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Taming The Ruthless Alpha

Taming The Ruthless Alpha

Bella Cupid


"You got it all wrong redhead" Drake said in a deep husky voice, taking slow steps towards Raven until she was pinned between him and the wall. He leaned closer to her and placed his large palms on the wall, on both sides of her head, trapping her in his close proximity. His hazel eyes burned with smouldering intensity and his lips were just a few inches away from her ears. His hot breathe made her shiver as he whispered, "I don't do love. I devour women" Raven looked up at him defiantly, green eyes flashing with rebellion. "Go on then",she said boldly. "Devour me" ... Raven Donovan has always been a rebel and an independent woman. Smart and sassy, bitingly sarcastic and classy, breathtakingly beautiful with a body men craved for, she has all her life planned out and would not stop until she reaches the highest peak of success. She is swept off her feet when she meets the talk of the town. Alpha Drake Jordan. ... Raven shuddered and a pleased sigh escaped her lips as Drake's expert hands skimmed over her exposed skin, arousing hidden pleasures she never knew existed. She gasped softly when his hard palms gripped her hips and yanked her firmly against his sinful body. "Why do you resist me Raven?",Drake whispered against the shell of her ear, causing a riot of goosebumps to appear on her skin. Raven gulped slowly and moistened her lips. "You are sin... sin I shouldn't commit...",she rasped out and bit back a moan when she felt Drake gently nip her earlobe. "Why...?",Drake whispered again and dipped his hot lips into the sweet spot in her neck. "I... I should hate you",Raven said slowly and her heart thudded as Drake's lips moved closer to hers. "But I just can't resist you" ... Ruthless and cold-hearted, Drake believes in only three things. Dominance. Power. Wealth. He has no time for anything else, and absolutely no time for women. To him, love is weakness. When he meets Raven, a flame of desire and attraction is ignited within him and for the first time, he is totally intrigued. Her rebellious attitude and boldness rears up his interest and releases strange feelings he never thought he was capable of having. Drake will stop at nothing to dominate Raven until she melts in his arms. Raven who has lived a perfect life all along is thrown into a sea of the supernatural, discovering things she never knew existed. Drake isn't what she thinks he is; he's a creature of the night. A werewolf who is able to take the form of a terrifying beast. Even with this knowledge, she can't resist the irresistible charm of the arrogant alpha and soon, a hot sizzling passion springs forth between them and Raven is determined to tame the cold-hearted beast. Suddenly things are changing. Raven is killed and brought back to life not as a human, but as a supernatural creature. Dark secrets about Drake are unveiled and when someone framed him for a murder that occured years ago, Raven knows she's the only one that can save him. Because in the midst of the darkness surrounding him, she is his light.

Chapter 1 Contracted Relationship

Raven Donovan exited the building where she worked as the assistant director to a loan firm. A few person's waved to her as she walked passed them, while some called out to her.

"See you tomorrow Raven"

"Good night Raven".

Raven just smiled at them without saying a word. Truth be told, she never stopped to talk with these people. And they only befriended her so they could get a little favour from her, due to her high status.

She continued round the large building towards the parking lot where her sweet mustang was waiting for her. Even after a hard day's work, she still looked absolutely fresh. Her bright red hair was still neatly clipped behind her ears, trailing down her back in a river of fiery waves. Her well tailored two-piece suit clung to her luscious body enticingly, without a single crease. Two inches stiletto heels rapped hard on the concrete floor as she walked briskly to her car. She held a file and her little purse in one hand while on the other hand, she texted on her cell phone.

She just arrived at her car when she heard voices from the other side of the parking lot. Her emerald green eyes snapped upwards and she paused beside her car.

"I'm begging you Master Drake, give me another chance",a female voice begged earnestly.

Raven paused beside her car and listened. She wasn't one to eavesdrop on another person's conversation but the yearning in the woman's voice caught her attention. Such longing and passion. Her interest was aroused as a male voice answered coldly.

"Perry please come over and read the contract again to Miss Eleanor. It seems she has forgotten the terms of our agreement".

Eleanor? Agreement?

Raven scrunched her eyebrows in thought. Could that be Eleanor Manchester?The biggest movie star the world was crazy about? It couldn't be.

Sharp footsteps echoed and someone, presumably Perry began to read out some sort of rules.

"In this contracted relationship between Master Drake Jordan and Miss Eleanor Manchester..."

