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"You belong to me, lurline. I alone am capable of making you feel this way. Your moans and body belong to me. Your soul and your body are all mine!" Alpha Hadrianus Blaze, the most dreaded Alpha in all of the North, wealthy, powerful and widely feared in the supernatural world, was the envy of all other packs. He was thought to have it all... power, fame, wealth and favor from the moon goddess, little was it known to his rivals that he has been under a curse, which has been kept a secret for so many years, and only the one with the gift of the moon goddess can lift the curse. Lurline, the daughter of Alpha Aldo who was an arch enemy to Hadrianus, had grown up with so much hatred, detest and maltreatment from her father. She was the fated mate to Alpha Hadrianus. He refused to reject her, yet he loathed her and treated her poorly, because he was in love with another woman, Ramona. But one of these two women was the cure to his curse, while the other was an enemy within. How would he find out? Let's find out in this heart racing piece, filled with suspense, steamy romance and betrayal.

Chapter 1 Lurline

I watched as Hadrianus went out of the hall just after Ramona had gone out too.

I guess they went to fuck.

"Hmm..well I do not care again. They can do what ever they want to do.." I thought.

Trisha noticed my mood and asked " what is the problem lurline.."

" It is nothing, let us enjoy the feast.." I told her as I picked up my life and fork and cut a stake from my plate.

"Humph.. Trisha.." I called as I dropped my fork.

"Yes lurline.." she answered

"Do I really look that awful?" I asked

"Why are you asking? Of course no, even a blind man can see your beauty.." Trisha answered as she winked at me, making me chuckle.

Then why does Hadrianus year me like I am done piece of garbage? Huh.. He does not even notice me. You know.." I started.

" Yes?"

" You know dramas that are being done in operas, the male lead first hates his wife then after a while, he falls head over heels in love with her, why is my own not like that? Why? My own is even a different story to tell.." I whined.

Trisha chuckled and looked at me and shook her head. " Oh.. lurline, I thought you blamed me of watching too many dramas. Now look at you.." she said as we both chuckled.

" Trisha, let us go out of the feast room and take a little air.." I told her.

" No.. no..no lurline, as the Luna of the clan, you are not supposed to leave the feast room until it is over.." Trisha explained.

" But alpha Hadrianus went out, why would I can I not go out as I please?" I asked, sulking like a bullied kitten.

" Because he is the alpha, he can do what ever he wants to do.." Trisha explained again.

" Oh..this is so unfair, why does he have the right to go and I do not have any, huh?" I whined.

" It is okay, before twenty minutes they are going to round up because it is already approaching the time for the ritual.." Trisha said.

" Really? This ritual, what is it for and is it the main festival?" I asked

" Well..it is not the main ritual and alpha Hadrianus blaze is the one to start the ritual.." she explained again.

" Okay, so it is compulsory that he comes for the ritual?" I asked again.

" Yes it is compulsory that he comes for the ritual and also, he is the one to begin the ritual.." she explained again.

" Wow, I see.." I said.

" So, lurline hurry up and eat your food.." she said as I nodded and started eating.

*Hadrianus blaze point of view*

I laid on the bed with Ramona by my side. She was naked and just used the duvet to wrap her self up. "Ramona.." I called

"Mhhm.." she answered sleepy. I had really exhausted her in bed today.

"Ramona you know that we can't have any sexual intercourse again until the feast and full moon is over?" I asked her

Opening her eyes, she answered " yeah, I mean yes I am aware.." she answered.

Looking out of the window, I noticed that the moon (not the full moon) was about to come out.

I immediately got up and put on my cloth

Clothes. "Ramona, Ramona.." I called as she lazily answered " yes.. Any problem.." she asked

"Yes there is, the moon is about to come out, we can not be late for the ritual.." I said and immediately, she jolted out of her sleep like state. "Yeah, you are right.." she said as she started putting on her cloth too.

Immediately, we finished dressing up and hurried out.

*Third person point of view*

*First ritual prayer to the moon goddess*

Hadrianus and Ramona arrived just in time for the ritual.

All the people in the kingdom, both old and young gathered under the full moon. They stayed at a really large open field so that it will contain all of them.

They were all on their kneels, eyes closed.

Hadrianus and lurline were in the front, their eyes were also closed.

Lurline was beside Hadrianus.

Before the ritual began, Hadrianus told Adrian to explain to lurline all she needed to know about the feast, which he did.

Although she was not perfect at it, at least she tried.

After the ritual, Hadrianus made a little prayer to the moon goddess and the first ritual during the three day feast was over.

*Second day (the three day feast before the full moon)*

*Lurline's point of view*

"Wow Trisha, the three day feast is actually very lovely and fun.." I said as I was taking my bath. Lurline was helping me wash my hair.

"Yes, it is. I told you right?" She said as she smiled.

Later, I was done with taking my bath.

I entered into the room after drying my body and sat in front of my dressing mirror. I applied some lotion and Trisha helped me comb and style my hair beautifully. This time, she did not tie it into a bun or ponytail, she allowed it to flow freely at my back.

After that, she I wore the cloth that she had already brought out, the one that was specially picked by Hadrianus himself just for this occasion.

