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Mr Prime Minister

Mr Prime Minister



Sly, vicious, ruthless.Fu Huai'an prime minister, next and favorite person to the king,the very whisper of his name was enough for soldiers to abandon their weapon and armor in the battlefield. Yet,this merciless commander found himself on wits-end with this lady that couldn't help to draw his attention. Letting him know life isn't about battles and conquering enemies . Li Guang was sent off as a sale to pay off her fathers debts ,where she crosses part with the ruthless minister. Who knows nothing but wars and politics but nothing about the things of heart .

Chapter 1 Sun after the storm

Thunder crackled in the distance as heavy rain poured from the gloomy grey clouds.Roofs where taken off some houses which was not strong enough against the night rain.

Inside the hut of Li ,the older man trying not to show his emotions seeing as rain flooding into the house from the several leaks throughout his house.

Papa I have go more buckets his daughter called putting the buckets under the leaks which larger water was running through ,it's going to be okay he said to no one but himself.

Standing up he joins his daughter in bailing out the water outside the house,Go sleep it's past midnight Xiao Guang you have tried enough he said to his daughter .

Don't worry papa it's morning already in a few hours besides I slept at the stall yesterday so don't worry ,rest rest I have got this you back still hurt,sit I'm still young and strong she says showing some moves of how strong she his her father couldn't help but laugh ,she joins in laughing happily despite the situation they found there self in.

The next morning,the sun was overwhelming bright and warm. The skies were incredibly blue,and the clouds looked extra fluffy. It was as if the storm never happened and sky was always this calm.

Li Lanbei was preparing to step outside of this house after enjoying a quick breakfast his daughter made for him.

Papa let's go we're going to be late his daughter Li Guang called out, I am done just need to get a few things he replies.

Stepping out of the house with his daughter heading to the store they were stopped by the village thugs these guys were either working for the rich men in the kingdom behind curtains .

Are you Li lanbei the guy with a red tie on his forehead asks

Looking at the men standing all intimidating around him and his daughter answers,yes i am, how may I help you.

Sir bai sent us you have three months to pay up your dept or else your stall and this the man said point to Li lanbei house would be taken away from you and if it doesn't complete the payment more will be decided that will be added later he said taking a glance at Li Guang .

Li lanbei noticed this ,putting his daughter behind him tell him I'll pay him before the time limit that he should be rest assured.

Will do the man with the head tie replies signaling to his men to head out.

Going to the store this sudden visit didn't after his mood or home for the day.

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