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Teehmah ishola


:First time stepping out after being stuck in a indoor for yrs,i found my mate, an Alpha king who doesn't want a weakling as his mate. I couldn't reject him nor can he for a reason best known to him. Facing all maltreatment by him and his mistress, i had to endured to live on Synopsis She is a mystery herself Her birth is a mystery Her life a mystery Her creation is also mystery. Who is she??? Arlette Hamilton stepped out after being locked indoor for yrs only to find her mate who was an Alpha king. Alpha king Gare who came for a gathering meeting in her pack found her disrespecting when she wasn't paying attention to his speech which she was punished for by being his pack slave later his personal maid. He knew she was his mate but ignored her 'cause he thought she was a weakling. She cant reject him neither can he . Truly they both felt the spark when their eyes met but she couldn't understand what it means. Extract Do you think i will accept you?" He said icily. I stared at him confused. "I know,you knew we are mate,you have to stop the pretense nobody is here " *We are mate* i thought *Yes he is our mate* *That means the scent was his* *Yes* "I can never accept a weakling like you." He said venomously glaring at me. I feel weak, shattered and broken at his statement,i almost weep but i controlled myself what do i expect, he can never accept me, he is a king,an Alpha king to be precise." "Reject me." I said. He smirked. "I can't neither can you." He said with mischievous smirked.

Chapter 1 The beginning


A lady was observed rushing in the middle of the night, her fabric soaked in blood, and she appeared frail as a result of the blood loss.

She protectively clasped her palm around her little bumpy tummy as she spotted an open Cave ahead of her and dashed into it to hide from whatever was hunting her.

"She passed this way," yelled a voice as footsteps approached the cave. Her heart pounded heavily with the fear of being discovered, and she breathed a sigh of relief when the footsteps passed the cave.

She closed her eyes and reflected about her life.

She couldn't believe her father wanted to sacrifice her pregnant kid in order to become the most powerful immortal in the supernatural world, and the worst part was her spouse who was her father's accomplice.

She would not have told him about their child's future, powers, and abilities if she had known.

She had put too much faith in him," she reflected, tears streaming down her cheeks.

She was still deep in thought when she felt a tap on the shoulder, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a greyish blue face staring at her worriedly. When she looked at the person more closely, she saw a lady with blonde shining hair that stopped on her shoulder.

"Are you all right?" the Lady inquired. She brushed aside the Lady's question, sniffing her.

"Werewolf," she reasoned as she stared at her.

Perfect person for my child," she reflected one again.

"What's your name?

Why are you covered in blood?

,Were you attack?

She said, ignoring the Lady's queries, "I need your help."

"The Lady appears perplexed.

"Can I assist you?" The Lady inquired, and she nodded.

"My time is running out, and I need your help."

"I'll do it if it's within my capacity," the lady said, hoping it wouldn't be too difficult for her.

She was perplexed as to why she felt compelled to assist this stranger.

*What if she's a spy or a victim of a set-up*

"I want you to safeguard my child, hide her from the hawks looking for her, take her as yours, and don't mention who she is until she asks about herself," she stated, making the lady appear even more perplexed.

"Where's your child?" the lady inquired, her eyes darting about the room, perplexed.

"She's in my stomach," says the narrator.

"How do you expect me to care for her when she's in your tummy?" the lady asked, her tummy lighting up.

The woman remarked to the werewolf lady, "Look at me."

Her eyes turned blue with electric sparkles around them as soon as they made eye contact.

The woman's body emits a brilliant light that enters the Lady's tummy.

"Remember to give her this necklace, and last but not least, her name will be ARLETTE.

Her voice echoes through the night before she disintegrates into gleaming dust.

Chapter one

9yrs Arlette sat in a corner, watching the other youngsters in their wolves form. Their wolf form began when they were six or five years old, but hers was different. She hasn't felt anything, which makes her believe she's cursed.

When she asked her mother why she hadn't felt her wolf, she was told that each wolf has its own life cycle.

