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Raven Wolf: The Curse of Seven

Raven Wolf: The Curse of Seven

Susan Success


Andrew, a young man from a small town, falls in love with an orphaned girl named Elizabeth". He begins experiencing terrifying nightmares that seem to bleed into his waking life. He soon discovers that he is cursed to become a raven wolf, a powerful but dangerous creature feared by all. Desperate for answers, he seeks out an old man who claims to hold the key to breaking the curse. The old man tells Andrew that he must cross seven waters, seven valleys, and seven mountains, passing through the valley of knives to the forbidden river, to break the curse. He gives Andrew a necklace as protection and warns him of a brutal fight he must face with a white wolf named Jack. As Andrew embarks on his journey, he faces countless obstacles and dangers, including other cursed creatures who seek to destroy him. But with the help of Jack and the Alpha, who train him to control his powers, Andrew learns to harness his inner beast and ultimately break the curse. However, he soon realizes that breaking the curse was only the beginning, as he now faces a greater threat that could destroy everything he holds dear. Andrew must use his newfound powers and allies to save his loved ones and defeat the evil that threatens to consume him. Andrew must choose between his love for Elizabeth and his loyalty to his pack. Will Andrew's self-identity come between him and his love for Elizabeth? What happens to their ill-fated love? Raven Wolf: The secret of seven is a romance novel that'll make you fall in love with the characters

Chapter 1 The Encounter

Chapter One

The full moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale silver light across the dense forest. The crisp autumn air was thick with the scent of pine needles and damp earth, and the distant sound of a pack of wolves howling could be heard echoing through the trees.

In the heart of the forest, a lone figure moved cautiously through the underbrush. He was tall and muscular, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. He wore a torn and tattered shirt and jeans, and his bare feet made no sound as he moved silently through the forest.

The man was a werewolf, born into a pack of powerful shifters who roamed the forests of the American Midwest. He was a proud member of the pack, fiercely loyal to his family and his heritage. But he was also a lone wolf, prone to wandering off on his own to hunt and explore the wilderness.

As he moved deeper into the forest, the man sensed that he was being watched. He paused, listening carefully, and heard the sound of something moving through the underbrush behind him. He whirled around, his senses on high alert, and saw a shadowy figure lurking in the darkness.

Without hesitation, the werewolf lunged at the figure, ready to defend himself. But as he got closer, he realized that the figure was not a threat at all. It was a woman, dressed in a long, flowing dress and clutching a bouquet of wildflowers.

The woman was startled by the werewolf's sudden appearance, but she quickly composed herself and smiled warmly at him. "Hello," she said, her voice soft and musical. "I didn't mean to startle you. I was just out for a walk, and I heard you moving through the forest. I thought I should say hello."

The werewolf was surprised by the woman's boldness and fearlessness, but he found himself drawn to her nonetheless. There was something about her that seemed to spark a deep, primal instinct within him.

"I'm Andrew Lozenges."

He introduced himself, and the woman smiled warmly in return. "I'm Elizabeth Wilson," she said. "It's nice to meet you."

Andrew and Elizabeth spent the next few hours walking through the forest together, talking and laughing as they explored the wilderness. As the night wore on, the moon rose higher in the sky, casting a brighter light across the forest.

And as they walked, Andrew felt something stirring within him. It was a feeling he had experienced many times before, but never with such intensity. He was falling in love with Elizabeth, and he knew that he could not deny it. Could she be his mate, the one he's been longing for?

As they reached a clearing in the forest, Andrew took Elizabeth's hand and pulled her close to him. He could feel her warmth against his skin, and he knew that he had found his soul mate.

Without a word, he transformed into his wolf form, his fur bristling in the moonlight. Elizabeth gasped in surprise, but she did not back away. Instead, she reached out and touched his wolf's soft fur, a look of wonder on her face.

And as they stood there, the werewolf and Elizabeth, surrounded by the beauty of the forest and the magic of the full moon, they knew that they were meant to be together. They were two halves of a whole, united by the power of love and the strength of their shared heritage.

Andrew howled at the moon, a deep and primal sound that echoed through the forest. Elizabeth laughed, her eyes shining with joy and wonder. And together, they ran off into the night, chasing after the wild and untamed spirit of the forest.

As they ran through the forest, Andrew and Elizabeth felt a deep connection growing between them. It was as if they had known each other for their entire lives, and their bond only grew stronger with each passing moment.

They ran through the underbrush, leaping over fallen trees and dodging through dense clusters of ferns. Andrew reveled in the freedom of his true form, the wind rushing through his fur, and the thrill of the chase coursing through his veins.

Elizabeth laughed and cheered, her long hair streaming out behind her as they ran. She was filled with a sense of wonder and excitement, as if she had discovered a whole new world that she never knew existed.

