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Crown Library


Picked from the gutter, he felt alive knowing at least he can get a drop of water to quench his dried throat not knowing the worst is about to befall him, this is no other person than Scandious. Scarlett who despised him with passion swore to make his life a living hell at all costs. For no just reason, he was Chased out of the house there and then, he realized what they had been saying is nothing but the truth "He's a cursed child". Determined to end his ill-fated life, he went to the mountain there he meet a man named Zack who saw the sadness in his eyes and took him in. One faithful morning he meet a young man who addressed him as the Crown Prince of the great Chankus empire bowing consecutively for him. Scandious walked out on him calling him an insane man not ready to believe such lies, not something as poor and worthless as him. After much persistence, he gave it second thoughts and he was taken to the palace, seeing such a gigantic building frightened him the most. With time, he came to understand he was the Crown Prince which got him excited knowing his sad days are gone and replaced with joy. All this was cut short when a sudden attack was launched on him with a warning to leave the palace as soon as possible else he will be a dead man, as if that's not enough, he discovered they tried murdering him three years ago. Who do you think is behind it and what's the King saying about it?

Chapter 1 Hardship of life

Scarlet who is known for her troubles entered her mother's room without knocking, there she saw her sleeping peacefully, tapping her on the shoulder, and she woke up facing her.

What did you want in this middle of the night she asked with a sleeping voice.

Are you going somewhere the mother asked, glancing at the time which was 12:pm early night?

Go back to your room and don't come to this room again she said, facing the other direction of The bed ready to go back to sleep. No. I want to eat Scarlett replied bowing her head, did I hear you? the mother asked, trying not to believe her ears.

"Have you lost your mind?" who did you expect to do that at this time of the night? she asked Scarlett who was looking at the beautiful portrait, that was hung in the room like seeing it for the first. She didn't bother to listen to what her mother was saying but kept admiring the picture.

Knowing Scarlett as someone who always gets what she wants, she stood up from her bed, let go she said leading the way.


I want you to prepare noodles for my daughter and be fast about it she ordered Scandious who entered his room a few minutes ago.

Each day he is made to wash the dirty dishes, arrange the rooms, wash the plates, mob the kitchen then eat his little food which can not be enough for an infant.

Not uttering a word, he left his room for the kitchen there he started preparing the noodle while Scarlet was sitting on a chair watching him.

Please, should I add enough pepper he asked knowing the heavy punishment which awaits him if he doesn't ask,

As he was preparing the meal, he was ordered to leave the sit which he was occupying, I want to watch what you are Preparing. I can't predict your type she said taking the seat Forcely from him.

"Stand at that position she said pointing her finger in a direction".

We can't share a space nor can we get along I hate you with a passion she made known to him

All this while Scandious was thinking about his life, a man in his early twenties qualified by height, his chest is adored when people get a glance of it, his body built is the rear that people dream to have, his strength keeps people wondering which planet he came from.

But he is nothing to people while his juniors make a mockery of him calling him all kinds of names he doesn't deserve.

"How he was been punished at a little mistake made his heart-sorrowfully".

"Was he brought to suffer?"

What sin did he commit"? these questions occupied his mind looking for an answer.

He was called back with a heavy slap which, he couldn't deny was painful, I've been calling you for hours and here you are dreaming about your stupid life.

Clean this stuff she commands an exit the kitchen with her noodles.

I don't know when all this will end he thought sadly while cleaning the kitchen, though he was so exhausted, he kept doing his work knowing he can't run away from it.

Entering the dining she meets different varieties of food on the dining table.

Mummy, is Daddy coming today? I know you always do this when you are expecting your husband, forgetting I need good food to be healthy and beautiful Scarlett said.

Your mates are married, stop depending on your parents and hasten up, can you even boil ordinary water? better respect yourself she said staring at her angrily.

She's wicked she muttered"

Storming out of the sitting room, she meet Scandious who was carrying loads of books heading to the library,

getting an idea, she smiled brightly walking towards him.

She kept her leg on his way for him to fall not knowing he saw what she did, he dodged it and walked away casually.


She shouted seeing her plan wasn't successful.

Not ready to give up, she kept thinking about what next to do, after sometime minutes of thinking she smiled like one who got a perfect answer to her problem.

She jumped up jubilating happily.

I will give Scorpion the job, I think he's the one who can do this job for me perfectly. He's capable of treating his fuck-up she muttered, jumping on her bed happily knowing her plan is going to work out well.

On Monday morning it came with a beautiful atmosphere, everywhere shining brightly.


"Scarlett greeted, trying to act bold".

Looking at him from afar, one can tell his a dangerous gangster whose name is Scorpion.

"Though, the students wonder if that's the name given to him by his parents, cause they only know him with the name 'Scorpion'".

His body was designed with different tattoos though, students especially females find it attractive.

He's one of the top students at Crown University which is seen as a school for the rich.

