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Sylvvia, The Ruby Paladin

Sylvvia, The Ruby Paladin



Sylvia, the Crimson Paladin, - or just Sylvvia Ruby - is an elf who is passing through the human realms. She aims to become a champion among the paladins of her people. Currently, she is working as a diplomat and spy for the Elven Empress, with the intention of uncovering a group that is trying to resurrect the Shadow Dragoness, an evil being that destroyed part of the world long ago. Will she be able to defeat it? In the midst of this quest, Sylvvia is faced with love and relationships that could change her destiny. this story contains mature themes and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18.

Chapter 1 The Ruby Paladin

Hello, my name is Sylvvia and this is my story.

In it, you'll find my adventures in the Westbrief world. I am an elf, which means I was born in a kingdom considered "magical" by humans. But for me, it is quite common to be surrounded by the essence of magic on all sides.

However, I have been far from home for a long time. I am a paladin, which suggests that I have a connection with the Sovereign of Light — as humans call it — and I am one of his champions. I also spy on the human church for my superiors in the Elven Empire. I work undercover the title of "Diplomat." I came to human lands in search of a "forgotten relic" of my people. Yes, in another Era, the region that is now inhabited by humans was already elven territory, but we lost it to the Shadow Dragoness. At this moment, she is sleeping in the depths of the world.

Our Empress believes that she will not wake up again. However, the ancient stories trouble my heart. That is why I came to complete the "rite of passage" in this place. This fear that the Dragoness will awaken grows stronger in me every day. Maybe I will find a weapon, or some forgotten magic in the ruins of our old Home. Who knows? I have gone through many adventures, making many friends and loves; trying to understand a little of human culture. With some success, I would say. After all, most elves come to the human kingdom only in passing.

Want to know my story? Then grab a good wine, light the fireplace, and settle in on the couch! It begins on a winter night.

When a friend Claire (of course it's a fake name, right ladies? If she catches me talking about her here, she would kill me) invited me to an all-girls party, I gave a little smile. She even asked me why I was laughing, but I quickly changed the subject. I knew her well enough to know that she didn't attend any other type of party. Even though I wasn't very excited and knew that it wouldn't be the time that I would feel any girl's breasts in my hands, I went. What harm could it do? They promised me free drinks, and getting drunk never hurt anyone, right?

The night was cold, and it was snowing like crazy, but it wasn't unpleasant; we were at Star Fort, the current headquarters of our guild, Light of the Dawn. The party was organized by one of the most helpful warriors: she made a cozy campfire and delicious hot dishes. I arrived dressed in my full armor, but she gave me a costume to get into the Snowfall Festival spirit. It was beautiful: a warm blue outfit that matched my eyes and contrasted with my red hair.

I kept to myself, a little isolated - humans have a certain prejudice against my people. Claire knew all the other girls; on one hand, I was a little jealous, but on the other, it was what I admired about her, seeing her loved by so many people. She was the leader of our guild - she was already quite old for a human, even though I was a few decades older than her.

As I looked around at all the girls, I saw him, briefly. A young man, very strong, very white, with very short blond hair. I noticed that he was checking me out, but at first, I pretended not to see him. I approached a group of girls and struck up a conversation with them, just so as not to give any indication that I had noticed him.

When he was a little distracted, because someone approached him to say something, I got out of his line of sight. On the other side of the room, I now saw him searching for me quite blatantly. My friend was at the bar, and I approached her.

"I thought the party was just for girls," I said, looking in his direction.

"Oh, he's very close with... (okay, I forgot the name of the girl who organized the party, I'm terrible, I know). And the other leaders have been talking about accepting men into the guild. I don't know if that will work."

She seemed very skeptical about that. I wasn't worried: among elves, gender matters not at all - maybe only at the time of procreation, after all, they haven't created a magic spell for someone to be born from a "male" being. Even though I knew that human males could be quite unpleasant, it wasn't as if my fighting skills couldn't handle it.

"I think I'll do well," I was really interested in the guy.

"Friend," Claire said, "not to be rude, but look at him: that one seems to like men more than you."

I looked at her. I leaned in close to her ear. I whispered:

Have you ever kissed a guy while he was kissing another one?”

When I looked, she was flustered. She was afraid the girls around had heard my indecency.

"You never change, you silly girl!"

She spoke half-nervously, half-laughing, throwing the rest of the drink on me. She walked away from the bar. As I wiped my lap with a napkin, the guy approached me.

"Can I get you a drink?"

"Of course."

"I thought I knew all of... (damn, I can't even remember her name)."

"Well, I just met her today. I came with that lady over there with green hair who is clearly already tipsy and can't dance."

"I bet you can't dance either!" he smiled, amused.

"Challenge accepted!" We went to the middle of the hall where the bonfire burned. I started to dance, loose and light. But he always got closer. Ah, did he want to feel me? So let's do this: I remembered a dance move where I leaned my body forward until I could grab my ankle. I did this, without bending my knees, right at the height of the guy's intimate parts! That way, my friends, he would already know what I wanted.

When I stood up, I faced him, wrapping my arms around his neck and whispering in his ear,

"So, do I dance well enough?"

He put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. Then I felt his friend, there, hard and thirsty for me.

"Good thing this coat is big enough to disguise it."

That was his response. I had already forgotten where I was, rubbing my body against his, but Claire didn't let me stay that way for long. She was already gesturing for me to come to her. I said a "I have to go" into his ear and went there.

"Could you at least not embarrass me just once? That's all I ask, Sylvvia. Just today!"

I still haven't gotten used to so much sexual repression in human society. We elves are very liberal about everything.

"Embarrassment? Why? Don't your friends want to have sex too?" She nudged me to stop talking. He was approaching.

"I'm sorry," his voice was hoarse, "you didn't tell me your name."

"I'm Sylvvia and this is my friend, Claire."

"Enchanted," he even took my hand and kissed it, people, "my name is Aendir. And you," holding her hand, "must be the friend I need to please!" And he also gave her a kiss on the hand.

"Um... I think I’ll grab something to eat."

We were alone, he and I. He was so cute. He seemed much younger than me, less mature. He looked at my face, but didn't linger and lowered his eyes to the height of my breasts. When I noticed, I commented,

"Did you find something interesting there?"

"That red bow on your clothes. It looks like a gift ribbon... and I'm going to pull it here and see the surprise."

I remember I was going to say something, but he continued,

"I know it's cold here to pull. I think one of the rooms is warmer."

"Sorry, but look at this: I hate this place! I don't plan on going through those doors. There's been too much suffering in those halls and rooms."

That place had already been the scene of many wars. If I concentrated enough, I could hear remnants of screams of pain, echoing through time. If I slept there, I would certainly have nightmares about scenes from the past. He made a disappointed expression and I wasn't going to let the boy be sad.

"How about this: tonight we dance, enjoy the party until dawn, make my friend Claire happy, and tomorrow...tomorrow the guild will return to the capital city, right? There, in the Elven District, there's a magical water fountain. We can meet there. What do you think?"

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