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ALPHAS'AGAINST AN ALPHA: The Mysterious Revenge

ALPHAS'AGAINST AN ALPHA: The Mysterious Revenge



Alpha Bryan, a man from Sora thinks the land is of him and he can do whatever pleases him went unconfronted about killing and kidnapping people. Mr . Sudan, his youthful friend who lived and worked with him in the same company realized he had been the reason behind the numerous and frequent death of her colleagues, disclosed his werewolf identity to as many as he could, and fled to the land of Lota Eighteen cities away from his hometown. Fifteen years later, he is back in his home town Sora with a heavily pregnant woman Benita, the love of his life, a werewolf of Alpha Gira's pack of Lota. Alpha Bryan is aware of Sudan's return. He attacked his wife during her delivery at Dr. Joefery's hospital and killed her, the baby, and other workers except for Dr. Joefery and his secretary Mrs. Osas. Countless times, his complaints reach Alpha Zoda of Lota, the chief of the army in charge of Soda Republic. This time Alpha Zoda vows never to go easy with Alpha Bryan for killing Benita Gira the only daughter of his best friend Alpha Gira. There is a city-wide announcement to wage against Alpha Bryan. Thousands of people surface including Alpha Morgan who stays at Fora a born Sorain who through Alpha Bryan their park was closed down. Alpha Bryan is aware of the ongoing training, he attacked and killed thousands of the trainees. Would they ever get revenge? The story is related to Alpha Gira and he collaborated with Alpha Zoda and Alpha Morgan. This time the revenge is Alphas against an Alpha says Alpha Gira in his letter to Alpha Bryan. Was Alpha Bryan evicted? Was there justice for Mr. Hasa, Mrs. Benita Mr. Gaddy, and Dr. Joefry?




The news of Alpha Quarah's death got to me and once in many eyes, I didn't feel the pain of losing a fellow Alpha.

Though a legend like him is gone, I'm not shaken nor disturbed as to who will become the new Alpha of his great park when his son Bryan is young and alive.

For, it has never been that an elephant will give birth to a lion.

I'm very much convinced Bryan will make a great Alpha even more than his late father.

The news of his enthronement came to Me weeks ago. I became elated when I was informed as the one to enthrone him may be due to my position as the Eldest among the Alphas.


Today is the day a title will be added to Bryan and not just a title, a powerful and respectable one.

I am thirty minutes to the commencement of the event and the park is a forty minutes drive from my office.

I canceled every pending appointment and quickly scanned my eyes through the remaining documents and effected changes where needed, rearranged my table, picked up my bag, and exited my office.

I stopped by Mrs.Brenda's office, my PA.

"Mrs. Branda, I'm on my way to the enthronement party of Bryan. I want you to come with me. Sorry for taking you unaware I forgot to inform you earlier."

Objectively she said "yes"

I watch her rearrange her table, switch off her office appliances and rush to pick up her handbag.

We walked as fast as our legs could carry us to the reception so much that one could barely see our steps as we descended the stairs.

At the reception, all eyes with questionable expressions were on me.

But I am too busy to be bothered about it.

I know it is unlike me to leave the office in the early afternoon with my PA as the only accompaniment.

I walk to my SUV, the latest model tinted glass car, open it and hop in and my PA did the same.

I turn on the ignition, reverse, and was about to drive out of the building when my second to command confronted me

"Greetings Chief, it is not right for you to be out on the street alone without any of us with you. May I send some boys to accompany you? "he said.

"Yes! I mean No."

Before I could say something else my PA cut in.

" Thank you very much, Inspector, we are embarking on a family visit, okay? We don't need the boys today, may you now leave?"

She said and the inspector left as if he waited for her to speak

I zoomed off.

Yes, I am the chief of the Army general in charge of the Soda Republic and I'm not supposed to be seen outside the office alone.


I know my Boss, he was already fumbling. I needed to help him out. I mean that is why I'm his assistant.

While on the road I started a conversation.

"Chief, do you remember it is against the park rule for the boys to accompany us?"

"coupled with the fact that our identities would have been revealed at the end of the day, and it would have cost us to lose our jobs.?"

Chief was just looking at me and noodling his head.

" Thank you very much," he replied.


Yes! This enthronement party is different from others I know, the park was not different from its normal setting.

No music is played nor are the cooks busy, everyone is just seated at a corner discussing what I don't care to know.

This is my tenure and no food nor resources will be wasted, unlike my father that gave out everything of free will.

He made it look like his park was a free town where everything was free.

Only the garden is officially arranged with six chairs, two for me and my wife the would-be Luna Debi, two for Alpha Zoda and his accompanier, and two for my chief security and cook.

They are no guests except for

my most important guest Alpha Zoda who is not here yet.

It is just me and my park members

I so needed him to give me his right hand of authority and made his final pronouncement.

The people are all seated in the garden. I stood up to track my mobile device network to connect with Alpha Zoda but then I spotted him dressed up in military wear with a woman dressed in black.

"Finally, he is here'' I smile and return to my seat


I arrived early enough but was convinced I'm at the wrong venue.

The music was not heard, no aroma of food from the kitchen, no jubilation sound.

The park is as calm as a cemetery, from the look of things one could easily vow nothing is going on there.

I walked into the building only to see the park the way it was. Though I'm a first-timer, I could equally tell when the setting of a park changed.

I was about to walk into the main building when I saw Bryan.

" Come to the garden alpha, the enthronement will be here." He said.

I turned to my PA and our eyes meet.

"Branda what is supposed to be the type of Enthronement party hosted in the garden with six chairs?."

"This I must confess is not a good start."

We trekked into the garden.


The so-called garden event center was disappointing.

"Everything is so disorganized chief, I thought you said he was a son of a learned man."

He became disappointed and bent down his face placing it on his knees.

The next time he raises his face is when he was called to make the pronouncement and give his right hand to the new Alpha.


The question from my PA got me so confused.

How could he be so stingy to have done this?

I was engulfed with thoughts that I unknowingly bent my face to my knees and was brought back to my senses when I was called for the enthronement.

"Chief, chief, your attention is needed." Said my PA.


I know Alpha Zoda is disappointed, but this is my park and I do what pleases me never again will there be a government like that of my father.

I called him here for a purpose he should only concentrate on what he was called for.

He sluggishly stood up from his seat. Look me in the face before making his pronouncement.


I'm already here and I can't say no to pronouncing him the new Alpha.

I hold his hands with my right hand look him in the eyes and place my left hand on his hand.

" From this day henceforth, Bryan Quarah, I pronounce you the new Alpha of this park and also give you my right-hand fellowship.

With the same power vested in me, I pronounced your wife___.

"What's her name please." He asked


"Your wife Debi is the new Luna of this park."

No one clapped except his wife.

All the park members were just folding their hands into their arms.


Imagine being enthroned and no one except my wife clapped for my achievement.

I've lived all my life for this. Acted obedient and calmly to actualize this and now?

Nobody dares with the new Alpha.


I knew something serious was about to happen. And I wasn't ready for any. I stole a glance at my PA and she understood, picked up my bag, and followed me.

"Goodbye Alpha Bryan" I wave to him.

But he overlooked wearing an angry face

We walked as fast as we could to the car. I was about to turn on the ignition when I heard a voice from behind

"Everyone Get on your knees."


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