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Kiss of Judas

Kiss of Judas



Adira Gotesco is the only child of Elfrida and Valdemar Gotesco. And because she does not have anyone to share her parent's riches, she is spoiled and was known to get what she wants. However, how come the famous and luxurious Adira Gotesco will tripped one day on the fate she did not prayed for. What will happen if she was one who will cause the biggest issue to her family? Will she do everything to make it right? Or will she follow the heart that let her taste the Kiss of Judas

Chapter 1 Start

He pushed me to the wall, I can feel his

big hand crawling towards my waist.

He kept kissing me on the lips and I'm answering his wet kisses with

the equal lust.

"Come on, Adira." He said in a hoarse voice.

Why honey? Are you that excited for me?

I felt him lifting my versace black and

gold dress, I caught his hand and broke away from our kiss for a moment.

"Not so fast." I said in a usual seductive voice.

He looked at me absentmindedly.

I wanted to laugh. A man will always be a man hungry for sex. Hungry for some flesh of a woman.

The man slipped out of the grip. I just returned his hand on my small waist

"Adira, why are you making it so long? I

know you want the D." He smirked at me.

I smirked at him too. As if, stupid.

I raised my finger with Jin Soon nail polish as I trailed his sharp jaw. This guy is hot, okay? He is one player of a famous soccer team.

But how could I not remember this idiot's name?

"Adira.." He held my finger and

gently bit it.

I smiled. But deep inside, hating it. Did you brush your teeth, dude?

He tried to kiss me again but I pushed him.

The kind of push that is so smooth. He won't even think that I don't want to continue what we have started.

"Wha-" I immediately cut him off his


I dropped my messy rope hair, I can clearly see the confusion on his eyes.

Of course, who wouldn't be amazed to an Adira Gotesco?

I still walked and marched coolly towards the mirror of the comfort room.

I fixed my hair as if he is not there.

I really like how my hair is curly and also its natural color brown. It's just bouncing whenever I walk. Enough to draw some attention.

That's why I love the red lipstick. It really

suits my hair color and my personality. My status in life. The red lipstick symbolizes me.

I ignored the man who keeps calling my name multiple times.

Come on, just mention it. That's a wonderful name.

I walked out.

Didn't even listen to his call or even his questions as to why we stopped. I don't even care if there are men who were surprised to see a beautiful one like me inside their comfort room.

I'm back at the party. This isn't the

first time for me. It's normal that I'll leave the men hanging with a thought nothing but the lust they have for my body.

On a stylish and big table I saw my friend Xerxes. She's drinking a well known

cocktails. I raised my hand for her to notice.

"Adira! You're back!" She put it down for a moment. "What? Success?"

I shook my head while sitting next to her.

"That guy is so boring! Pure talk!" I blurted with laughter.

I stole the drink from Xerxes and drank it straight.

She groaned. "What is that, Adira!

Your age will soon disappear from the calendar yet you're still a virgin?!"

"I'm still 29, Xexe. You talk like I'm 31 already!"

"You're seriously gonna wait for that age?! Not every month in calendar has 31!"

Xerxes Medina is my high school

best friend. She is my companion

prank at school. My companion in cutting, in copying, in sneaking illegal drinks as well as of course in search of men.

We called that dog hunting. Since that is the only position they like.

"Nope. I'll lose my virginity this year." I assured her.

"Hah! It should have been before! I lost my virginity when we were in third year

high school!"

Even prouder..

"I'm sorry, best friend. I'm choosy. I'll be the one to choose the good cck

that will fck me."

Xerxes was stunned by what I said. There is no trace of shyness on my face. I suddenly felt the wilderness staring at us.

Of course, who is smart to talk like this at a party for the elders?

If it wasn't for Dad, I will not go here. He wants me to go here as a substitute since he's gonna be late.

Damn, is that still a trend?

I was about to pour another glass of

cocktail when Xerxes shook me as if she was in need to pee.

"Xerxes!" I rebuke my crazy


"Is that David Beckham?!" She excitedly whispered to me.

I frowned at her question. David Beckham can't be here. This is a not very luxurious party to invite that!

When my eyes fell on that man. I suddenly felt why Xerxes is acting like she got electrocuted.

That man is wearing a blue polo and a

fitted trousers. His polo is folded up to his elbow, making his muscles to form manly. And he fking looks like David Beckham for cocktail's sake!

"Who is that, right? Adira?" Asked Xerxes again.

I gave her a sharp stare and irritatedly removed her hand wrapped around me.

"I know you, Xe! What? You want it bed?" I asked.

Her eyes widened at me.

"No! It's for you!

What? I just finished one man and this girl wants me to immediately jump to another?!

"Come on, Adira! I dare you!" She is challenging me.

"What? I don't want it! Only one at a time!"

"Just find out his name!"

"I don't want to!"

In annoyance, my friend dragged me towards the guy. Damn! Only Xerxes has the ability to do it to me!

Thank you for being my friend!

But I'm currently wishing she trip!

"Go on!!" She insisted and almost threw me.

Fortunately,even my heels are high I didn't trip. If that happens, I just wanted to be swallowed.

The man is leaning on the mobile bar

while chatting with some old

businessmen, I guess?