As they neared the edge of the forest, the werewolf slowed down, bringing Elizabeth to a stop beside him. He transformed back into his human form, his breath coming in deep, ragged gasps.

Elizabeth stood beside him, her eyes shining with admiration and wonder. She reached out and touched his hand, and he felt a jolt of electricity run through his body.

"I've never felt anything like this before," Elizabeth whispered, her voice soft and trembling. "It's like I've known you my entire life."

Andrew smiled at her, feeling warmth spreading through his chest. "I feel the same way," he said. "It's like we were meant to find each other, like two pieces of a puzzle finally fitting together."

They stood there for a moment, lost in each other's eyes, before Andrew leaned in and kissed her. It was a tender, passionate kiss, filled with all the love and longing they felt for each other.

As they broke apart, Andrew pulled Elizabeth close to him, wrapping his arms around her in a tight embrace. They stood there, holding each other, for what seemed like an eternity, their hearts beating in perfect harmony.

And as the first light of dawn began to filter through the trees, Andrew and Elizabeth knew that they had found something truly special. They had found love in all its wild and untamed glory, and nothing would ever be the same again.

Andrew's pack had caught up with him and Elizabeth, their sharp howls echoing through the forest. Andrew knew that they were in grave danger, and he held Elizabeth tightly, shielding her from the oncoming threat.

The pack circled around them, their teeth bared and their eyes glowing in the dim light of the forest. Andrew could sense their anger and aggression, and he knew that they would not be easily appeased.

One of the pack leaders stepped forward, his fur bristling and his eyes fixed on Elizabeth. "What is a human doing here with one of our own?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.

Andrew stepped forward, his body tense and ready for a fight. "She's with me," he said firmly. "She's not a threat to us."

The pack leader snarled, baring his teeth in a threatening display. "She's a human, and humans are our enemies," he spat. "She must die."

Andrew stepped in front of Elizabeth, his body shielding hers from the pack's fury. "I won't let you hurt her," he said, his voice strong and defiant.

The pack leader charged forward, but Andrew was ready. He met the attack head-on, his body shifting and twisting as he fought with all his might. The other wolves joined in, creating a whirlwind of fur, claws, and teeth.

Elizabeth watched in horror, unsure of what to do. She felt powerless and alone, an outsider in this strange and violent world.

But then something shifted within her. A spark of courage and determination flared to life, and she knew that she couldn't just stand there and watch. She had to do something.

She searched around frantically for anything that could help, and her eyes settled on a fallen branch. She snatched it up, holding it like a makeshift weapon, and charged forward into the fray.

Her movements were awkward and clumsy at first, but she refused to back down. She swung the branch with all her might, striking the wolves that came too close to Andrew.

The pack was taken aback by her sudden defiance, and they hesitated for a moment. It was all the time that Andrew needed.

He charged forward, his strength renewed by Elizabeth's bravery. He fought with renewed ferocity, his body moving with lightning-fast speed.

In the end, the pack was defeated. Andrew stood triumphant, his chest heaving and his eyes blazing with fierce pride. He turned to Elizabeth with a look of deep affection on his face.

"You saved my life," he said, his voice soft and gentle. "I'll never forget that."

"You fought so bravely," Elizabeth said, her soft cheeks blossoming like a thousand ripe cherries.

Elizabeth looked up at him, feeling warmth spreading through her chest.

Andrew smiled with a twinkle in his eye. "My dear, you are the bravest human I've ever met."

And with that, they left the forest together, their bond stronger than ever before. They had faced incredible danger and emerged victorious, and they knew that their love was something special and unique, something that could never be broken.

As Andrew and Elizabeth made their way out of the forest, they could feel the weight of recent events bearing down on them. Andrew was still reeling from the fight with the pack, and Elizabeth was shaken by the intensity of it all.

But then Andrew heard a low growl coming from the bush behind him, and he knew that things were about to get even more complicated-it was a message signaling danger.

He signaled Elizabeth to wait for him as he dived into the thick bush. A huge brown werewolf with green eyes and thick black claws came over in majestic style. He kept sniffing as he took steady steps. This must be Beta, he thought as he bowed slowly.

"I have a message for you from Alpha Leo," the werewolf snarled. "You will have to report yourself to him as quickly as possible".

He informed him that the Alpha of the pack had summoned him to the thick bushes, a place feared by all. A place where even demons fear to tread!

The Alpha wanted to speak with Andrew in person, and he expected him to come alone.

Andrew's heart sank as he received the message. He had heard of the Alpha's fearsome reputation, and he knew that going to meet him could mean certain death. He was afraid for his own life, but he was even more afraid for Elizabeth.

