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Thirio. That's what they called him. Wild. And not touched. The body and soul of a known Alpha has no heart and no compassion. There are no survivors if they pass through this Alpha territory.          But, one day a girl accidentally crossed that border line. He had no idea how that would lead him to death.          At least that's how it should be, as the rumors say. However, an unexpected event changes everything. Prolog Thirio. That's what they called him. Wild. And not touched. The body and soul of a known Alpha has no heart and no compassion. There are no survivors if they pass through this Alpha territory.          But, one day a girl accidentally crossed that border line. She had no idea how that would lead her to death.          At least that's how it should be, as the rumors say. However, an unexpected event changes everything.

Chapter 1 Escape part 1

'Fast!' Excited one to another via their mind links.

At least about 5 wolves of different colors chasing one target which is locked in an observant and precise way. The forest which is very dense with towering pine trees and shrubs that can reach the height of ordinary humans doesn't make them--the 5 wolves--off guard at all. Because they really know the detailed mapping of this area. No, no. More precisely as if these wolves merged with the jungle nature that is so forbidden to ordinary humans.

But the target's escape skill was much more agile than they thought. It felt as if the 5 male wolves were running in vain, even though they looked like lightning striking each other. But still, the males' muscular and hairy leg swings couldn't keep up with the speed of their targets.

'Damn it! She's really fast,' lamented one member of the gang.

'She's a female, right?'

The harsh term they say to the opposite sex of the wolf has become commonplace to hear. Especially if you hear it from people who are not educated.

'Huh come on, we lost with the females.' The others growled. This is a serious matter when viewed through their eyes. Because they are males, they feel that a male wolf's self-esteem is tarnished and not elite just because he loses in the intensity of his running speed to a female wolf who is even twice the size of their stocky and hard body.

'Shut up damn it! We've fallen behind.' The gang leader shouted.

Their goal is a white werewolf. These werewolves are indeed on the verge of extinction because many hunters are eyeing them for their trade and in some cases even as illegal experiments for their dark intentions. This wolf is special from the others because of its abilities that other werewolves don't have. For this ability, they are endowed with birth. However, there are also those who refer to this white feather race as a cursed race.

When the target's scent started to fade, immediately the 5 wolves accelerated their running pace. Even nanoseconds of time were precious not to lose the white wolf's scent. However, the target was indeed the fastest wolf they had ever met. No wonder so many are eyeing it. Even their great master was so confused by unstoppable rage when he found out that the object of his experiment had managed to escape.

'Unlucky! Now we've totally lost the smell!'

Now they stopped in the middle of the woods. Still continuing to sniff out the smell that might be attached to the wet ground which made their movement have to stop suddenly. They didn't find anything. It was as if the white wolves had disappeared from the earth with not even a single trace left for them. However, this fake theory doesn't make any sense at all. How can a person just disappear before your eyes?

One of them, a gray wolf with a few brown strands on his ear, suddenly spoke up on his mind. 'She takes the smell away.'

"What do you mean?" The others joined in asking.

'You see, this muddy road is the result of the river overflowing its banks several times this rainy season. North of this forest there is a river that is rather deep. She goes into the river so that the scent is completely gone and we can't smell it at all.

Again they had to growl in frustration, their wolf side was thirsty for dominance. How can 5 male werewolves be defeated by one female? Is an ingenuity that they actually need. They need to realize and understand that muscle play is only a small part of the art of fighting. Strategy is the key that requires natural intelligence.

'Wow, that she-wolf is also smart.'

'I do not think so.'

'What? What more do you mean?' one chirps angrily. He really doesn't like having to deal with the smart-ass attitude of other members.

'It's not that she's smart, but you guys are too stupid.'

'Bastard.' Another rampage was interspersed with angry growls. They stood towering, ready to pounce on that one presumptuous wolf. Indeed, basically they are half animals, sometimes reason is not really needed by them. That is the thinking of uneducated people.

'Yes, you are an idiot.'

The wolf glanced at the teammate he meant. Causing his opponent to growl loudly and condemningly.

'You're more stupid for letting him-'

'Shut up!'