"Hello misters!" I gracefully waved at


"Hello, young lady!" My father's friend who is a businessman. I can't remember his name though.

I smiled.

"Where's your father? Did he send you

here as his representative?" Asked Mr. Sy

I shook my head. "He's busy chatting with his colleagues." I pointed at the other side.

My father have arrived just now. Maybe done with something to finish on, huh?

"Oh okay! Why are you here, Miss Gotesco?"

I just shrug my shoulders and bow down to pass through their middle and also lean towards mobile bar next to the man Xerxes is staring at.

I almost chase my soul when I smell a familiar perfume to him.

"White Russian, please?" I managed to

calm my voice.

The bartender nodded at me and the cocktail I ordered has been made.

I don't understand what these old people are talking about!

Why is he here anyway? He doesn't look old or maybe he is also a representative of his father.

Well I wonder who might be it?

I looked at Xerxes at our table and she gave me a thumbs up

I shook in the air while consuming the White Russian. Hah, I don't know why I am doing this for my bestfriend!

I've been here for about twenty minutes and I only drink vodka and cocktails.

I'm feeling tipsy already. Ugh!

I noticed that the voice at my back was gone. Probably they are all tired already.

But I can't really flirt now! I might even throw up in front of him.

I'm going to leave the bar in a daze, shit!

Why am I spinning?

I gasped when I lost my balance. I thought I'm gonna fall flat face on the floor! But there is a warm hand that grabbed my waist.

"Hey." He growled at me. "Easy, girl."

I can't focus my eyes anymore. Shit!

Sober up, Adira!

"A-Ah. I'm okay." I said, I was put aside by

the man on his side.

So this is David Beckham, huh? And why

he didn't leave when all the other oldies are gone?

"You're drunk."

I was suffocated by our distance. And I am too drunk to even focus myself.

"No... I'm okay."

He approached me to stand up. I shivered when he removed a few hair covering my face.

"You are not." He slowly whispered.

I swallowed and parted my lips, I saw his gaze drop to mine.

The next thing I knew, we were kissing

inside a car! I do not know how I came here but I'm don't care!

I reach for him to pull him closer to me. Shit! It's hot!

The guy is hungrily claiming my lips

while caressing my legs. A moan escaped

in me

"Shh." He said, he separated from me and

touched my lips. "You are so sweet."

"I'm sweeter down there." I giggled at him. My voice is unrecognizable.

I heard him groaned then he hurriedly drove. The world revolves around at my sight. I don't even know how many minutes or hours did the trip take?

The man pulled me out of his car,

he carried me like I am his bride while

getting inside his mansion.

I could not praise the luxury of

this man's house Fuck! Why am I

in a man's house? This should be the time that I must be protesting but no!

The alcohol is taking over my body!

I just felt my back lying on a soft mattress. I tried to focus my already drunk eyes on the man in front of me now.

He locked me to his gaze while he was

unbuttoning his shirt, when that was removed my eyes widened to see what he has.

His muscular body is slowly invading

me. When he leaned into me I can almost smell his manly natural scent. His hot stare is burning my body.

I saw how he slowly lowered his eyes to my chest. I swallowed hard.

He looked back at me again. This

time, lust is evident to his eyes, I felt that.

He lowered his head then I felt his lips brushing mine. I let out soft moan while he slowly cupped my breast.

He was not the first person to hold

it but I don't understand why do I feel like that is my first time!

The man lifted my dress and with one

swift move, my black underwear is now


My face immediately turned red to wha

he did. His kisses went down to my neck, I arched my back because I wanted


Why do I feel so hot?

"Yes, baby. Give yourself to me." he whispered.

He lifted my dress towards my stomach. When his kisses went down, I immediately hold his hand to make him stop.

He violently grabbed the two my hands and looked up at me.

"No." He commanded me and pinned my

hands on the side of his bed.

I gasped when he kissed me down there.

Fuck! I still have panties on and I can feel

the heat of his tongue!

I just felt that he push my panties to the side. I peeked and was shocked to see that he was already looking at me.


My lips parted when I feel pain. I felt his finger slowly entering me, pushing me

erotically. How am I still in my right mind?

When the man finished, I felt him positioned himself to me.

"Stay still." He ordered me in a baritone voice, shit! Is that it?

Is this what Xerxes is talking about?

He positioned himself and he spread my

legs wider. It feels like I'm tearing apart!

My mouth formed a big letter O when his

member is slowly entering my wet

entrance, I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip. It hurts!

I do not know if I'm too tight or he is just too big!

I looked up at him and saw him looking up too, already sweating. His adam's apple showed and I don't know why that adds to his hotness.

"Fuck so tight!" He said while pushing all

of him.

He looked down immediately.

He looked down immediatelyshock registers at his expression. "You're a fking virgin?!"

I gasped. I didn't answer anymore as he started to move little by little, I cannot understand the feeling. It's both pain and pleasure!

He thrusted more, I almost gasped

when he did thatto me.

"O-Ohh.. Please." I begged

I want more.

"Say my name." He lowered himself and

whispered into my ear, "Say my name


"I-I don't.. I don't know." WHY


"Lazarus." I open my eyes to see his face. When he met mine he suddenly gave it all.

"Oh fuck, Oh... Lazarus! Oh!"

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