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His revenge on me

His revenge on me

shreya ki


"""We were destined to collide but the river of misunderstanding left us at the opposite banks""". " Abort the baby, I don't want the child who have your family blood running in his/her body" Albert said domineeringly and walks away from there.. She looks at her husband Albert . He the richest man of the Asia and only the heir of Knight family, who married her for the revenge of his father and mother death. He married her forcefully and continiously raped her, humiliated her, and destroyed her family although he had childhood sweetheart whom he loved very much. She was tired of all the pain he had given her. She want to be free from his cage. She remember the day he said" Kaira Li no one can save you from me. Your life is in my hand". After many years of being tourtured and living the life of hell finally she became successful to escape from him. But why is he not giving her to escape ? why is he not giving her to run away from him? " Kaira Li listen you can only be mine Albert knight wife" He kisses her while Kaira was in shock. Hey guys this is my first novel pls support me. You can write review comment what you think about this novel.

Chapter 1 Begging for mercy

" Dad Dad stops... there, I said stop there where are you taking my dad? Pls, leave my dad. I beg you" Some men in black were dragging a man in his late 50s while a girl in her 20s was crying and begging the men in black to leave her dad.

She was Kaira Li begging for her dad Thomas Li's life. Today the Li family had lost everything. The Li group got bankrupt, her brother Evan Li was sent to jail, and her mother fainted from shock and was admitted to a hospital.

At this time several men in black appeared there. Kaira becomes scared while Thomas looks at his daughter and shouts" Kaira my daughter run from here. Run fast he will not leave you. He will kill you Kaira run from here quickly".

Kaira looks at her dad and shakes her head, she didn't want to leave her dad.

" Where are you saying your daughter to leave Thomas" A magnificent voice comes from the back. All the men in black move on each side and open away while the man walks like a hungry Lion toward them.

He had a gun in his left hand while there was a cigarette in his right hand. He walks to Kaira and sized her from up to down.

Kaira becomes nervous, she was shaking do. fear.

" Albert Knight Don't dare you to touch my daughter. I had already said to you I haven't done anything why are you doing this to us" Thomas said while Albert turn to him.

He laughs crazily and said," Do you think I will trust you?".

Albert then walks to Kaira and pulls her hair. Kaira screams in pain and tries to be free from him " Ah ah leave me you bastard leave me".

" what are you doing Albert leave my daughter. I beg you to leave her. The Li group had already gone bankrupt. You have taken everything from me, just let my daughter go Albert I beg you pls pls pls Albert kill me but leave my daughter" Thomas cries and begs for his daughter's Life.

" Ha hahaha haha haha Thomas not only you your whole family had to pay the price for what you did to mine. I will not kill you. I will make you beg me to kill you daily" Saying this Albert loses his hand on Kaira's hair and throws her to his man.

" Thomas your daughter will be my plaything. Her life will be in my hand from now on. She will dance on my finger" Albert said this and walked from there.

Thomas screams and begs to leave his daughter while Kaira tries to reach her father and screams to leave her. She was scared, scared for her family, for herself.

In a big and luxurious European mansion, several luxurious black cars stop in front of the door of the mansion.

Several black men come out of the cars and one of them opens the door. Albert comes out of the car and walks inside the mansion.

Everything inside the mansion was screaming money.

In the living room, a woman in her middle 20 was sitting on the sofa sipping wine. Seeing Albert walking inside she puts the cup down and walks to Albert. She hugs him and said," I missed you Albert. where were you didn't say me where you were going?".

Albert was not in the mood to sweet talk he moves back, looks at Mia Si who was his childhood sweetheart and said: " Mia why are you here?"

Mia didn't feel anything when Albert avoided her contact. He knew him since childhood. He didn't love getting close to anyone. Although he was her boyfriend he was not so cosy, or romantic to her. He was strict and his limits.

" Albert I just felt like meeting you. It's been many days since I haven't heard from you. why can't I meet you" Mia makes a sad face and looks at Albert?

Albert was bout to reply to her when some of his men drag Kaira inside. She was screaming " leave me. you bastard leave me"

Albert's blood boils hearing Kaira screaming. He wants to cut the girl's throat right now but he can't. He has to let her scream his name under him.

Mia was shocked seeing the scene. Albert had never taken fancy to any women till now but why is Kaira Li the daughter of the Li family doing here? She looks at Albert and asked," Alber why is miss Li doing here? why did you bring her here?".

Albert who lost all his patients looks at Mia and screamed" Mia just leave here I will say you tomorrow what end? ".

Mia didn't want to leave there. She felt hurt seeing Albert saying her to leave while he was bringing Miss Li to his mansion. She Looks at Albert with a determined look not to leave there.

" Mia I said just leave means to leave right? Leave right now" Albert screams. Mia becomes afraid. She takes the bag from the sofa and leaves the mansion with tears on her face.

After Mia leaves Albert takes a long breath and looks at Kaira very angrily. He walks to her and drags her upstairs to his room. After reaching his room he throws her in his bed.

Kaira becomes afraid to see this. She tries to run away from there but Albert catches and throws her on the bed and screams" You have so much energy to scream and curse me. Why not you scream under me the whole night. I will break all your pride".

Saying this he jumps on her and tears all her clothes like a hungry wolf. He kisses her forcefully, bites her touches her everywhere and leaves her after One hour of nurturing her.

Kaira lays emotionless on the bed while Albert looked at her disdainfully and said:" I will not fuck you today but I will fuck you every day making you my wife.".

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