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assassins past

assassins past



Coming from a long line of Knights who have been strong or special Aiden a young Knight a boy who is just 23 and has not achieved anything is being abducted from 2030 to 1958 to be used as a sacrifice to unlock a power that has been locked by his ancestors but before it was successful he was saved by an assassin who is sent to retrieve him and train him, but as time goes the truth is revealed to him about why they abducted him so he trains to become as strong as possible to stop the people after his life. But as time goes on Aiden finds the truth about what really happened and is caught between the races against time. Will he fight for what he would believe? Or would he find an easier way out


In a very old house, doors cracked, windows locked but barely held together by the rusted screws and the room smelling like the habitat of a pig, stood about 10 men covered in a red cloak ranting some spells trying to perform a ritual with Sir Aiden tied unconscious with old ornaments arranged around his body. They begin to chant the spells louder ‘ kiristos armanki libros banaspros’ repeating it, as they repeated it they became louder each time.

Suddenly something drops in their middle and skunks come out and release gas, the whole room becomes foggy and very disgusting, a man in the shadows takes down two guards, the other guards stand alert but he swoops in from above land on the head of one guard uses his legs to twist the head of the guard tumbles and throws a knife that pierces through of the other guard and he lets out a shout as he falls. The fogs finally go down and they see a man with his face covered dressed like a ninja with Sir Aiden on his shoulder before one of the cloaked men could react the man disappears.

Few hours later Sir Aiden wakes up in a little shack, on a little bed as he stands up he looks around confused he sees a man who seems like he is in his 70’s splitting firewood, scared and confused he grabs a stick holds it like a sword goes outside and the man sees him laughs and gestures him to come forward to attack him confidently Sir Aiden goes forward swings his sword to towards him and he moves back eloquently without making a sound or a fuss, Sir Aiden looks shocked and tries to hit him with multiple attacks and anytime his stick tries coming close he moves out of the way. Out of breath Sir Aiden looks up to look at the man but he isn’t there, shocked Sir Aiden looks around then he feels a tap on his back turns back and sees nobody he feels another tap looks around and still sees nobody then finally the man reveals himself.

Walking back to where he was splitting his firewood and continues, Sir Aiden asks him who he was, where he was, how did he get there and how he can get back. ‘Calm down with the questions boy I’ll answers them but you are not asking the right question, but me name is Jesse and for your question about where you are in England but 1876, and for how you got here your ancestors actually used black magic to bring you from the future to use you as a sacrifice for a ritual but it seems life had a different thing for you to do, and for how you can get back, well you will have to finish your quest before somehow you can go back I actually don’t know how that works’. Confused by everything that came out from the mouth of the man he lets a subtle laugh drops the stick in his hands and begins to walk away, the old man stands up uses two fingers to hit him on his neck and Sir Aiden falls unconscious.

Waking up Sir Aiden finds out he is still in the same place being calmer he went outside and saw Jesse cooking something and walks to where he is sits down beside him and tells him he is ready to listen Jesse smiles and drops his surprisingly big spoon. “You are the descendant of Sir Percival and he was a very great night who stopped the use of black magic among the people now he is dead and there is no one to stop them they decided to bring back black magic and they need the blood of the descendant of the person who actually used blood magic to seal black magic, and Sir Percival has no known children in this era, but somehow you were found to be a descendant who is almost useless or should I say defenseless, they found you to be vulnerable and took you and that is when I came in saved your life so you can be used to defeat them and then you can go home”.

Sir Aiden still looking confused asks him “So how did you know what their plan was and why did you help me” Jesse then explains to him that he is a ninja and they are a secret society in England and somehow the seer told them that you need to be saved and you will create a balance somehow, also your existence will help keep their organization a secret. Still finding everything hard to understand Sir Aiden decides to do whatever he has to do so he can get back home because he is not the type of person to save the world type shit.

Well the first thing Jesse did was to tell him he is getting rid of the ridiculous title in front of his name he will just be known as Aiden, next thing was to give him a very light textured cloth to wear because the clothes he had on were amour and they made a lot of noise and the first thing you would have to know as a ninja is to master the act of silence, after Aiden has put on fresh clothes took a nice bath he came to present himself to his new master, expecting they would begin training or something, even in deep down Aiden just wanted to go and sleep but he wanted to be through with all this past troubles and return to his boring life where he had little or no pressure but instead Jesse give him an axe and tells him to cut some firewood and fill the barn, Aiden tried to protest but Jesse did not give him a listening ear so Aiden took the axe and began to grovel.

As he begins to move from the compound Jesse shouts and tells him to stop, suddenly the whole compound is full of knights with their swords like thirty of the Jesse stand up smiling and picks up the spoon that was beside him, then a man walks in with the same cloak the people who kidnapped Aiden wore, Aiden took a fighting stance when he recognized the cloak the man removes the hood of the cloak and Jesse’s eyes beam with surprise as he sees the face of the man, the man looks and Jesse and smiles.

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