Rumors had it that the Alpha was gruesome and dangerous; he barely came out in the light and was always deep in the dark, where he frequently gave orders to the Beta.

I am going to meet an alpha whose face is barely visible. He thought.

This could be a threatening situation for the Alpha to demand to see him alone. He would have given his message to the Beta to pass along, but he chose to handle the situation himself.

After giving the message, the wolf growled loudly, signifying he had delivered the message to Andrew, and he ran off deeper into the wild. Andrew was deep in his thoughts when he felt a warm touch behind him sending eccentric waves to his body-it was Elizabeth. She was shocked to see him in a bowing state.

"Who was that, your king?" she asked curiously. "Do you have to bow?

He turned to her, his face drawn and tense. "I have to go meet the Alpha," he said. "But I don't want to put you in danger."

Elizabeth kept staring at him with her deep-seated eyes.

"The person who brought the message is the Beta; he's the second in command to the Alpha, and bowing to him signifies respect". He added. "The Beta is mostly around the Alpha, so he doesn't go for such little errands. Instead, the Alpha gives orders to the Gamma or Omega to deliver messages to us, the minorities. The Beta's presence here signifies danger. And I wouldn't want to risk your safety". Andrew said, his face wrinkled with worry.

Elizabeth looked up at him, her eyes shining with determination. "I'll be fine," she said, "but what about you?"

Andrew didn't know how to answer. He was terrified, but he knew that he had to face the Alpha, no matter what the cost.

He set out for the thick bushes, his heart pounding with fear. He had never been so scared in his life, and he felt like he was walking into a death trap.

As he walked deeper into the bushes, he could feel the eyes of the other wolves on him, watching his every move. He knew that he was in their territory now and that they would not hesitate to attack if they felt threatened.

Finally, he reached the center of the thick bushes, and there he saw the Alpha's figure in the dark, accompanied by the Beta and his warriors by his side. He was a massive, black wolf, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intelligence; his face was hidden, but his deep red eyes glistened in the dark. Andrew could feel the power emanating from him, and he knew that he was in the presence of a true leader.

The Alpha spoke without preamble. "I've heard about your fight with my pack," he said. "I've also heard that you fought for a human. Is that true?"

Andrew nodded, his heart in his throat. "Yes," he said. "I couldn't let them hurt her."

The Alpha looked at him for a long moment, and Andrew could feel his gaze piercing him like a knife. He waited for the verdict, unsure of what was coming next.

But then the Alpha surprised him. "I respect your courage," he said. "But you must understand that humans are not welcome in our world. If you continue to associate with her, it will mean trouble for you and for our pack."

Andrew nodded, his heart heavy. He knew that the Alpha was right, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing Elizabeth.

He left the thick bushes feeling defeated and alone. He wondered what he was going to do and how he could protect Elizabeth without putting himself or the pack in danger.

But then he received a message from Elizabeth. She had heard about his meeting with the Alpha from the rumors that began spreading like wildfire: Andrew caught up with a human. She heard about the threats from fellow wolves to nip the human when found with Andrew, and she knew that it was dangerous for her to stay close to him anymore. She told him she was going to leave early in the morning, to a place where the pack could never find her.

Andrew was torn between his love for Elizabeth and his loyalty to the pack. But after thinking for a minute, he snapped his fingers. He knew what he had to do. He was going to ask a few of his friends to accompany Elizabeth so they could track her location. He said goodbye to Elizabeth, promising to come back for her one day, and he set out on his own, determined to find a new life outside of the pack.

As Andrew left the thick bushes, the Alpha watched him go, a small smile playing on his lips. He had given Andrew an ultimatum, and he was curious to see how he would respond.

But he had other matters to attend to-evil matters. He needed to gather his sub-leaders for a secret meeting that would change the fate of the entire pack.

That night, the Alpha called for the Dark Council, a gathering of the sub-leaders of the pack. They came from all corners of the forest, each one a deadly force to be reckoned with.

The Alpha began the meeting by outlining his plan. He had grown tired of the black knights in shining armor, the ones who thought that they could live outside of the pack's laws. He knew that they were a threat to the pack's unity, and he wanted them eliminated.

But there was one particular member of the Black Knights that he was most interested in. Elizabeth.

He had heard about her from his spies-how she had infiltrated the pack and won over Andrew's heart. He knew that she was a danger to the pack, and he wanted her captured.

He gave strict orders to his subordinates, telling them to spare no expense in capturing Elizabeth. He wanted her alive so that he could use her as leverage against Andrew and the rest of the Black Knights.

The sub-leaders nodded their agreement, and the meeting ended. They went out into the night, each with a deadly mission to carry out.

Andrew had no idea what was coming. He had thought that he had escaped the pack's clutches, but little did he know that he was being hunted.

