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Luna has always tried her best to obey her dad's orders He is her alpha and she is wereroyalty. She has been chosen to lead the future generation of the pack. She has a duty to her people. Her ideas on loyalty and love are tested when she meets Theo James from a rival pack. Will she choose her duty and family or love when it matters most?

Chapter 1 All Wolves Know Best

I am sweating profusely and so is Chad. Chad has been training me for three years. One would think that at the age of 25 I would be done with all these trainings. It was boring me sparring and training over and over for a threat that hadn't even been named by grandma Kathrine who is part of a long line of hybrid wolves that make our pack. I couldn't help drifting while training. Chad had me on the mat before I could react. I let out a groan as I lay on the mat.

'' Hey that was a low blow,'' I complained

'' You are not focusing Luna. I always tell you, losing focus could mean your death. Your animal instincts have to be on point whether in human or wolf form,'' replied Chad.

We continued to spar for an another hour. Chad sensed it was useless though and let me go after an hour, instead of our usual two. He barely said a word to me after. I hated when Chad behaved like that. As part of the hunters though that was standard procedure. They all mostly behaved like they had a stick up their ass. I gathered my towel and bag. Just as I was leaving the gym Alana appeared outside the door. Another person with a stick up her ass. Actually now that I think of it most people in the compound had a stick up their ass.

'' Your father would like to speak to you,'' She looked me up and down before saying

'' You should probably shower and change first,'' she walked off without another word.

I went off to my room. Room was a bit of an understatement if I thought about it. My wing was my favourite part of the compound. I had a whole section to myself with a living room, bathroom, bedroom and a small kitchen. I normally eat with my father anyway. I smile everytime I am in my wing. I love my bright colours paradise lots of blues and silvers. I flopped on my king sized bed even though I was sweaty. I hope Maria will be in here soon. I haven't been able to clean it in a few days. I took a quick shower. I passed my mirror in the bathroom and saw that my long dirty blonde hair was turning into a silverish colour on the ends. This is weird. Anyways I don't have time to think about that. I put on a pair of black leggings and my favourite black hoodie.Our town Elusia was colder than normal today even for a wolf like me. I went down to the other side of the compound where my father is office is located. It's a long annoying walk. I dont know why we don't get golf carts or something. I should have just shifted. But I can't do that right now while I transition. Transitioning is a bitch. Thanks to my grandma as a hybrid I have the pleasure of experiencing this twice. After twenty minutes I finally reached. I knock on his door. His voice booms.

'' Come in Luna,'' says Dad

I enter the office and look at my dad. Jack Weston with his silver hair, piercing eyes and imposing figure. The alpha. Just from looking at him you wouldn't know he is one of the most ruthless wolves. The primordial alpha that takes care of our part of the world. Once the civil war was fought an accord was reached between the full humans, vampires and wolves. The legacy wolf as I secretly call him. My great great great grandfather Tyrius was part of the council that helped broker the accord. Now I sit down in the chairs across from the desk and look at my father. He is quiet studying me before he speaks.

'' Luna Shayla Weston how many times do we have to talk about your commitment. Our future depends on you Lu. You are the future queen for our people. Right now you need to focus on learning and training. We also have the pheonix pack on our back. We can't afford to start slacking,'' shouted Dad

'' I know all this Dad,'' Some prophecy that no one will tell me about means I am marked for alpha queen and I save everyone blah blah. I want to have more of a normal life,'' I replied

'' You are making light of this when you shouldn't be. It is time I told you what this all means. You are 25 now. That is the age of knowing. It is also the age that your werewolf shift begins. They are certain wolves that are chosen by our ancestor Lycaon to possess more than the normal wolf abilities. Our family goes on a long way back as part of the first wolves of earth. When the civil war broke out between the humans, vampires and werewolves our future was uncertain. Your great great grandmother Kathrine who was a young woman at the time already had her full witch powers. She foresaw Lycaon. He imparted the knowledge of what was to come. She was able to get Tyrius and the other wolves, vampires and humans to agree to end the war. They made the council and signed the accord. The accord also stated that the world be split for all three of us. Which is why we have Elusia. Tyrius and his pack were chosen as leaders in ascentio. A tradtion we use to choose leaders back then. It is not easy for humans to just enter our parts of earth. Thanks to Katherine who put protections in place for all of us. She also foretold of a great danger that would come for us all. Only the one with the mark of Lycaon the queen alpha could stop it. You had the mark of Lycaon when you developed your first round of abilities. Our fate rests in your hands. I am trying to protect all the packs. It's hard when the phoenix pack and our pack are the strongest and have the longest history. We have hated each other ever since the civil war. They barely listen to me as leader of Elusia. You are the answer,'' explained Dad