They immediately fell silent.

One of the wolves that had a dark gray fur color growled, emitting an aura of power that made the other four submit, lowering their heads together. It was clear that this dark gray wolf was their leader.

He sniffed the air and growled. 'The smell has completely disappeared.' He wasn't stupid and didn't notice from the beginning. However, the affirmation sometimes needs to be repeated to remind them of how serious the situation they are in is as it is now.

Then he changed. The bone cracking sound went 'crack!' Painful sounds were coming from within the wolf's body. So there is a change in the function of a wolf's bones to that of a human's bones, followed by the surrounding hairs shrinking and disappearing, replacing the skin texture which is more slippery and coarse. The sharp claws on the hands then sink in, replacing the more blunt and regular function of the nails. The transformation from a wolf's body to that of a whole human looked mystical as if under the influence of magic.

"We have to find her quickly, before the Hunters get ahead of us,"

said the man, looking intently at his men one by one, then his gaze drifted and looked north. There is no need to continue this journey. It was too risky and he didn't want to disturb the forbidden territory which would make the situation even more complicated.

For now, they had to postpone the pursuit for the white wolf. The plan of switching to the first backup where said they had to return to the center to gather the rest of the members before moving on. Because the northern region is really dangerous. Even the animals of the forest dare not cross it.

Just because of that one godforsaken territory.

"Too bad,"said the man before transforming back into his wolf form and disappearing back with the others in the opposite direction the white wolf had gone.


Catharina. That's all she remembers about herself. Only her name, Catharina. She did not even remember her own parents. her childhood, how she used to be, why she didn't remember it at all, she also didn't know.

They told her that in the past she had an accident which caused hrr to lose all her memory.

Currently Catharina just managed to escape from them. She didn't want to meet eyes anymore even hear about them. She didn't take anything with her when she ran away. Even clothes, because she had none before.

'I'm hungry, let's find a rabbit!' The voice suddenly appeared from the back of Catharina's mind. That voice is Phoebe's, the wolf.

The first time she transformed, she asked Catharina herself to give her a name. So Catharina named her Phoebe, for her wolf had bright white fur, and grew even brighter at night in the moonlight.

'Phoebe,' called out to Catharina in thought.

'Hmm?' she muttered in the middle of munching on a lump of rabbit meat he had just torn apart.

'Yummy! This is really good! I don't know how long it's been since we've had meat. But it tastes really sweet to my tongue,' Phoebe thought.

Catharina nodded her head in agreement through their thoughts.

'Where are we going now?' she asked.

In fact, she had thought about this for a long time when planning to escape. However, she really didn't know the outside world. Remembering before she was always confined in that place.

'I don't know either, Cath,' said Phoebe sadly.

'Maybe we should just go along this path. Let's hope we come up with something later."

Catharina nodded in her mind. Yes, this might be the only way for her and Phoebe to survive. It's lucky to be able to escape them. Now maybe they are still looking and hunting for her. Catharina must move fast.

A temporary place for her and Phoebe to stay was just what was needed. After that, maybe she will move to another place. Catharina knew very well, she couldn't stay in one place for long because they would definitely track her down.

In fact they would probably have brought in an additional search party by now to begin looking for her.

"Come on, Phoebe."

We have to be quick!

Phoebe nodded in her form.

So she ran following the one direction that she and Catharina believed in.



6 days 5 nights to be more precise Catharina traveled.

During that time also her routine started. When the time shows noon she will take human form but when the sun begins to set her, Phoebe takes over the body.

This action was not based on reason, because in the form of a wolf, the senses of hearing and smell are sharper, and that helps Catharina to protect herself and stay alert.

Now that it was night, it meant that Catharina had to take turns with Phoebe.

She looked for a safe and comfortable place for hee to sleep. Then she jumped for joy when ahe saw a place that was perfect for the both of them.

Immediately Catharina walked over to the place and crossed her front legs as a pillow and lay down comfortably.


Catharina was awake when Phoebe suddenly woke her up and was already on alert.

For some reason, Phoebe was restless. When Catharina asked why, Phoebe always said she didn't know either. Now Catharina is on the lookout. What's this? what's this feeling?

