sound so simple like this wasn't sin against the Moon Goddess.

"No, I won't, I can't do that, father, please just let me speak to mum. We can work this out", I pleaded with him.

"No, you will terminate the pregnancy, then we go home. Doc, get whatever it is you need. I am not leaving this office until this is taken care of", My father says. I feel tears brimming at his words sure I didn't want to be pregnant, but I was not a murderer; aborting a pregnancy was worse than having children to someone who is not your mate.

Directly shunning the Moon Goddess.

"Alpha, I am afraid if your daughter isn't willing, I can't perform such a thing unless there is a medical reason".

"She is willing, isn't that right, Athena", My father says, trying to force me to agree, but I met his gaze head – on. My mind was made up; I won't go through with it.

"No!" I tell him, not expecting his following reaction. My father had never hit me in all of my life, he had never raised a hand a hand to me, and the shock of his action was more painful than blow itself as his hand connected with the side of my face. I could feel the outline of his fingers etched into my cheek as a burning sensation spread across it from his palm.

"Then you are no longer my daughter", he says.

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