'' No pressure or anything. Dad it's not fair I didn't choose this life. I dont want the markings that dont stop. Look at me now. I have silver markings all over my arm and back. I don't want to be protector of the world,'' I replied

'' It doesn't matter what you want Luna. I have been preparing you for this life from the time you were five. It is going to happen. Can't you see your hair. You are about to have another shift of abilities. You cannot run from ability. Your mother is not here but I promised her I would protect our people and protect you. This is happening you need to accept it,'' said Dad

I couldn't take anymore of this. I leaped out of my chair and shifted. I ran and ran heading for the falls where mother and I used to take picnics. All of a sudden out of nowhere I felt something crash into me. I hit into the tree and reshifted into human form. Everything went black. I woke up to a feeling of being carried. My body felt weirdly lax. I opened my eyes and looked up at the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He had green eyes that seemed to shine in the afternoon light, chiseled face and shoulders from what I could see.Neck length curly chestnut hair I could run my hands through.

'' You can put me down now,'' I said

'' No I can't future queen. I have to take you home,'' He said

'' I can look after myself thank you very much. Put me down right now,'' I shouted

'' Okay don't get agro on me. Also did you know your eyes glow when you get mad?'' He asked

He set me down finally and now we were face to face.

'' You might as well tell me your name since you caused my accident,'' I said

'' Hey I didn't crash into you. You crashed into me. Pretty sure you shouldn't be running while angry like that. Were you even watching the forest in front of you?'' he asked

'' You crashed into me not the other way around. I am sticking by that,'' I said

He put his hands up '' Fine fine. I will accept it's my fault dear queen. My name is Noa,'' he did a mock bow. I rolled my eyes in response. As he was bowing I saw the phoenix tattoo. Of course he is part of the phoenix pack.

'' My name is Luna but I'm sure you know that. Thanks for the assist,'' I said sarcastically. I shifted and started running back home. I noticed a dark brown wolf following behind me. I ran even harder until I reached the compound. I shifted back into human form and picked my spare clothes from outside my door. I put on my hoodies and leggings. I looked back and saw Noa still watching. I gave him a backhanded wave and got into my wing. By the time I got back it was six p.m. My body ached from the incoming powers and my fall. I hated being this witchy hybrid wolf. I got into my bed and slept.

When I woke up it was eleven p.m. I had some missed calls from Sarah my best friend. The only normal person in my world. The full humans and wolves don't really mix but every capital has to have human representatives. They live in their own areas normally. That is changing now. That's how I met Bella she was one of the few humans in my high school. We have been best friends ever since. I don't have many human friends. Most people are scared of me. Wolves included because of my family. I warmed some pizza from last night and called her back. I knew she would be awake. She works for the council. It's a boring job that keeps her at work late at least twice a week. But I guess I wish I could have her boring job. I am not allowed to work because it's a security risk even though I can protect myself. She answered on the third ring.

'' Hey Lu,'' said Sarah

'' Hey S. How are you? Sorry I missed your call?'' I asked

'' That's okay. I just reached home. Chris is already in bed. I am just finishing a document for work,'' said Sarah

'' You're always working. I wonder how you found a fiancee with all that working. While I am tragically single,'' I said

'' Well to be anything than other tragically single you would have to actually try and date. It's been a year since you and James broke up you know,'' said Sarah

'' Speaking of men. I met this guy Noa today. He rammed me into a tree. He was so annoying. He carried me because I blacked out. I woke up and had him put me down. He wanted to carry me all the way home like I am some kind of damsel. Then to make it worse he followed me all the way to the compound,'' I said

'' You have clearly had a an eventful day. Was he hot? Only the hot ones get you riled up,'' said Sarah

'' He is hot, annoying and worst of all a phoenix wolf,'' I said

'' Definitely a no go area. Although he is the most eligible bad boy bachelor in Elusia,'' said Sarah

'' Yep especially after dad gave me the whole you're the future of the world speech. He told me the whole story of our past and future,'' I said

'' Wow. I need to hear about it another day. Let's go clubbing Friday night. We can go to that space place near the falls. That's always fun,'' said Sarah

'' Yeah it's doom and gloom. Friday sounds like fun. Goodnight S,'' I said

'' Love you, bye,'' said Sarah

I hung up the phone. I rewarmed my pizza and got into bed. My alarm went off at five a.m. I groaned I was not in the mood for training. Today was martial arts. Before I could cover my head again Alana was at my door knocking.