'Phoebe, maybe we shouldn't be here,' said Catharina through her thoughts.

Phoebe shook her head and said nothing. Her eyes wildly looked around. She sniffed the air repeatedly. Her tail moved restlessly. Ears increasingly elongated upright, searching for the direction of the sound source and what sound it is.

Then the sound came. Another step sound.

'Phoebe, now!' exclaimed Catharina in her mind.

Phoebe nodded and she darted away from the place. Catharina wasn't sure, but Phoebe was a unique species. Catharina had never seen a white wolf other than herself. But several times she had heard them talking about the white werewolf. It was at that moment that Catharina was sure there were White Wolves like her out there.

She was running fast. But the voices were becoming clear now. Sounds of footsteps and growls? Panic hit Catharina. oh no ! This will not happen again, I do not want! she thought Phoebe whined, she also did not want that. So on that impulse she shot like lightning.

However, it turned out that the owner of the voices and growls that had chased after her had been no less fast.

They growl full of warning. The brown wolf was bigger than the others, one of them jumped off the rock he stepped on and swooped down on the one white wolf they were chasing.

In an instant they rolled over, the other wolves immediately took positions surrounding Catharina and the brown wolf.

Catharina struggles to be released. She may be fast but the power of the brown wolf that is on top of her is far stronger than her. Especially with the 7 wolves that had been growling around Catharina, they certainly wouldn't let her go. Finally she gave up and bowed her head in submission or what they call submissive.

The wolf with dark brown hair growled with satisfaction, and so did the others. He immediately transformed into the form of a grown man.

Their people don't care about nakedness after changing their shape. People with intelligent brains or morality are always aware of what is more important when they are in a critical situation.

This tall man who was standing straight in front of Catharina was looking at her straight. A formed body, and several scars that don't seem to be going away on her adonis' face. His brown eyes are the same color as his wolf fur when he changes form.

His jaw tightened, but he didn't have any emotion crossing his face. Stiff as a statue.

"You broke the rules. And now you have crossed our line, Rogue," the man said,

narrowing his eyes. The way the man said Catharina's nickname as Rogue was like spitting unwillingly. The others gave a grunt in response.

So this is a Pack's territory?

Catharina never found out. This was indeed the first time she had stepped out of a place she once believed was home.

Now Catharina is scared, does that mean that after this she will have to face an Alpha?

Each Pack is led by an Alpha who is assisted by a second commander, namely a Beta. Under Beta there is a Gamma who is none other than a commander, in rough language.

Below Gamma's position is another named Warrior. Those who are usually deployed by Gamma when there is a war between Packs or just as a defense shield. They are high ranking members of a Pack inhabited by the other werewolf residents, either solitary or with families.

They also have a term, namely High Rankers.

Each pack has its own rules. Like how they train their army, the ceremony of welcoming new members to the Pack, even the rules and restrictions.

"Return to your human form, now."

His tone made Catharina lowered her head and couldn't refute. It was obvious that this man had a high status because of his strength. Or even from his undeniable voice. It was more like the man was born to be their leader. Perhaps he is an Alpha in this territory.

'He's not Alpha,' said Phoebe, suddenly interrupting Catharina's mind.

'Huh? How can you be certain?'

Phoebe rolled her eyes 'Of course I know, the smell might be strong but I know she's not an Alpha.'

Catharina nodded in her mind.

'Surely he's Beta in there-'

The man growled because Catharina was busy with her own thoughts. Catharina looked down quickly.

"Behind that tree are clothes, change in there and don't try to run away."

Catharina complied. Go behind the tree that the man is pointing at, and change shape before she puts on a gray shirt that's already there. The shirt was too big for her that it covered part of her thigh. But that's better than wearing nothing, thought Catharina. She returned to where the man and the other wolves had been waiting.

“Come on, come with us,” the man said finally. Finally Catharina followed them with lots of questions.

Catharina didn't know where they would take her. What if it happens again? Would they also torture her? Where will it be taken? And... why has Phoebe been nervous all this time?

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