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 A Love Affair Between Worlds

A Love Affair Between Worlds



The Ambiguous Relationship They say you don't enter a family unless you are a family. When the lively and kind-hearted strong girl meets the serious brother who is cautious and quiet without sadness or joy, how does she face the problem of her inner waves of affection after the restraint and friction of being a hostage? What should I do about this?

Chapter 1 go home

"Hello passengers, this flight has reached the end of the line, please fasten your seat belts, the plane will start landing soon, thank you for your cooperation," the voice of the staff suddenly came from the cabin. Then all the passengers in the cabin began to comply, pulling up the buttons and buckling up their seat belts.

"Hello, sir, please fasten your seat belt, sir." The soft voice of the flight attendant came out.

Adjacent to the window. A man leaning back in his seat. Arms clasped in both hands. Even asleep. Thick dark brows furrowed. Dreaming. Something bad seems to be going on.

"Sir, sir.... The plane will be landing soon, please fasten your seat belt." The sweet voice appeared for the second time. There was just a point of aggravation in the tone.

"Sorry, I just didn't hear it." The roused Xia Bingyang sat up straight apologetically. A half-smile appeared on his diamond-shaped face.

Outside the window, a patch of white clouds . The faint sunlight spilled on the glass and reflected in the conical pendant around Xia Bingyang's neck. It shone with a golden light. It was particularly blinding. With her arms wrapped around her chest and rearranging herself into a comfortable sitting position, Xia Bingyang was once again lost in thought.

Five years had been long enough for the wounds to heal, and the days after her adoptive father, Duan Ziqi, had disappeared, life with Uncle Carl had been peaceful mixed with joy.

Occasionally, the sad past of Duan Ziqi came to mind. Xia Bingyang's expression turned even more despondent.


...Walking out of the airport, Xia Bingyang hailed a taxi, stuffed her suitcase into the trunk of the car and got in.

"Master, please go to 1278 Yanhong Road, please." Simple and raw words. Revealing complex emotions.

Rolling down the car window. Inadvertently saw the little boy holding a balloon by the roadside. A look of innocence. Xia Bingyang could not help but curl the corners of her mouth.

After the car drove for about 10 minutes, Xia Bingyang took out her mobile phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Hey, uncle, I just got off the plane." Xia Bingyang spoke into the phone with a hint of joy.

"Arrived? So soon, didn't it take this afternoon?"

"I'm in the car now, I'll be home in 20 minutes, uncle, is there something wrong at home? Xia Bingyang's premonition was strong.

"Don't ask yet, let's talk about it when you come back."

"Okay." There were no extra words. He simply pressed the hang-up button.

The long road stretches and flutters. Like teak fallen leaves drifting down. Across the radiant splendour of the road. Keep driving forward.

The car stopped by a building and Xia Bingyang took a long, slender leg as she pulled her dark blue suitcase.

Just inside the door, I saw Carl sitting on the sofa with a few more wrinkles on his face. A kindness radiated from his brow. Macro hands were flicking through the newspaper.

"Uncle" put down his luggage. He had also let go of the years of longing. There was only the excitement inside.

"Bing Yang, finally back," Carl said with excitement as he crossed his hobbled feet and embraced Xia Bing Yang.

"Are you okay, Uncle," to the father who raised him for over 10 years. There was more pity in Xia Bingyang's sincere words.

"Good.... Good.... I'm fine." The strength of the embrace increased.

"I've missed you, Uncle, you've lost weight," Ling's sword brow frowned heartily.

"Yes, I'm getting old, of course my health is failing."

"How can that be, uncle, you're not old at all, look, still how handsome," squinting her eyes, Xia Bingyang was in a good mood.

"That's for sure, who am I? How can you not be handsome. Haha."

"Bing Yang, welcome home," said a good-looking man coming down the stairs, wearing silver-rimmed glasses that added an extra touch of sass.

" Hey, Spirit Sulphone, you've gone too far, you've even removed the title of brother," Xia Bingyang looked at his brother in front of him and wanted to laugh a little.

"What a brother, meathead, I don't want you to call me brother, yet."

