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The Lost Goddess Of Ancient Egypt

The Lost Goddess Of Ancient Egypt



Lana I never imagined that my life would change on one fateful night on my way back from work. Knocked unconscious by an unknown entity. The next time I opened my eyes Boom!!! I was told I was in Ancient Egypt. Crazy right. Follow the wild adventures of Lana Stone in Egypt as she tries to adjust to her new environment, know more about her true identity, find her true love and unravel a thick conspiracy among the Egyptian Gods

Chapter 1 The Genesis

Working in this sleazy pub daily always takes a toll on me. Well it was tiresome and making me angry because of the filthy and nasty male customers who like to grab my ass. Those was one of the times I wished I had superpowers, like lightning you know so that I can get somebody's ass. I had tried reporting them to management but all the manager ever says like now

"Lana, try and be nice to those gentlemen, then they will nice to you". Like you I scoffed in my head. Everyone working in Sultry Nights knew how Mark Callary was foaming at the mouth to date me or better still shag me. He seemed to take my silence for resilience and nodded at me.

"Go on, Lana go work the tables to you've got a lot of people to serve.' He shooed at me to leave his office. If one of those assholes deemed to touch my ass, I would give the lucky bastard a glorious eye shiner if you get my drift. My coach at the mixed martial arts studio, I attend for self defense classes said I have a mean right hook.

I walked over to my standing post at the bar. Meh! this heels were killing me. Thankfully, my shift was to end two hours from now.

"Lady get a vodka" A guy said as he slid me a twenty.

"I am at that table". He pointed. Asshole, why can't he wait patiently for his drink. He expects me to bring it there. If not I desperately needed every cash that came my way, I would have quit this job a long time ago. I sighed deeply.

I was a graduate finished at UCLA in Los Angeles, got a degree on Hospitality Management. Since I couldn't further my studies and get a decent job in that career. I opted out for modelling, you know since LA was the city of entertainment and Hollywood.

I thought being 23, with my 5"9 height, killer blue eyes, jet black hair, a tight curvy body and heart shaped lips, I could be an aspiring model. But damn was I wrong. Most of the agents managers of the various companies I went to, wanted me to sleep with them. Yuck, so I kept close to my discipline if you can call it that working in a sleazy bar.

"Lady I am waiting". The asshole said in a sing-song voice. Let me get him his drink before I bored you to tears with my life story.

"Coming". I yelled over the loud music. As I was passing through the tables, someone wanted to tap my ass. Unfortunately for him, I felt the wind whispering at my back and I had cat-like fast reflexes and I dodged. Sorry sucker, I snickered.

Thankfully I was at the table to give the dude his drink when I felt an uncomfortable sensation run through me. Naturally, I had some weird sensations overtime as I got older, some like hot flashes, ice cold and others lukewarm. But this I had never felt this one before. It felt as if tiny insects were crawling around my body, and to confirm I had goosebumps.

I turned to see what prompted the action, or rather who. I turned to see a guy entering the bar, the sensation I got when he looked at me was ... hmmn creepy. I felt this crazy instinct to protect everyone including the people I hated and disliked from this guy. Hmmn strange.

The guy was an average Joe in looks with greasy black hair that looked as if it hadn't be watched, even from the slight distance I could see and smell it. Did I forget to tell you that I also had great sense of sight and smell, infact all my senses were enhanced.

Sometimes, I wondered if I was a freak of nature, hmmn food of thought for another time. Now back to this guy, he was wearing a green Ben 10 T-shirt with black jeans and black canvas that had seen better days. He looked around the bar with eyes that felt serpentine, yeah I was getting snakes vibes from him. Ew, even when he looked at me again, it felt as his eyes were caressing me with it's ickyness. I hoped he wasn't going to order any drink cause I didn't think I had in me to be in reaching distance of him and not destroy him.

He searched for a seat to sit down. I sighed. After giving the asshole his vodka, I went back to my post and continued working but my senses were still acute on the snake guy. Slouched on his chair, he seemed to be waiting for someone. I wondered who would want to be around someone like him, except someone like him. I don't know what my excitement spiked, weird and weirder still I purred in sneaky satisfaction.

"Two for the killing, that makes it perfect". Shocked, I never purred, Jesus I just purred like a fucking cat. If I was looking for any reason to confirm if I am a part cat, I just confirmed it. What other reason was I looking for, dog hate and bark at me, cats both owned and stray love me (notice the word love not like), I can jump from heights and have a nimble walking style .I checked to see if anybody caught the sound, none thank God and saw snake guy looking at me. Way to be more weirder, immediately I noticed snake guy straighten up in his seat as if he felt something.

He turned quickly and looked around frantically as if frightened. I leaned on the bar table and studied him with peaked interest.

In a quick motion, he stood up and ran out of the pub. Just great, not only was he creepy but also a psycho. Wouldn't shock me if the dude was a drug addict, the consumption of meth must be making him crazy.

My phone chimed with the sound of the alarm I set for 8:30pm. Thank God it was time to go home.


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