Any student whose parents are not wealthy enough to own a car, and happens to be seen on the school premises has his \ herself to blame.

She will be turned into a slave by the students, whose parents are rich and has connections around the globe.

For this reason, people who are not wealthy enough don't dream of entering the school knowing is not meant for them.

Go straight to the point he said approaching a vacant seat in the school garden.

I want you to teach this guy a lesson she said showing him the picture she came with, is that all you want? he asked,

" yes",

make sure he won't be able to walk for months and tell him to be careful my eyes are on him from now henceforth Scarlett stated.

That's not a problem, pay $70, 000.000 Scorpion informed her.

what! she shouted surprised by the amount he called, is much she muttered in a low tone trying not to provoke him, then do the job by yourself he said standing up with his cocaine in his right hand, smoking as if he depends on it.

Okay, I will pay for it she concluded after thinking about it for some minutes,

now you talking. Give it to my boy and wait for the good news he said walking away and heading towards his car.

Knowing there's no going back she consoles herself.

Scorpions are a danger that no one dares to go against him, I won't be the first she thought.

How will I get that amount of money, let me see if I can borrow from my friends she thought heading to where she saw her friends.

As she was walking she saw two students laughing happily, why can't I be happy she asked herself feeling envious of them.

Kate stop this thing your doing, you're at fault Kate said to Jane who pushed a student, and when she complained, she slapped her saying she have no right to be at the cafeteria.

Sup girls, Scarlett said joining her friends and interrupting the discussion which Jane was happy about, the discussion they are having might end up in an argument because, what She's hearing now is making her angry, and she knows she might lose her temper at any moment.

guys did you hear about the party Kate suddenly asked.


they chorused looking happy, I will not miss anything Jane voiced out.

Count me in the rest added except Scarlett who bowed her head on the table looking sad.

"Are you not coming they asked? staring at her".

"I don't know if my mummy will allow me; she kept telling me to stay indoors knowing am not a kid anymore she said bitterly, I have a plan, I will tell your Mummy we are having a 'Sleepover' in my house, I believe she will allow you".

"How did you see it she asked"?

Okay, but we ought to be careful Kate replied taking her attention back to her meal that was on the table.

At home, Scandious was seen sweating as a result of the hard work he kept doing, the sun kept beating him nonstop.

Not that he wanted it but he doesn't have a choice but to bear it.

Being a slave, he kept enduring it with the belief is his fate.

Are you done Mrs. Williams asked,

just a minute he replied, better be fast.

Don't forget your laundering is waiting for you, also, am starving I want pasta so be fast with whatever you're doing she informed.

Come here she suddenly said.

Not ready for another punishment, he left what he was doing running to answer her, mistakenly he miss a step causing him to fall, hitting his head hard on the nearby iron.

"Ahh! he shouted in pain".

It serves you right Mrs Williams said chewing her popcorn.

Slowly, he managed to stand on his feet, though the pain Kept increasing but he dare not use it as an excuse.

"Stand there before you infect me with your disease Mrs. Williams shouted at him".

"Clean your dirty body before you wash my car, make sure you don't scratch my car I know you can't afford it with your 'miserable' life she added".

"Yes, ma Scandious replied" with his head bowed.

Sorrowfully, he started washing the car. Suddenly water was poured on him taking him by surprise, turning his eyes to the direction the water came from, he saw Scarlett who smiled at him before walking away majestically.

This is just the beginning wait for me Scarlett thought heading to her room.

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Chapter 1 Hardship of life



Chapter 2 The battle line has been drawn



Chapter 3 New discovery concerning the hidden



Chapter 4 The revelation



Chapter 5 The confused mind, shocked to the marrow



Chapter 6 The devious helper.



Chapter 7 The essential target



Chapter 8 The unknown, taken unaware.



Chapter 9 Out of the dark.



Chapter 10 Determined heart.



Chapter 11 Been deceived



Chapter 12 The mysterious man



Chapter 13 Ignorance of the reality



Chapter 14 Life is all about risk



Chapter 15 The conspiracy



Chapter 16 Falling into the great trap



Chapter 17 The unexpected



Chapter 18 The alternative



Chapter 19 The instigator



Chapter 20 The strangers



Chapter 21 Negativity of the mind



Chapter 22 The mysterious fight



Chapter 23 Happiness of the evil one



Chapter 24 Seeking for help



Chapter 25 Battle of life and death



Chapter 26 The sudden attack



Chapter 27 The evil plot, falling to his trap



Chapter 28 The prey



Chapter 29 The mischievous killer



Chapter 30 Searching for the savior



Chapter 31 The troubled heart.



Chapter 32 The costly mistake



Chapter 33 Surprise visitation



Chapter 34 The determined heart



Chapter 35 The wicked soul



Chapter 36 The great challenge



Chapter 37 The cunning human



Chapter 38 Mischievous



Chapter 39 Who's behind the attack



Chapter 40 The armbush
