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Rosy Dream

Rosy Dream



It was raining,I remembered how my mummy died for me. She was in pains all because she wanted to save my life..... I wanted to go and meet my mother wherever she is in her grave,I dived into the water and I thought I was gone because I didn't know how to swim and started drowning. I struggled with life and death,then I felt the water splash and water waves in shadow of a human heading towards me,by then I was lifeless and down with fear of death. I felt someone bring me out of the water,but I couldn't see his face but his touch was striking. He opened my locker and put beauty gifts into it. I was grateful to him for making me see the world again even if he was gone. I vowed to love only the boy who saved my life and forever be grateful to him. But he was gone.....................

Chapter 1 The orphanage

Wakie wakie Michelle,it's time to wake up from sleep,her guardian said as she woke her up from sleep.

Michelle and other girls who are also orphans were above 15 years and couldn't be allowed to stay in the small orphanage rather they were sent to stay in a family where they will be taken care of.

Michelle's case was different because her story is complicated unlike other orphans. She was saved by a guy whom she didn't know and he took her to the orphanage when she was unconscious and left her there.

The girls in the orphanage are Jennifer also called Jenny, Maureen,Annabel, Jessica,Isabelle also called belle and lastly Michelle. The boys in the orphanage where Ricky J,Kelly-ken, Divine,Andriot,then the last Nicholai.

They all met each other at the orphanage and usually went to school together as they were more or less like siblings.

Although there school where not all the same but they always came back home to meet each other.

They do everything together as family such as doing assignments together, having breakfast,lunch and dinner together, going out together,and lastly sleeping in same house.

The house was made In harmony but ain't in total harmony as should be

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