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The golem mage

The golem mage

Mystic dark


Alec was reincarnated in another world where magic rules, he was confused at the discovery of how things turned out, by he was in for a more for a more longer ride when he found out that he was the bastard son of one of the top family in the capital, The blaze family so his grandfather took care of him till he reached the age to become a mage, funny enough when his grandfather transferred his family ancient secrets to him he never took it seriously, until he awaken his system from there he started his journey into becoming one of the world greatest mage and helping his grandfather hope come to life again, for the golem mages legacy

Chapter 1 Alec Gordon

it was another day again at the Gordon's compound and my name is Alec I will go quick with the explanation, I was reincarnated after I had a nasty motor accident trying to save an old lady but who would have thought the gods would give me another chance by reincarnating in another world about 14 years ago.

I found out later that I was in young master and only remaining heir of the Gordon family, actually my name bloodline comes from the blaze family but the family was one of the top family of the capital and has never claimed me as part of there family, from what I heard my father never really married my mother, he was just a young master out for training and fell for my mom's beauty and used beautiful words to sweep her off her feet while impregnating her before returning back to his family after his training has been completed, without even caring to inform my mom.

When my mum found out she was pregnant with me it was already late cause he was already long gone, she tried to reach out to him by sending him messages and every messages sent to his family not even one reply was sent back.

She later mustered courage and travel to the capital herself to deliver the message in person, only to be humiliated and neglected by the man she had claim to love at the gate.

She was heartbroken by his behaviour enought but everything became worst when he told her he never loved her but only came close to her because of her beauty and that he had a fiance it was like the last straw that broke the camel back.

She came back to the Gordon family feeling dejected but was never rejected by her father who loved her whole heartedly, but she later died during childbirth so ever since I was born and reincarnated into this body I have being taken care of by my grandfather the family head of the Gordon family a small family which was surviving at the a tier_3 city close to the capital.

" Alec how are you doing today " an aged voice asked from the door of the courtyard I was residing from the voice I already knew who that was but I still turned back to stare at his face while I smirk

" you know I'm good old man I won't die before you after all " I replied back

" you !!!, forget it you seem to be getting really chessy now adays little boy " the old man first retorted by pointing his fingers at Alec but sigh in relief before bursting into laughter, while him and his grand son both gist and talked.

Anybody who saw the both of us talking will never see us in a grandfather and grandchild relationship, cause we were more like two brothers talking, my grandfather love for me was immense that after my mom died, he did everything to raise me right which I really appreciate with all the love he was showing and all but he sigh while grabbing my shoulders I was sure he was about to begin one of his important speech again.

" you do know you're about to turn fifteen right " he asked

" yes old man " I replied I was aware if what he was about to say next from fifteen years every one was free to start practicing magic and can finally be called a mage.

" you do know what will come next right " he looked at my eyes and I nodded back.

" I do " I replied back

" hmmmm after you awaken come meet me I have something to pass on to you " he said.

" ohhhh what is that " I asked with glistening eyes which literally had stars in them right now.

" now If I told you that, won't it just spoil my whole surprise " he questions back with a teasing expression I know what that meant he wanted me to become more curious for the answer and beg him for it, but the problem is even if I knew I couldn't resist it.

" just a hint would do you know " I asked again not ready to give up.

" well let's just say it's the only thing that has made the Gordon family survive this long during all the blood moon and make a reputation for it self even if it's just at the bottom " he started bragging again but I was not interested in his endless bragging

" ohh just spill it already " I begged this time the desperation could be since on my face

" OK !! it the secret manual of golems of the Gordon family " he said while scratching the back off his head, I could tell he was extremely embarrassed at the moment because most of the mage family's saw the Gordon's family as one of the most weakest mages who only know how to rely on their alchemy creation to do all the fighting.

Even if they were not widely acknowledged the fact that they were able to protect themselves this long even under the Blood Moon was a testament to there strength that made the other family still give the gordon family the recognition they deserve after all surviving the Blood Moon, was never an easy, the Blood Moon always occurs once every month.

it is then period when the 72 monarch of the purgatory send there generals and commanders from the purgatory to attack the surface, at this day different type of demons and undead attack all the settlement In the whole world, expecially the ones with human's the higher the population, the much dangerous the hoard.

" I can't believe you feel embarrassed about this why is it because you think I would be like the other in the family and just study another path of magic instead " I asked

" ye... ye..yes... , I am pretty nervous the golem manual is not being practice like before I don't want it to perish in my hand you are a smart boy am sure you can revival the glorious days of when golems where worship " he started his useless bragging again

" stop your bragging old man " I threw cold water on him

" don't worry I would definitely come for it after all its my inheritance, if I don't take it I might not get any property of yours when you die " I teased him again

" you brat, you are finish, wait for me " he started shouting again runing around the courtyard trying to catch me I smiled but I knew all this was just a pretense he was worried about the new wave of red moon that was going to come soon, he is clearly trying to prepare me to acquire strength so I can survive in this harsh dog eat dog world.

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