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Long Story Short, The Condom Broke

Long Story Short, The Condom Broke



There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. They aren't just like that because they want to. Something in the past created them, and sometimes it's impossible to fix them. Everly Adams has a different story than most teenagers would like to admit. She's stepping into a new phase of her life with just her older sister to care for her. Life can get a little bit tricky if you just got kicked out of the house. Why? Just keep on reading my dear reader. Liam Wells has a cliché story. He's rich, school's bad boy, leader of the D&D's ( Devils Deciple ) and he's got the looks of course. But no cliché boy has a story like his. It all starts with a chicken nugget. It's amazing what a chicken nugget can do. Follow the rollercoaster that's waiting for the both of them. Drama, loss and humor all combined in one adventure. By: prinses1010

Chapter 1 Kicked Out

Everly's Pov

" You're what?" my dad asks me just above a whisper.

I look down, feeling embarrassed as I stand in front of my parents.

" Everly you're what?!" my dad yells again, more furious than the first time.

I freeze from the raise of his voice and my heart crawls deeper into my stomach.

"I'm pregnant dad!" I yell, holding back the tears.

He's quiet. Too quiet. I look up into his icy blue eyes. It seems impossible to read them. His eyes show signs of anger, sadness and disappointment but I can't seem to find the other emotion.

" Get out. " he whispers, after a minute of silence.

My eyes grow wide. Is he really kicking me out?

" W-what?" I struggle to say as I can't believe what's happening.

He takes a deep breath as he looks me dead in the eye.

"Get. Out." he spits out.

" Hank-" my mom interrupts him.

" Not now Karine!" he yells at my mom, not even looking her in the eye.

" But dad-" I try to speak but he cuts me off with an icy stare.

" Now." he replies.

I now know there is no room for an argument. That's my dad for you guys. Once he's made up his mind your opinion doesn't matter.

" Mom?" I try to ask for her help but she just shakes her head, too scared to stand up against my dad for the sake of her own daughter.

" Let's go honey. I'll help you pack." she says, wiping away a tear from her cheek. She takes my hand and starts leading me back to my room.

I honestly don't know how to feel about this whole situation. I thought that my dad would at least have the slightest bit of sympathy for me but I never imagined it to turn out this way. Finding out that I'm pregnant is already a downfall and the fact that my dad basically wants to disown me doesn't help things.

You are probably wondering how I got myself stuck in this position. Long story short, my boyfriend started cheating on me because I never gave 'it' to him. Me being stupid and vulnerable wanted nothing more than to be with him so I gave in to his pure pressure. We had been doing it for a few months now and I didn't realize that I started missing my period. As soon as I started throwing up and feeling weak the whole time I decided to take a pregnancy test. You can put the rest of the puzzle pieces together. That's how I got myself into this situation.

Pathetic I know.

I haven't told anyone besides my parents. I guess it's because I feel ashamed of myself. The fact that my dad freaked out on me like that makes me just want to crawl up into a hole and let the earth take me away.

I look at my mom as she hands me a duffle bag and starts packing in my clothes.

" Mom are you really going to let dad do this to me?" I ask shivering from all the crying.

She takes a minute before she answers. " Honey you know I can't do anything about your dad's decision."

Damn. I at least thought that my mom would stand up for me. Just once could she stop being so afraid of my dad and just stand up for her own daughter.

"Noted." I say as I take the duffle bag in one hand and grab a few stuff I'll need with the other.

I stumble down the stairs and I immediately feel my tears running down my cheeks. I'm not sad anymore, I'm beyond furious with both my parents.

I'm still their child for the love of God. They can't just throw me out like I'm a piece of rubbish. I know what I did was wrong but that's exactly why I need them right now. That's what parents are supposed to do.

I walk past the living room where my dad is pacing back and forth. I stop and turn to him.