Raven gasped. It was indeed Eleanor Manchester. What could the biggest movie star be doing in a cramped parking lot, begging for a man's attention? Eleanor was a star and people begged to have a glimpse of her. She shook her head and continued to listen.

"...shall ask for anything you desire, money, fame and otherwise. But you shall never request for the Master to return whatever feelings you feel for him. Should you break this rule, the contract shall cease to exist and it shall be annulled".

A contracted relationship? Raven rolled her eyes. Whoever this man was, he was so full of himself. To sign a contract just to have a relationship with him? Who the hell did he think he was? She needed to have a glimpse of him so she moved as quietly as she could to the corner of the parking lot and peered round the cars that were parked.

There was a man standing with his back to her. She couldn't see him clearly. Another man stood beside him, holding an envelope and a bunch of paper. That had to be Perry. And right before her astonished eyes, Eleanor Manchester was down on the ground on her knees. Her face, her beautiful face that men died for was streaked with tears, her mascara running down the sides of her face. Her blonde hair was disheveled, making her look twice her age. She was dressed in a light pink mini gown that hugged her body tightly. She looked so helpless and miserable that Raven couldn't help but feel a little pity for her. This was a woman she literally admired on TV everyday, wishing to be as successful as her. And here she was, looking so pitiful on the ground, begging for the love of a man. The man in question hadn't turned around since the beginning of the conversation. Raven quietly brought out her iPad and began to record the scene.

"You heard that clearly Eleanor",Drake said coldly without an ounce of pity for the woman on the ground. He still had his back turned and he didn't bother to spare her a glance.

"I know Master Drake",Eleanor sobbed and tried to move forward towards Drake. "I know the contract I signed. But I couldn't help it. I love you so much Drake. I tried to hold back my feelings. The more I tried, the stronger they became".

She began to ramble endlessly.

"I just want you to love me back. I don't want anything else from you Drake. Just love me. I can't live without you. Please Drake, don't send me away. I love you so much". Eleanor crawled on the ground and gripped Drake's pants. "Just give me a chance Drake. I'll make you feel so good. You won't regret loving me..."

"ENOUGH ELEANOR",Drake barked harshly at her. He kicked her hands off his legs and whirled around.

The iPad almost fell off Raven's hand when she caught a clear glimpse of Drake's face. She stared. He was simply magnificent. Perfect.

Rich dark wavy hair that curled around his head. Hard hazel eyes which were currently glaring at the woman sprawled on the ground. His face was hard and chiselled. Handsome as the devil. That was the thought that came across Raven's mind. He was sinfully handsome. His body was made for the tailored tuxedo he wore. The blazer rode over his broad shoulders. The top three buttons of his inner shirt was unbuttoned and she could see the smooth column of his throat. Well fitted black pants enclosed his long hard legs, and a pair of black suede shoes competed it all. She had never seen this man before. He looked like the CEO of a prominent company and Raven didn't realize she was staring intently at him, not paying attention to what was being said.

Drake glared coldly at the woman sprawled on the ground beside him. This was the reason why he had nothing to do with women. They were a burden to him. Always wanted love and affection. Something he detested so much.

"You've broken the agreement of our contract Eleanor",he said in a bitingly cold voice. He showed no ounce of mercy or pity for Eleanor who was now sobbing on the ground.

"Drake",she whispered in tears. Her eyes pleaded with him. "Please don't do this".

"The relationship is over",Drake continued harshly. "Perry get this woman out of my sight!".

"Drake noooo",Eleanor screamed in agony. She felt her heart constricting. All she wanted was for him to love her in return. When she signed the contract to be his girlfriend for six months, she had done it because of the money he had to spend. And also the fame that would be added to her name. She never knew she would fall helplessly in love with him.

Perry pressed a button on his cell phone and spoke into it.

"The parking lot. Now".

"Drake please give me a chance... ",Eleanor kept begging just as three men came out from the elevator and walked towards them. They didn't say a word as they took hold of Eleanor and dragged her away. Her cries and pleas echoed in the empty lot as she was pulled away.

Drake didn't spare her a glance. He brought out his phone and dialled a number.

"Yes Drey. Bring the next client tomorrow. The recent one had been dumped".

Raven blinked. Next client? Where women really lining up to sign a contract just to be with this man? Such a shame.

She put down her iPad and was about to tiptoe away when the same hard voice stopped her.

"I know you're there. Come out right now!".

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