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Locked In His Web

Locked In His Web



She went to the mafia's house as a slave to get revenge for the death of her friend. But she fell in love with him, Will she get on with her revenge or allow her feelings to hinder her plan?... Brief... He killed her friend, She sought for revenge, She entered his house willingly When she had the opportunity to take the revenge, she couldn't, There's only 2 reason for that, Either she's afraid or she's in love with him,,,, Are you ready for this intriguing story, grab a cheese ball and a chilled coke...

Chapter 1 Kyle's Foolishness


💨 In 💨


"What?! Are you out of your mind?

"Please! Please!! Please!!!" Kate begged as Kyle lost his mind.

Kyle was already drunk and doesn't know what he was doing.

But he wanted to rape his own girlfriend Kate whom he promised never to touch her body.

"Please! Kyle!!" She begged in tears.

"You know I'm a virgin" she blurted out as she got him off to run away, but Kyle's hand reached for the bottle of drink and smashed it on her head.

Kate fainted on the floor and blood gushed out her head, Kyle's eyes was now cleared to see what was happening.

"Dax! Dax!!" Kyle screamed annoyingly. Dax rushed in and was shocked seeing blood on the floor.

"I didn't do it intentionally, so don't think I'm a monster!" Kyle said trying to calm Dax down.

Dax came beside her to see if she was still alive, but no she had been transferred to the other world already.

"Is she still breathing?" Kyle asked as he picked a cigarette.

"No, I... I... think she died instantly" Dax stammered and bowed.

"Aish! Just dump her somewhere, if she's lucky her relative will see her there, I don't know what's bad in giving me her virginity" Kyle muttered as he lighted the cigarette.

Dax took her dead body to the store, he decided to dump it out at night.

"The show is going to start in the next 53 minutes" Dax announced as he checked his time to make sure its correct.

"I'm quitting the show" Kyle said been nonchalant.

"What!? The people! Their money!!" Dax shouted.

"I don't care about that, Kate just died and you're telling me to attend a show!" Kyle fired back.

Dax excused himself and walked out thinking of how to solve the matter.

"The people bought ticket with money, how can he just cancel the show like that, I must do something" Dax whispered to himself.

Kyle began to think of what he had done, was it the right thing, but he also remember that no one can question him.

At midnight, Dax sent some people to dump Kate's dead body on the public road.


Kayla hummed a song as she rub makeup on her cheek softly. She chuckled when she remembered the event they were going to.

"Wow, what a quick one," Kayla whispered as Joyce rushed out of the toilet.

"What are you talking about?"Joyce asked as she rubbed her head with a face towel.

"Nevermind, just get dress and let's go" Kayla shouted on her since time wasn't on their side.

Kayla looked at her reflection in the mirror, she chuckled again seeing how beautiful she is.

Joyce rushed with taking care of her skin, they took off when they were about forty five minutes late.

Today is the birthday of Kate, and that was the event they were attending. Kyle promised to throw a big party at his residence for her.

Kayla, Kate, and Joyce are close friends and were sworn sisters in arm, three of them are fans of the great musician Kyle Anderson, and also was their crush before he started dating Kate.

He met Kate when she was trying to get employed to Kyle's father company which he was fighting hard to get, he quickly took a liking in Kate and asked her to be his lover.

Kyle only met Kayla just once and it was at night, so he didn't recognize her later on even when he met her during his live show.

Joyce and Kayla stood beside the road anxiously waiting for a cab to pass.

Kayla saw that some group of people gathered and surrounded a particular place, she became curious to see what was going on there.

"Let's go to check what's going on over there" Kayla said as she draw Joyce along.

They entered between the people roughly making space for themselves, they noticed its a corpse, and it wasn't anyone other that Kate.

Joyce fainted immediately she saw Kate while Kayla walked slowly to her, tears rolled down to her cheek but she cleaned them off thinking she might be hallucinating.

"Wake Up! Wake Up!! Wake Up!!!" Kayla screamed as she hit her head so hard.

She hugged the dead body of Kate, the people watching them thought she was mad so they separated her from the dead body.

The 119 emergency arrived and took the three friend away.

★Vida's Residence★

After shaking the bottle ferociously, Vida let the cover out with force, the drink spill up and they shouted for joy.

"Guess what again girls" Vida staggered as she was drunk already.