" I know I made a bad decision. I know I'm a disgrace to this family. I know I'm not your perfect little angel you dream of and I'm sorry for that. But I'm still your blood and if you can't accept the fact that I'm going to have this baby then you will just have to live with it because you - " I stop for a minute as I try to get my sobbing under control," neither of you will ever see me or this child again. " I say holding my stomach and looking back at my mom who is now standing at the top of the stairs.

With that said I rush out of my house and towards my car. At least I still have my car-

" Everly leave the car. " I hear my dad's stern voice.

I freeze for a minute as I slowly turn around and face my dad who is standing on the porch.

" Are you serious?" I question him.

He only nods.

" Fuck it." I say as I turn around and start walking out of the front yard.

I don't need anything from that man further on.

I walk, not stopping once in my tracks. I walk away from all the pain and loss I've just witnessed. I walk away from the abuse I went through every other day. I walk away from a mom too scared to stand up for her own daughter. I walk away from dad's loud voice yelling at mom every night. I walk away from Justin's cheating scandels. I just walk away.

I don't stop until my surroundings start to feel unfamiliar. I look around me. I'm not in a very safe neighborhood to start with but at least it's safer than my house.

I take out my phone from my back pocket and call the only person who I can relay on in a time of need. I was so caught up with getting away from my house that I didn't think about calling her earlier.

Literally walked this far when it could have easily been avoided if I could just get my thoughts to calm down.

" Hey sis." I hear the welcoming voice of my older sister.

Alexa just recently turned 21 and she is living with her boyfriend just a few minutes away from my house. She is honestly my best and most likely my only true friend. That's why I have her on speed dail so that if something happens she can just swing in and save the day like she always does.

I've always been a little bit jealous over her. Bright blue eyes, long wavy chestnut colored hair and perfectly straight teeth combined with long legs skinny legs and a body that would make most women feel ashamed, she surely had it easy with the male population. She's the favorite daughter. She's the funnier one yet at the same time the more serious one. She's responsible - unlike me. She dropped out of school in her sophomore year yet she still managed to pursue a career in becoming a fashion designer - that one was a bit risky I must say but I admire her bravery and determination for wanting to pursue in life.

" Al-Alexa can y-you please c-come pick m-me up." I sob into the phone.

" Everly what's wrong? Where are you?" Alexa asks all worried.

I hear her grabbing car keys and then the sound of a door closing.

I explain to her where I am and in a matter of minutes her car pulls up next to me and she jumps out.

She doesn't ask anything, she just embraces me in the hug I've been craving and for the first time in a few days I feel as if everything is going to be okay.

We climb back into the car and she drives off back to her house. I told her about me being pregnant and I expected her to also freak out on me but she only looked at me with warm eyes and told me that everything was going to be alright.

But I know that she knew that things were far from being alright.

I look down at my belly as I place my hand slightly on it. Things might not be okay at this moment but I'm going to make sure that this baby of mine has the best life I could possibly offer it.

Now can someone tell me, where can I get some Burger King?



Hey my new readers ❤️ thank you for taking a chance on this book but I must warn you... The first few chapters are horrible and I'm sorry for that but the chapters and my technique of writing definitely gets better I promise. I was 15 when I started writing this book and I still cringe at certain things but now as a 17 year old I'm trying my best to edit and make the story more smooth.

Yes I'm 17 and no I'm not pregnant 😂 I just thank Google and my mom for helping me with all the details about a pregnancy.

Also my English isn't my home language so some of the phrases and grammar might seem odd to you but bear with me people.

I'm slowly but surely going through the book to try and correct some of my grammer and try and make the book more mature if you get what I'm trying to say 😂

Also I have a weird obsession with food, especially chicken nuggets... You'll know once you read the story :)

Before anyone asks, no I did not intend to write this book with a Riverdale view. Some of the things are similar to Riverdale and I only noticed it as soon as some of my readers started pointing it out.

I really hope you'll enjoy this book ❤️

Peace out ✌️

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