'' Time to get up. The instructor will be here in thirty minutes,'' said Alana

'' Yeah, yeah,'' I shouted back

I got into the shower and wore my standard training gear black leggings and a crop top. I pulled my hair into a sloppy bun also uniform and headed to the gym. I got to the gym in record time. Max was already waiting for me.

'' Hello Max,'' I said

'' Hello Luna. Let us begin,'' said Max

We spent the next hour and a half going to the mat over and over. I was almost doing a happy dance when it was over. We did a half bow and Max was gone. I get to have a few hours to myself, before I have to go for a spells session with g. g.grandma Katherine. I spent my morning sleeping. I changed into an outrageous outfit as appropriate. I wore bright red leather pants, a white bodysuit and black combat boots. I got into my silver range rover and drove over to grandmas. She didn't live within the compound like the rest of us Tyrius clan. She was so lucky. It only took me thirty minutes to reach her house in ranchdale which was on the outskirts of the capital. I hooted at her gate and looked at the stately home. Sure it wasn't as big as the compound but it was a stately mansion. Up to now I still don't understand our oil money or now our security money. I just know we are stinking rich. I buzzed the intercom on the gate.

'' Hi g.g.g,'' I said

'' Hi dear,'' cracked the intercom. Grandma opened the gate and I drove into the estate. I parked my car at the back of the house where we conducted our lessons. Grandma didn't like to do sessions near her white furniture just in case. We normally have our lessons in her shed. I funnily call it the witchshed. You need humour to get through this day to day drudgery of my life. I entered the shed.

'' Hi g.g.g,'' I hugged her before she could respond

'' Hi Lu. How are you? I love your outfit. Did my son see it?'' She giggled

'' I am okay and of course he didn't. You know he is busy saving the world,'' I replied.

'' Lu you need to take it easy on your dad. Being the primordial alpha leader is not easy,'' said Grandma

'' If you say so g.g.g,'' I said

'' I do now let's get to work. Today we are learning about herbs and invoking,'' Grandma replied

I took my seat on the work bench next to her. For two hours I learned about every herb known to man. We haven't tried invoking since the incident that banished me to practing magic in the shed. Grandma didn't forgive me for the couch.

'' Okay now let's try invoking. Please don't take off my eyebrows. Close your eyes. Focus on who is power you want to tap into. Almost draw the energy to you,'' advised Grandma

I closed my eyes and focused on drawing Grandma's powers. I thought of her powers as a big ball of energy. All around me I started the wind shift and get stronger and stronger. I could see a bright ball of energy. I couldn't help but think of my mum because magic was supposed to be our thing. I swear I could smell her in the room. But that couldn't be right. I opened my eyes. There was very this bright light energy in the room. Grandma was staring at me as the light disappeared.

'' What were you thinking about? The energy in here is different,'' commented Grandma

'' I thought about your powers. Then I also thought of mum,'' I said

'' Well good job. I could feel you leaning on my power. Be careful about thinking of people when invoking. You can attract spirits,'' said Grandma

'' Would it be so bad to draw mum is spirit wherever she is. I miss her,'' I replied

'' I know my dear Lu but it's dangerous,'' replied Grandma

I frowned and before I knew it I was bent over in pain and collapsed on the floor. My body felt like it was on fire. Like fire was climbing up my arms. Everything went black. When I came to I was on a bed in the house with an iv in my arm. My arms ached and felt too heavy for me to lift. Dad and Grandma were both in the room with me. Dad looked up from his chair and saw I was awake.

'' Hey Lu. You scared me,'' admitted Dad

'' I'm glad you are okay,'' said Grandma

'' What happened to me?'' I asked

'' We don't know yet. Your body is going through a lot of changes because you have another round of powers coming. It seems they are causing your body to overload. I need to do some research to see what we can do to help you. The i,v is filled with a special recipe of mine to help with the pain. Unfortunately you will have to come every week to get a dose,'' said Grandma

Before I could answer I looked down at my arms. '' WHAT THE FUCK!'' I shouted

'' Lu language,'' said Dad

'' Am I the only one seeing I have spiral tattoos from my wrist all the way to my collarbone?'' I asked. It almost looked like the tattoos were glowing because of the silver.

'' Don't panic. I will work on some research. I need to travel and look into some ancient texts. You will be fine. Your father and I are doing everything we can to find out more about what is happening to you. Dad will drive you home. You have been out for four hours. It's dark out already. Can't risk you having an attack on the road,'' explained Grandma.