"You, boy, how did you grow so handsome that you almost didn't recognise me,"

"I can't talk about being handsome in front of you, I, ah, have been living in your shadow for more than 20 years, I'll never get out of it," Spirit Sulphone pretended to be helpless, shaking his head.

"Ok la, stop fighting, Bing Yang just got back, let him rest first, we'll talk later if we have anything to say," Carl said comfortingly standing aside and interrupting the brothers' conversation.

"Well, Uncle, I'll go upstairs first," indeed, it had been a long plane ride after all.

"Wait, I'm going up there too," Sven's face took on a brief look of exuberance.

"Hey, later there will be a bombshell news oh, you must not be frightened, first with you to take a precautionary shot," the spirit sulphone sold, said softly to Xia Bing Yang.

"What's the breaking news, is there really something going on at home," the deep eyes turned even deeper.

"Oops, what are you nervous about, it's a good thing la, huh. I'll tell you about it later, you go to sleep first,"

"A good thing? But why does Uncle's expression look so grave," Xia Bingyang was still a little unconvinced.

"My dad is like that, he still thinks about everything after a long time, but, having said that, there is a bad thing."

"What is it, Spirit Sulphone, don't spare the circle either, I really can't wait," Xia Bingyang was a bit anxious.

"Actually.... It's about your Uncle Duan, actually."

"Uncle Duan? What is it, did you find him," Xia Bingyang's eyes lit up. Her face was full of anticipation.

"No, it's... yes. It's.... It's that he passed away," said Spirit Sulphone, and his expression changed to one of mourning.

"What,? Deceased, when did that happen," Xia Bingyang couldn't believe it and her voice turned choked.

"It's been three months, my dad was frozen when he heard about it, and he was so much more haggard, it was hard for me to watch, when, when my mum left he hadn't even seen him this sad,"

"Spirit Sulphone, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You were in the United States at the time when the company had a lot of things to deal with, and my father was afraid that you would be too sad and affect your work, and you would be returning to China soon, so he didn't tell you. We knew about it too late, well, you should not think too much, go and rest first. I'm going to my room." Not knowing how to comfort, Ling Siao patted Xia Bingyang's wide bladder that was trembling a bit. Emotions were low.

Back in her room, Xia Bingyang could not sleep, in her mind, she kept presenting herself as a child, the first time she met Duan Ziqi deliberately difficult, to the later mutual love, to the last painful separation 。。。。。。

"Bing Yang, come down for dinner, Bing Yang 。。。。" In a haze, Xia Bingyang heard someone calling her. Looking up at the clock above the bed, it was already 6 o'clock.

"I'll be right down, Uncle."

Downstairs in the living room.

Karl had just come out of the kitchen when he saw the Spirit Sulphone coming down the stairs.

"Dad, won't you talk to big brother? Something so important,?"

"You stay out of it, I have my own plans,"

"What I don't care, big brother will know sooner or later, you can't hide it for long," said Spirit Sulphone with an anxious face.

"Well, well, it's time to eat, get out of my way ," Carl ignored Ling Siao's words, soup in hand, and walked around past Ling Siao.

Looking at his father's relaxed demeanour, Ling Siao shook his head helplessly, pulled out his chair and sat down.

"Wow, it smells good, Uncle." Changed into a casual outfit, Xia Bing-like came down from upstairs at this time. Her face was thick with colour.

"Yeah, well, have some more then, huh. I haven't even cooked for a while, I don't know how it tastes."

"Anything my uncle cooks is delicious, I will eat it all. I envy you, Ling Siao, how you get to eat delicious meals every day."

"Envy me? My dad doesn't cook so much food for me, you don't even know how long it's been since I've had a meal made by him," Spirit Sulphone said, aggrieved at the way she was treated.

"You're the one who's not eating," said Summer Binyon helpfully to Carl.

"What I don't eat, is that there is simply no one to make it, every day, I have to eat out and then come home, the kitchen hasn't been used for ages, but now there is an extra person in the house. I don't have to feel unaccompanied 。。。。。。。" It didn't feel right, and Spirit Sulphone suddenly stopped.

"An extra person?" Xia Bingyang's doubts were heavy. Leading eyes looked at Spirit Sulphone.