It was a yellow dress that hugged my every curve.

"Okay, lurline, you are all dressed up, come let us start going.." Trisha said as we started walking off to the room.

It was not yet time for the feast, so we went to watch the entertainment shows.

"Wow Trisha, take a look at this.." i called her as I pointed to a man bringing out fire from his mouth. It was truly crazy!

" Wow.." she said as she also watched in awe at the show.

"This is crazy!" I said as I giggled excitedly.

There were more shows which I watched with Trisha.

Suddenly, Ramona approached me. "Hey lurline.." she called slyly.

"Enjoying the show?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. " Well.. Ramona, I am. And it seems like you are quite bored and jobless.." i said, annoyed that she was ruining the show for me.

"Oh really.." she said.

"Well I am not bored and jobless. As you can see, inwas just with Hadrianus a while ago. Even yesterday.." she mocked. " You call him your mate yet he has not even marked you not to talk of consummating your union.." she said as she chuckled.

" And why is it your business? Why do you not just mind your own life and your own business and stop interfering in my own life and business?" I asked as she snorted scornfully.

" Well, I do not have your time.." she said as she stood up to leave. "And I did not invite you to come and discuss with me.." I fired back as she glared at me dangerously before letting out a sly smirk.

Suddenly, she poured her drink all over my dress, gaining the attention of everyone. "Oops, it was a mistake.." she said as she continued smirking.

I felt my blood boil from what she just did and I immediately landed a hot resounding slap on her cheeks. "Oops, it was a mistake.." I also told her. I just humiliated her publicly, hilarious!

Her eyes were filled with tears that was threatening to fall down her cheeks.

Immediately I turned to leave,I saw two ferocious eyes glaring dangerously at me.

"What did you just do lurline!" He roared

"Wha..what..she po..poured her drink on me fir.." I tried completing my sentence but was dragged off by Hadrianus.

When we got to the hall way, he let me go "how dare you slap Ramona!" He thundered. "I thought I have warned you never to touch her in your life!!" He roared.

"Well..I did not do it just because I felt like, she first humiliated me by pouring her drink on me.." I said as he glared at me like he was going to eat me up any time soon.

" Shut up now!!" He thundered, anger filling his eyes.

"If you ever in your pathetic life do that again, I would show you your place in this palace!!" He said as he banged his fist furiously on the wall, making me burst into tears. My own mate could not even support me, God!

I immediately left him, running to my room.

When I reached my room, I laid on the bed crying.

Twenty minutes after I came Into my room, Trisha walked inside. "Hey lurline, after that incident, you did not come back again so I decided to come and look and look for you.." Trisha said as she approached me.

" Tris.. Trisha why is my life like this?" I asked amidst sobs.

" Your life is perfect dear, just ignore every one.." Trisha said as she patted my hair.

" Why..why does Ramona always loves looking for ways to taunt me, and also causing Hadrianus to always shout at me?" I asked, still crying.

" Because she is feeling insecured. She knows that there is a high chance of alpha Hadrianus blaze leaving her for you, so she is just feeling insecured.." Trisha said.

" God!" I said as I continued crying.

" Trisha i am not going to attend the feast again.." I told her as shock was plastered all over her face. " Why? But lurline it is mandatory, please you can't risk missing it, please.." she tried saying.

" I have made up my mind Trisha, I am not attending it again.." I said, making up my mind. " Please lurline, you have to attend, the feast is starting very soon and if Alpha Hadrianus Blaze does not see you there, he will become more furious.." Trisha said, begging me.

" No.." I said as I laid down.

Later, the feast began.

*Hadrianus blaze's point of view*

When I was confronting lurline, I could see fright in her eyes, but I just did not care. That girl has a lot of nerves to slap Ramona in front of everyone, publicly humiliating her.

The feast was about to begin and I still could not find her anywhere. "Why does that girl like testing my patience.." I thought as I fumed with anger, still scanning the entire hall to see if I would find her.

"Where is the Luna?" One of the Alpha's present asked.

"Umm..she went somewhere, but she would be back any moment from now.." I said as I tried covering up.

Ramona was not also here, she is probably in her room because of what lurline did to her.

Seeing that lurline was not going to come any time soon, I excused my self and headed to her room.

"Lurline open up now!" I said banging on the door of her room.

The door opened to reveal Trisha, he r personal maid. Once she opened the door, she immediately left the room, leaving only I and lurline inside.

"Why are you not in the feast room?" I asked with anger written all over me.

" Nothing, I just did not feel like attending.." she said as she laid on her bed, backing me.

Feeling really angry and frustrated, I yanked her up from the bed, holding her wrist tightly.

"Ouch..you are hurting me.." she cried but I just could not care less.

" Lurline, I warned you that if you mess things up for me during the three day feast, I would kill you! Do you think I was joking.." I asked still gripping her tightly in her wrist as she struggled to free her lself form my grip.

"Ple..please lea..leave me..me al..alone, you are injuring me.." she said as she began to cry. At a moment, her tears wanted to affect me, but i maintained my aura.

"Now, if you do not want to die, you are going to come back to the feast before five minutes or else.." I threatened before finally letting her go and walking out of the room.

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