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Love after daylight

Love after daylight

Fire fox


A betrayal by your best friend of all people pushes you to unlock the secrets of who you are

Chapter 1 Lyra

I've always wondered how it would happen, how my final moments would be, who'd sing at my funeral, you know ,all the dark details . But I guess I should let you know why I'm thinking about death, so I guess I should start from the beginning. My name is Lyra Cambridge , I'm a 19 year old fashion major at Clarkson university and I'm going to tell you about the day that lead me to my end.

The day started like any other, I went into the kitchen and started breakfast for myself and my roommate Alice ,we've been best friends since middle school.

"Good morning honey " I shout from the other side of the kitchen island.

"Mmmhhh whatever " Alice mumbles in a voice so groggy you would think she was still sleeping, I laugh because Alice hates the morning,I mean she hates it ,I only the other hand get up with the sun .

"What time do you think you'll be home tonight " Alice asks as she piles pancakes and bacon on her plate.

"I don't know probably around 8:30 , I have to start getting things ready for the fall fashion, even though the show isn't for another two weeks .",I sigh with slight attitude, " But what's up ?" I ask while reaching for a strip of bacon "you have plans or something?"

" No just wondering if you'd be able to hang out tonight , but as usual you have no time for your bestie." Alice pouts but she quickly smiles and runs over to the fridge grabs a can of whip cream and a tub of strawberries," well I'm gonna go ahead and get ready for class. See you Alice.." I head towards my room and grabbed my backpack and phone off the charger and walk to the front door.

I arrive to campus and see a bunch of girls surrounding two guys, as I get closer to the group I noticed that the guys are passing out flyers. The first guy approaches me " hey beautiful." he says, with a rich, thick accent that almost sounds English.

"Hi " I say nervously.

"You should check out our party tonight " he says with a bright beautiful smile.

"What's your name? "I look up finally taking in all his beautiful features.

" my name is Jordan." He smiles he smiles his deep rich milk chocolate skin seems almost iridescent, in the morning, sun his eyes. Where hazel with a red tinge to them, his soft, shiny curls fell perfectly on his forehead while the back and sides of his head were shaved he placed a flyer in my hand . " I'd really like for you to come " he flashes me another smile .

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