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A summer to remember

A summer to remember



It was finally Isabelle's summer vacation from school! she planned a summer full of fun. But then she met him, and everything changes!

Chapter 1 The Start Of Summer

i woke up at 7am and got ready for school. It was the last day before summer vacation. I scraped my straight red hair into a ponytale and looked in the mirror. All I could see wat the birthmark I had on my arm. It was the only memory I had of my parents.

I noticed that I was going to be late. I quickly put on my shirt and leggings and ran downstairs. I didn't have time for breakfast so I got out of the house and started walking to school.

All my friends were already there waiting for me. We all greated each other. I realized that I'm going to be late for class. I ran to class hoping that they didn't already start.

As I arrived the teacher had already begun the lesson. When I walked in everybody looked at me. 'You're a bit late now, aren't you Isabelle? She said as she looked at me angrily.

'Sorry Mrs.Evans' I said as I walked to my desk and sat down.

At lunch break I went near my friends.

I had five best friends. We have been friends for as long as I can remember.

We all started talking about what we should do tonight.

'So, where are we going tonight?' Asked Justin.

'We can go to that bar near the beach and celebrate making in through the school year. And also we can get drunk' Nicole said.

Everyone started laughing.

'Sounds good to me! ' I said as I smiled.

' We'll meet at 8?' Asked Justin.

Everyone agreed.

The bell rang and everyone had to get to class.

I had math. I really hated math.

I got in class hoping it will end soon.

When school finished I headed home.

I lived in an apartment by myself.

It was my parents apartment, after they died, I got it as I have no brothers or sisters.

I made something to eat.

I started tyding the place up and washed the floors.

Time soon flew by.

It was already 7 o'clock.

I took a shower.

I put on my red shirt and a blue jeans.

I went to meet everyone.

'Are y'all ready to celebrate?' I shouted as i saw everyone.

'Hell yeahhh!!' they all shouted.

We went to the bar and ordered some shots.

Before we drank we made a toast. 'To summerrr!!'

everyone shouted. We all started drinking.

I was having so much fun!!!

We all started making plans for the next 3 months and saying how we are going to enjoy every second of it!

We were all 20 years old, except for Nick. He was a year younger. But he sure as hell wouldn't miss anything fun!

We were starting university after summer.

Well, except for Nick.

I needed some air so I went outside.

I sat down on the table and looked at the stars.

As I was looking around, I noticed a boy looking at me. He was wearing black sweatpants and a red tank top. He looked cute but also a bit weird. He was alone sitting on a table, nothing to drink in-front of him.

He kept looking at me so eventually a smile exited my lips.

He looked a bit shocked when he saw me smile at him, but eventually he smiled back.

I went back inside near my friends and we continued drinking.

After all those shots I drank, they were finally getting to me, I was in that happy phase right before you blackout. I decided to call it a night and go home.

Jake wanted to walk me home. I smiled and we went outside. That boy was still there and when he noticed me he started looking again, I waved to him and he waved back.

Jake and I walked home.

'Thankyou for walking me home!' I said.

'You're welcome!' Jake said.

'Goodnight, I'll see you tomorrow' I said.

'Goodnight!' he said.

I went in and hugged him, he hugged back.

I went inside and took a shower. I put on my pink shorts and pink tank top and went to bed.

I finally drifted to sleep.

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