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Ivy Bennett,a 22year old girl born with a heart disease is told that she has less than six months to live. She feels sad about her boring and painful life and wishes she lives a more adventurous life. She meets Ishmael, a vampire who has lived for a millenial and has come to see life as boring. Ishmael takes interest in Ivy. Will a love story bloom?

Chapter 1 Ivy's boring life

She felt it, her world, it was crumbling.

He shoulder felt like it carried the

weight of a million heavy trucks. She

gasped for breath, the little life she

had in her seemed to have left her in

a heartbeat.

Ivy knew this day would come, little

did she know it would come this soon

. She was only twenty two for

Goodness sake! Why won't those who

lived among the heavens allow her

stay a little bit longer?

"Ivy? Are you okay?" Doctor Saraphina called after noticing she had blanked

out for quite a while.

Ivy didn't even hear that her name was

called. All that went on in her head

was how miserable she was and how

she never even got to live life as she


She was born with a heart disease,

this meant being in out out of hospital

buildings for majority of her life up

until this moment. I mean here she

was sitting in front of a doctor after

receiving the worst news anyone

could ever receive.

About a week ago, she had one of

those fainting spells and was rushed

to the hospital by her worried sick

parents. The doctor had carried out

some tests and she had only come

here today to get the test results

when the doctor decided to drop the

bombshell on her.

The doctor had just told Ivy that time

was no longer on her side Dr

Saraphina had sounded so sorry and

she wished she wasn't the one to have

given Ivy the news. She had been Ivy's

doctor since she was little. Telling the

poor girl that she had just six months left to live felt like a severe

punishment on her part. Little wonder

Ivy blanked out after hearing the news

"Ivy?" Doctor Saraphina called again,

this time loud enough to bring Ivy out

if her reverie.

"Ye...yess?" She responded..her voice

shaky like she was struggling to hold

back tears.

"Are you okay?" The worried doctor

asked. She felt like it was her fault.

She shouldn't have told Ivy without

anyone else around.. She had thought Ivy would prefer to find out personally

and in private.

"I'm fine, it's okay... Not like it's the end

of the world. 6 months is a very

longggg time"

She knew she sounded like she was

trying to give herself false hope but

that was all it was actually. Not like

she could change her fate in some

way, or could she?

She wiped the tear that was falling

down her left cheek. "Doctor, I need

this to stay between me and you"

The last thing Ivy wanted was for her parents to find out or anyone for that

matter. She had lived most of her life

receiving special attention and being

treated like an egg. She knew that

attention would triple should they find

out her condition. She also didn't want

them to feel bad just yet. She knew

her mother would pretty much blame

herself if Ivy eventually dies.

Saraphina nods in agreement, she had

no idea what the right words to say in

situations like this even after about

thirty years of practice. There were

simply no right words.

During the walk to the bus stop from the hospital. One step felt like a

month to Ivy. She felt like time would

suddenly start running really fast and

then it would be six months in the

blink on an eye and then, every atom of

life that she had in her would

suddenly disappear and then she

would close those deep blue eyes of

hers never to open them again and

That should be it. THE END OF IVY



She was brought out of her nightmare

by the sound of a car honk, she

looked up to see that she had almost been hit by a car. The thought of even

dying before those six months were

completed gave her chills. She was

thankful that the car had stopped just

before hitting her.

She looked around to see that she

had pulled quite a crowd, they all

gathered to see what was wrong with

the lady that was walking freely in the

middle of a busy road.

The car that almost hit her was a

Tesla car, latest edition. The owner

was obviously a billionaire to be able

to afford a car like this. Whispers

about who owned the car could be heard among the crowd.

Suddenly there was a moment of

silence as people watched the owner

of the car. The expected

some big shot of A list Celebrity of

some sort but were disappointed to

see some old man who looked weak

to the bones.

Most of them hissed and left the


The old man gradually walked to

where Ivy had fallen and bent to speak

to her.

Ivy could here the crowd murmur about how an old man like this could

be driving such an expensive car.

What confused her was where this

people saw an old man. The man coming out of the car was breathtaking.

He could beat Omar Al bokar hands

down on the runway. Even Zayn Malik

didn't stand a chance. His beauty was

otherworldly. Every step he took

oozed royalty and so where the fuck did this people see and old man?

The man bent over to talk to her as

she had felt lazy to stand from the

road where she fell. She smelt his

perfume and it reminded her of the jungle, in a good way..she wondered

what brand he was wearing.

"I know you're not hurt but here's my

card, call me if you need anything"

The handsome young man said to her

and made to stand up but she held his

shirt's sleeve.

"Why do they think you're an old man?

You're so young and damn hot"

She said, lost in the beauty of his eyes

. They weren't brown or hazel. Ivy

knew gold and this young man's eyes

were truly golden. 'he's a god!' she

screamed in her head. Ishmael looked at the rather frail lady

laying on the floor and drooling at his


'No one was able to see through his

false appearance. It had never


It surprised him how this lady saw

through the old man appearance he

put out.

He knew he needed to engage this

woman in a conversation.

Ignoring the stares from people

watching, he bent over and carried

her bridal style. He took her in his car and drove off with her sitting beside


He stole glances at her every once in

a while. He even tried to read her

mind to see what she was thinking.


How's that possible? He was going


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