'' Okay,'' I said. I was feeling so tired. Dad helped get me into the car. He picked me up like I was nothing more than a piece of paper. My dad is super strength is still so freaky. We drove off. I looked back at grandma for a second I could have thought I saw fear on her face, but then she was gone. We got home at eight p.m. Dad gave Alana instructions to take me to my room and bring me food. He kissed my cheek. '' I will come and check on you. I have to catch up on work and check on the capital is defence systems,''

'' Okay,'' I settled into bed and turned on the television. I put on my favourite series teen wolf on. I know it's silly but I can't help it. Thirty minutes later Alana brought a tray of beef and mashed potato.

'' Thanks,'' I said. She nodded and left the room. She was not much for talking that one. I ate quickly. I was asleep within minutes. I woke up around noon on Friday. I was surprised that no one had come in to wake me up. I had training every day. I checked my phone. No messages either. This must be dad is doing. I could'nt help but smile. I loved it when he acted like my sweet dad before he became the alpha leader and nothing else. I guess grandma was right I shouldn't be too hard on him. I just miss my mum so much and my dad too. We lost my mother and grandfather when there was an attack on our pack by rogue hunters who broke the accord. My dad became leader shortly after that. I was fifteen. My life hasn't be the same since. I tried to shake off the sad thoughts. At least I still had my cousins and my dad is sister who live in another capital. They only come in case of emergency or when it's Christmas. If dad was in my head he would say you know the whole pack is our family. Eye roll. We were probably about 5000 in the pack. Another 5000 in phoenix and some other weird subset packs. They couldn't possibly all be my family. I decided to have a bath with bubbles and roses the whole nine yards. I soaked in the bath for an hour. My skin was looking radiant. I hated the tattoos that now stretched from my arm to my collar bone to match the ones all over my back. I got out of my bath and put on some skinny jeans with a plain tshirt and my leather jacket. No combat boots this time. But my favorite black and white nike shoes. I didn't really have much to do. I should start looking into hobbies. I went to see dad. He was surprisingly in the main living room. Probably still working even with the tv on.

'' Hi,'' I said

''Hi,'' replied Dad

'' How are you feeling?'' asked Dad

'' I am fine. I am actually going out. Can I go without security lurking with me through the day and into the night,'' I replied

'' Really Lu. Should'nt you stay home where we can go mum or doctors?'' asked Dad

'' No I am not staying home. I feel fine,'' I replied

'' Fine. But I am doubling your security. They will be discreet,'' He had dismissed me without saying a word. He was already on a call. Handling the next crises probably. I got into my car and headed to my friend Helen is house. She also lived on the outskirts but it in the hippy side of town. She was a kind of a hippie herself now that I thought about it. I hooted once I was outside her gate. The gate opened as if by magic. I parked my car behind her silver mini cooper. Helen raced out of the house to greet me.

'' What a lovely surprise,'' squealed Helen

'' I know right. It's been ages I thought we could hang out,'' I said

'' Of course we can hang out. Come in,'' said Helen

I spent the day listening to music, dancing and eating. I missed hanging out with Helen. We met at school as well. I have known her since kindergarten. I invited her to go out with me and Sarah. She decided to invite her girlfriend Mali to the club too. We got dressed from her place. I was sceptical because we were going kind of early. Space Club only got fun at around ten p.m. It was nine now. I had on a sexy number tonight. Maybe I could meet a handsome stranger for the night. I had put my blonde silver hair into curls that hung down my back. I was wearing a white maxi dress with a plunging neckline and a slit on the side. The slit went very high. I wore my trusty black stilletos. I put on my signature red lipstick. I was ready to go. Helen wore a sparkly jumpsuit and big hoops. We stopped by the front door. Helen looked at herself and then me. '' Damn we look hot. Mali will meet us there,'' said Helen.

'' Alright let's go,'' I said

'' I am choosing the music,'' declared Helen. I rolled my eyes and laughed

'' Fine fine. But no justin beiber bullshit,'' I said

'' Harsh,'' laughed Helen

We got into my car and drove off with the music blaring. Of course my dad kept his word. I could see a black escalade follow us. Dad's goons protecting me with my powers was ridiculous. I decided to ignore them and have fun tonight. Tonight I was just Luna. We reached the place at ten p.m. since Helen is on the other side of the capital. We got to the entrance of Space. There was a big line already. I saw Chris and Sarah. Helen was staying in the carpark waiting for Mali.