"Burst our brain" Linda shouted.

"Kyle called me and told me she broke up with her girlfriend, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Vida announced as they both screamed happily.

"Yeah, he must be finally ready to propose to you" Linda assumed as she smiled evilly.

"You guys should just keep the hell off, someone died while you're jubilating" Pearl who had been quiet since raged up angrily.

"Who's dead?" Vida and Linda chorused together with full seriousness.

"Kyle killed his own girlfriend and he..... He's trying replace you for her" Pearl replied amidst tears.

"Hey! Someone must leave for someone to enter, is that bad?" Vida asked as she bursted into laughter with Linda.

"If she just left that would have been better, how sure are you that Kyle is not going to dump you like he did to the girl?" Pearl asked back bravely.

"Shut your trap! Is she related to you?" Vida shouted almost throwing a blow to her but Linda held her hand.

"Just leave her, we both know how innocently she tries to play all the time" Linda said trying to calm her down.

"If you ever cross your line again, or you talk nonsense, I will rip your tongue out of your damn mouth, treacherous b*tch" Vida growled and spit on her.


Kyle entered into his office as Dax followed him like a bodyguard.

"Today was supposed to be Kate's birthday, your plan for her birthday, should I cancel it?" Dax announced trying to make Kyle remember.

"Shut Up!" Kyle shunned him up.

"I'm sure her friends will...."

"I said shut up" Kyle shouted as he pinned Dax to the wall.

"Even if her friends come over, capture them and kill them!" Kyle growled angrily.

Kean entered without knocking, and he clapped with an evil smirk.

"I can see you're having a hard time with your PA, I'll come later" Kean said thickening his voice.

"Its nothing, why are you here?" Kyle asked as he freed Dax.

"Father ordered to see you now, and when

you're coming bring the files for the sale from the past one week" Kean passed down the message and walked out.

Kyle faced his personal assistant (Dax) angrily, he gave him a punch on his face.

"Get me five new maids, pretty ones" Kyle ordered and went to search for the files.


Kayla sat on a bench regretfully waiting for the doctor to come.

She remembered that, she and Joyce pushed Kate to go with her boyfriend, only if she had knew it would turn this way.

She was still thinking when the doctor approached her.

"How's Joyce?" Kayla asked looking concerned.

"Thank God she's fine, she could have had hypertension, I think the news caught her off guard" The doctor announced happily.

"When will she be discharged?" Kayla asked again.

"Just a week more" the doctor replied and went away.

Kayla went to Joyce's ward to check on her.

"How are you doing?" Kayla asked with a smirk.

"Bad, really bad" Joyce replied amidst tears.

"Don't cry, those tears won't make Kate comes back" Kayla tried to console her.

"I'm crying because I won't be able to take revenge for her" Joyce grinned and bursted into tears.

"I... I... will risk my life and get revenge for her, so that her soul will perfectly rest in peace" Kayla said almost crying.

"Ho... How will you do that? Kyle is one deadly guy, and you can't enter his house" Joyce asked looking at Kayla sternly.

"I'll become his maid, and I... I... I'll tear... his... life apart" Kayla stammered as she tears rolled down her cheek.

"No, I can't let you do that, once he finds out, he'll kill you" Joyce muttered worriedly.

"Even if he kills me, I'll make sure to kill him first, and if I fail Bianca will help me" Kayla assured her fully.

"Who's Bianca?" Joyce asked dumbly.

"My current spy, she already notified me that Kyle is choosing new maids already, so I should get ready" Kayla mumbled.

"When is that going to be? And do you think I'll let you go?" Joyce shouted acting bossy.

'Don't worry you won't know when I'm leaving, you'll just have to forgive me' Kayla thought within herself.


Joyce has been discharged, and returned to her normal life.

After making sure she's okay, Kayla went to meet Dax that she wanted to become a maid.

Dax chose him and four other girls, he took them to Kyle's room for him to check.

Kyle stood up dropping his cigarette on the bed. Kayla gave him a bad eye, but truly he was the most handsome guy he had ever seen.

She was afraid when Kyle got close to her and said,

"You, you look familiar, do you know me?" Kyle asked trying to remember where he saw her.

"I.. I.. I... Don't ...." She tried to say but Kyle cut in.

"I am pretty sure I know you, you must be...."

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