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The Bride to the Alpha Male

The Bride to the Alpha Male

Mayor George


After the death of her parents, Naya lived with her aunt, who maltreated her. She endured all pains, and hoped for a change. She was sold out, to become a maid at the palace. As time went on, she began to serve the Alpha. She became a threat to Diva, the mistress, who always wanted to see her suffer or be dead, whenever she gets a chance. Along the line, she is tagged as a whore, being that alpha had a fight with his friend, whom he never quarreled with. Rumors were spread that she was dating the alpha. She felt attached to Alpha Rohan, but doesn't want to, as she is just a maid. She was heartbroken when she saw alpha under the sheets with Diva. All sort of emotions swelled in her heart. Alpha did not understand why his heart was clenching in pain and guilt. She tries to avoid the alpha, but it seems like fate never agrees with her. They fell in love with each other, and admitted that they feel for each other. Diva was not happy and wanted to kill her. Her plans were abortive, and it was known all over that Naya was alpha Rohan's long lost Luna. He finally found happiness, as Luna bore him an heir.

Chapter 1 1

"Naya!" A voice screamed.

Naya who is currently washing dishes at the backyard tremble the moment she heard the voice

she recognized belongs to her aunt.

Naya is an eighteen year old lady. She is the real definition of beauty. She has long dark hair

that stopped at her back any moment she let it down, her beautiful tone skin radiate like the

early morning sun, a stare into her ocean eyes is all it takes for you to drown there forever.

Naya was just fifteen years of age when she lost her parents to the war that happened between

their packs and another pack. The war lasted for five months and it claimed both lives and

properties. It was unfortunate for little naya to have lost her parents to the unfortunate incident.

After the death of her parents, naya retorted to living with her aunt (kihara). Kihara has done

nothing but make life miserable for her ever since she started living with her and sometimes,

Naya prays for death to come take her because the suffering is too much.

"You are still doing the dishes!" Kihara thundered the moment she entered the backyard and

met Naya still doing the dishes.

"I…I…I just finished cleaning the house aunty," she stuttered.

"So? For you to clean the house, cook and get water from the river for us to use for our needs

has become a hard job that you can't do within an hour?" She demanded rolling her eyes in her


"No, I… she was interrupted by a heavy slap that landed on her cheek from her aunt.

A tear rolled out of her eyes as the pain from the slap hitted her, she could feel her skin getting

red already.

"I will deal with you today,"kihara promised.

She dashed into the house and soon returned with a whip which she started lashing Naya


"Aunt I'm sorry! Please!" Naya begged as the cane landed on her body, each spot where it

landed getting red.

Kihara stopped beating her after a while. She glared at Naya that was wincing in pain on the


"Now, follow me," she ordered.

Naya immediately stood up, tears kept flowing down her cheeks as she stared at her skin that

had become red from the beating, she sustained some injuries from the beating already.

She cleaned her face with the back of her hand and without wasting much time, she dashed into

the house knowing fully well that one second late into the house would spell doom for her.

She met Kihara in the parlor, her leg crossed as she focused on whatever she was pressing on

her phone.

"I'm here aunt," Naya announced her presence.

Kihara dropped her phone on the table in front of her as she focused her hard glare on Naya.

"Have you cooked?" She asked.

"Yes," Naya replied.

"You mean you have also cleaned the house?" She asked again.

"Yes ma," Naya replied.

Kihara bites down on her lips wondering what she could use to lash out at her.

"Then why did you use your head to think that you haven't fetched water?" She questioned

glaring at her.

"I'm sorry aunt," Kihara bowed.

"Don't tender stupid apology for me, foolish girl!" she shouted at her.

"Go to the river and ensure you fill all the empty bowl and drums tonight," Kihara stated.

"But aunt is late," Naya muttered under her breath.

"What did you just say?" Kihara asked, bringing down her crossed legs as she made to stand


"Nothing, I will soon be back aunt," Naya replied.

She rushed you out of the parlor before kihara would descend on her.

Kihara stepped out of the house with the big bowl she often used in her hand. She stared at the

dark night and a deep sigh left her mouth. She shivered immediately, as the cold breeze made

contact with her skin.

"Nothing will happen, I can't die yet, no matter what," she muttered to herself confidently.

She murmured a song as she walked towards the river.

In no time, she got to the river, she fetched the water into her bowl and headed towards the


It was so dark and quiet outside and it was just like she is the only person still outside as she

didn't meet anyone both on her way going or coming back from the river.

She didn't feel much cold or alone since she was singing and fetching the water.

Naya's face lightened up when she fetched the tenth water and she realized it remained just a

visit to the river for the drum to be full.

She hastened up her steps as she made her way to the river, she got to the river and after

fetching the water she wanted she headed back to her house still Singing.

"Finally, I got you," a deep masculine voice said in front of her.

Naya's heart skipped multiple beats the moment she heard the voice and the first thing that

crossed her mind was that it might be spirits from the forest.

Naya closed her eyes, she held tight to her bowl and continue her journey because she once

heard that "people don't look at spirits or they will be killed,"

"Mrs," she felt a cold tap on her shoulder and she let go of the bowl on her head as she let out a

wild scream.

"What? I didn't do anything," the deep but calm voice giggled.

It was then Kihara raised her head up to stare at him. A sharp gasp left her mouth the moment

she saw the person in front of her.

She stared at him from his well carved brow to his pouty pink lips,his bright eyes that shone

despite the darkness.

"He is so cute!" Her wolf whispered.

"Hey!" The guy waved at her, snapping her out of her reverie.

Kihara cleared her throat in embarrassment. She stared at the guy for the last time and bent

down to pick her bowl before starting to head home.


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