I hugged Sarah first and then Chris. '' Hey guys,'' I shouted. Space was pulsating with hip hop music. Sarah smiled.

'' Hey Lu. Are you ready to get lit?'' asked Sarah

'' Hell yes!,'' I shouted back.

Chris looked between Sarah and I and shook his head. He smiled

'' Let's wait for Mali and Helen,'' shouted Chris

Sarah and I nodded in unison. After another twenty minutes they finally joined us. We all hugged again and were at the door for Space. Once the bouncer saw me he lifted up the velvet rope.

'' Miss Weston we are happy to have you here. We can give you a V.I.P booth,'' he said

The girls squealed. I just rolled my eyes typical sucking up shit. But the girls looked so excited so I let it go. We squeezed past so many people to get to the upstairs V.I.P area. I looked around and couldn't help smile. There were dome like things hanging from the ceiling with sexy girls inside. I don't know how they breathe inside those things. All the furniture was black and silver. Everyone was pumped. We reached the V.I.P area that had its own tables, dancefloor and waiters or waitresses. The bouncer made sure a waiter came to our table before he went back to the door duty. I ordered everyone shots of their synthetic tequila. They have altered drinks to make you get super high. That's what I wanted for all of us. Chris ordered a beer. Mali and Helen ordered mai thais. Sarah smiled and ordered us espresso martinis. I couldn't help but smile. An old school song came on. I downed my shot and went to the dancefloor to dance to Dirty Picture by Taio ft Kesha. I was on the dancefloor the red and blue strobe lights were all over the dance floor. I was shaking my hips and shimmying my body. I forgot aboutall the problems and just danced. All of sudden I felt a hand around my waist. I held his arm in a strong grip gesture ready to break it.

'' I suggest you let go of me buddy. If you don't want your arm broken in four places,'' I shouted

'' It would probably heal within a day or two princess,'' he whispered right into my ear

I turned my head to see Noa standing right behind me. I couldn't help but give a small smile at his remark.

'' Well you should be careful where you put your hands. I could have snapped your arm in two like a twig,'' I retorted. Now it was his turn to smile.

'' These big arms of mine. No way,'' he made a flexing motion that had me laughing

'' Ah she smiles good to see it,'' said Noa.

I don't know what came over me maybe it was the alcohol or the hypno lights and music I pulled him close to me and we started dancing again. He had his hands on my hip. His touch was electric. We danced to three or four songs. I don't know I lost track. Sarah finally came and found us on the dancefloor. She saw I was with Noa, grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him.

'' Hey what are you doing?'' I shouted

'' Saving you from yourself. Noa is a bad boy and you are an alpha in training. Your dad will kill you if he finds out,'' shouted Sarah

'' It's just some fun. I won't tell him if you won't. Now go and get everyone else. Let's dance the night away,'' I shouted

'' I am telling you. You are asking for trouble,'' said Sarah. She listened anyway and went to call the others. I went back to dancing. The girls and I jump danced to several songs that played. I did a slow grind with Noa. Man he was such a good dancer. He turned me around and kissed me on the lips. I was making out with Noa for what felt like eternity. He groaned when I pulled away.

'' We can't do that,'' I shouted into his ear

'' Yes we can. I want to do more of this. Give me your number,'' replied Noa

'' Aren't you scared of me and my family?'' I asked

'' You're worth the risk,'' replied Noa

'' Well when you put it that way. Here put your number in my phone,'' I said

He held my phone and put his number. He saved himself as Noa with a wolf emoji. I could'nt help but roll my eyes at this. He got us all drinks. His friends who were also phoenix pack joined our table. I lost track of how many drinks we had. After some time Noa and his friends had to leave. He kissed my cheek and waved at everyone else.

Sarah looked at me'' Someone is in love,'' commented Helen

'' Shut up,'' I replied

We spent the rest of the night drinking and dancing. By the time Helen was saying she was tired it was three a.m. The time had gone by so fast in there. I signaled for the bill. I swiped for our bill and we left the club. I said goodbye to everyone.

'' Please don't drive Lu,'' said Chris

'' Don't worry I am fine. See,'' I started to attempt to walk a straight line and dropped my keys. I laughed.

'' Yeah you are not fine. Maybe you should ride with the girls Sarah then I drop Lu off,'' said Chris

'' Yeah that might be a good idea,'' said Sarah

One of the guys got out of the car.

'' We will take Miss Weston home,'' they said

'' See guys I am fine,'' I said

They reluctantly said goodbye. I got into the escalade. I blacked out as soon as my door closed.

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