"Uncle, I'm back,"

A girl's voice suddenly comes from outside the door, like a river in a dream. It flows. Drifting and polder.

"Didn't Xiao Nian say he wasn't coming back today? Dad," said Ling Siao, a little surprised. There was worry in his eyes.

"How should I know," said Karl, also a little surprised, getting to his feet and hurrying towards the door.

Who the hell is it?

For a moment, he was annoyed.

The gorgeous eyes full of doubt were more frozen.

Lin Xiaonian felt really surprised today that an event he didn't want to attend was forced to be cancelled, turning his mood into a more pleasant one. He always felt that something was going to happen today and his eyelids kept dancing, thinking of his sudden return home and seeing Uncle Carl's surprised face.

"Look, Uncle, I've bought you something delicious," said Xiao Nian, just as the door was opened, showing off her spoils from the supermarket.

"Nin, what brings you back, didn't you say there was an event?" Taking the bag, Carl was even more puzzled.

"Yes, but it was cancelled, so I went home. Oh, Uncle, I also bought some tonic, it's good for your health in many ways," said a soft smile with all the colours of happiness.

"Lin Xiaonian, didn't buy my stuff?" Spirit Sulphone suddenly interjected.

"Yes, yes, of course, how dare I forget the things of our young master," sneered Nin, deliberately.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaonian's eyes lit up, the person sitting opposite to Ling Siao, as if he had seen it somewhere, with a diamond-shaped face, deep-set eye sockets, and eyes that still looked beautiful even though they were very serious, wasn't this Yang Yang? Lin Xiaonian remembered the photo he often saw when he was very young, at that time, the boy in the photo was only six years old, yes, it was him, it was Uncle Duan's adopted son --- Xia Bingyang! Compared to when he was a child, he really hadn't changed much, except that, now, he had a more mature and stable look . Just like Uncle Duan back then.

"Brother Bing Yang, I've finally met you, it's great," suddenly Lin Xiaonian ran towards Xia Bing Yang excitedly.

Before Xia Bingyang had time to dodge, she was tightly surrounded by the embrace of the girl in front of her.

"I really didn't think I'd see you again, I'm so happy," said Nin, unable to hide it. The emotions were thrilling.

On the sidelines, Spirit Sulphone was even more surprised and looked at Karl with a strange look, while Karl was even more baffled.

"Hello. Who are you?" Xia Bingyang pushed her away violently, a little bored.

The first time you meet a man, you jump on him without shame.

"I'm your sister."

"What! My sister?"

"She is your Uncle Duan's daughter.

"What!" Xia Bingyang really couldn't believe it, when did Uncle Duan have a daughter, how come she didn't even know about it.

"It's an adopted daughter, adopted by your Uncle Duan, it's been 20 years, and we just found out about it," Carl said before telling the truth.

Xia Bingyang could not believe her ears. First there was the news of Uncle Duan's death, and then came an even more desperate one, in the same day, after making herself lose a family member, another family member appeared, and, moreover, a family member she had never met.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Xia Bingyang then began to measure her up, long broken hair draped over her shoulders, a pair of large eyes gleaming at herself as if she was about to speak, probably too excited just now, a touch of red on her face had not yet receded. The girl's fair skin is set off. The glow is clear.

"How do you know mine,?" Xia Bingyang found it strange, which brought him to the main question.

"Yes, Xiaonian, neither Dad nor I told you, how did you know he was your Uncle Duan's adopted son." Ling Siao was even more anxious.

"When I was very young, Uncle Duan told me that he had another son, he just wasn't around, I still have a picture of Brother Bing Yang as a child, if you don't believe me, I'll show it to you,"

"Really? Let me see what big brother looked like as a child." Ling Siao had an interested look on his face.

"Fine, I believe it, I believe it, you don't have to look for it," said Xia Bingyang, who was busy awkwardly blocking it.

"Well, now that everyone is here, I'm not going to keep things from you, you always have to know," at this point, Carl walked to the centre of the living room and took an envelope out of a drawer, his face serious.

"Uncle, what's going on?"

"This is a letter from your Uncle Duan, Bing Yang, read it first."

Accepting the envelope handed to him by Karl, Xia Bingyang's heart surged. Excitement, fear, anticipation.


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