She was still thinking when something sprang on her, forcing her to the ground and disrupting her thoughts.

She fights to break free from the cub that has her pinned like an adversary.

Who else if not Madison her tormentor.

Madison was the beta's pack's daughter, and she enjoyed taunting her.

Though her father was the third in command in the pack (the Gemma) instead of being friend Madison choose the latter,maddison is a Year older than her...

When she succeeded in pushing the wolf away from her, the other kids laughed at her, and she touched her face, which was covered in scratches.

*Bullying her with her wolf is what she excels at*.

Madison, in her human form, stated mockingly, "Oh sorry, I was trying to teach my wolf how to attack opponents."

She stood up and dusted her dress, saying nothing as she was about to walk away. "Do I look like an enemy," she wondered inwardly, rolling her eyes.

Madison taunted, "Are you fleeing like a coward?"

Arlette clinched her hand vehemently, hating the label of coward.

"I heard your father refused you, he called you unknown, poor you," Maddison acted sympathetically.

She dreads recalling what happened that day; she couldn't believe her father disputed her status as his daughter in front of the Alpha; she hadn't expected it; she knew her father despised her, but not to the point of denying her or hating her to death.

She had gone to the lake beside the pack to play since she was bored, had no one to play with, and needed fresh air, but she had never anticipated to be assaulted by a rogue.

Fortunately, one of the pack warriors came to her aid.

She recalled her father telling the warrior that he should have left her to be killed by the attacker, and he ordered the pack guard to lock her in the dungeon for a month without food or water, there she could see how much he despised her. She was eventually released after a week.

She also recalls telling the Alpha her name when he asked, and when she told him, her father rejected her, calling her an unknown living with him, and she was upset that day.

She was unable to eat for three days following her mother's motivational speech, she was eventually healed. She smiled as she stroked the necklace around her neck, remembering her mother.

When she touched it, all of her anxieties vanished, and she felt completely relaxed.

"I don't blame him, who wants a weakling to have a child," Maddison said, snapping her out of her thoughts, her smiling face turning into a big angry face, her clenched fist tightening, she could feel strange Power rushing into her body before it got out of hand, she walked away, but Maddison is still bent on hurting her with her words.

"You're too feeble to kill a fly or an ant, let alone a wolf," Madison taunted.

With electric winds around her, Arlette's eyes turn blue, her face heals, and she turns to Maddison, who, along with the other children, gasps. Stunned

"NEVER CALL ME WEAKLING," says the character.



"NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed.

At Gemma's residence

Claire was lying in bed with her friend when she suddenly gasped and bolted "Arlette, not now,* she mumbled as she dashed out the door, her companion hurrying after her, inquiring as to what was wrong.




In a mysterious cave

I can tell she's alive because I can sense her abilities.

Running to her Power pot, a woman clothed in black began murmuring some chants before staring at it.

My lord must know about it, she reasoned as she took her staff, and he will be pleased to hear the news.





Claire rushed to the field, gasping and staring at her daughter, and made a few steps towards her.

"Be as quiet as a smoldering fire.

Anger does not fix problems; rather, it destroys them.

Your rage is like a fire that has the potential to destroy the entire world.

You're still a kid.

"Be quiet as a smoldering fire.

Anger does not fix problems; rather, it destroys them.

Your rage is like a fire that has the potential to destroy the entire world.

You're still learning to fly like a small bird.

It is not yet time for you to take to the air.

Be as quiet as a smoldering fire.

When your darkness is toyed with, you become wicked.

Allowing your darkness to dominate your light is not a good idea.

Never pay attention to it.

Do not pay attention to it!

Do not pay attention to it!

It is quite hazardous.

Fight your evil and keep your light shining brightly.

overcome your fear of the dark

Be as quiet as a smoldering fire "Claire found herself reciting this, and after the third chant, Arlette's eyes returned to normal, the electronic wind stopped blowing, and she fell.

Claire caught her before she could touch the ground.

"Mom," she said before she slumped.

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