It was only a matter of time before the sub-leaders found Elizabeth. She was living in a small cabin deep in the woods, surrounded by a thick wall of trees.

But the sub-leaders were skilled hunters, and they had no trouble getting past her defenses. They burst into her cabin, weapons drawn, and Elizabeth was caught off guard.

She tried to fight them off, but there were too many of them. They overpowered her, tying her up and taking her away.

Andrew had no idea what had happened until he received a message from one of the sub-leaders. They had Elizabeth, and they were using her as leverage against him.

Andrew knew that he had to act fast. He couldn't let Elizabeth suffer because of his mistakes. He set out into the night, determined to rescue her and take down the Alpha once and for all. Even if he knew he was no match for the Alpha, he believed he could try.

Andrew's heart raced as he made his way through the forest, trying to find the Alpha's hidden abode. He had no idea that the Alpha had already departed, leaving the pack in the hands of his sub-leaders.

As he walked deeper into the forest, he sensed that something was wrong. The air was thick with the scent of danger, and he knew that he was being watched.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of rustling leaves behind him. He turned to see a pack of fierce wolves, their eyes glowing with the fury of battle. They had been sent by the Alpha to delay Andrew and prevent him from reaching his destination.

Andrew knew that he had to fight, even though he was outnumbered. He drew his sword and charged at the wolves, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

The battle was fierce and brutal. Andrew fought with all his might, but the wolves were relentless. They attacked him from all sides, their sharp teeth tearing into his flesh.

Despite his injuries, Andrew refused to give up. He fought on, his sword flashing in the moonlight as he swung it at his attackers.

But in the end, he was overwhelmed. He fell to the ground, his body battered and bruised. His vision blurred, and he struggled to stay conscious.

When he finally opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in an unknown, thick bush. He winced in pain, holding his head as he tried to remember what had happened.

He looked around, his heart racing as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He saw an old man sitting by a fire, warming himself in the chilly night air.

"Where am I?" Andrew asked, struggling to sit up.

"You're in my forest," the old man replied, his voice soft and kind. "I found you lying here, wounded and alone."

Andrew felt a surge of gratitude towards the old man. He had saved his life, and Andrew knew that he owed him a debt of gratitude.

"Thank you," Andrew said, his voice barely above a whisper. "You saved my life."

The old man nodded, his eyes filled with compassion. "Rest now," he said. "You've been through a lot. I'll take care of you."

Andrew laid back down, his mind racing with thoughts of Elizabeth. He knew that he had to find her, no matter what the cost. He tried to piece together a plan to save Elizabeth when he unconsciously closed his eyes, drifting off into a restless sleep.

"Help, help me! A vague figure of a girl is seen running in the dark forest. Andrew is seen as a little boy running from behind, dodging the fallen trees. "Run! run faster!''. He yelled.

"They're behind you." He added, running on the other end of the separated mountain.

"Aiiiiiiii, help me!" The screams of the girl figure are heard echoing deep in the forest. Behind her is an outnumbered pack of bloodthirsty zombies, covered in black linen and shrouded in shrouded clothes, chanting "the vow, the vow". The little girl figure is seen running relentlessly as she reached the edge of the mountain and screamed in agony at the sight of the zombies covering her."

"Ah!" Andrew groaned in pain as he jolted up from sleep from the horror he just witnessed. His heart rate was beating so fast and his body was shaking rapidly, trying to remember the vague encounter in the dream.

"Ah! " It's just a dream." He heaved a sigh of relief.

Andrew's mind was racing, trying to make sense of the vivid images that flashed before his eyes. He was unsure of what to make of the visions, but one thing was clear: they were connected to him in some way. He couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that lingered after the dream.

Andrew's mind was racing with confusion as he struggled to decipher the meaning behind his nightmare. The images were a jumbled mess of chaos and terror, making it difficult for him to comprehend what he was witnessing.

He saw himself as a little boy, screaming at someone to run, though he couldn't see who. Then a child figure appeared, running through the woods. Andrew tried to warn the figure that something was behind them, but it was too late. A group of zombies, dressed in black linen, emerged from the bushes and began to swarm around the figure, chanting "the vow, the vow."

Andrew felt a sense of dread and panic rising within him as he watched the scene unfold. He tried to reach out and help the child, but he was powerless to stop the zombies. The child made it to the end of the mountain, but as she let out a final scream of pain, he was jolted awake.

His heavy pants began reducing until they became steady.

"I'm Andrew Lozenges; I shouldn't be scared." "I am a fearless warrior." He convinced himself.

As he tried to piece together the nightmare to understand its meaning, he heard strange chants, which only added to his confusion.

"Aya ya!" A ya ya E E," the old man sat by the fire, chanting with focus.

He tried to calm his breathing and steady his thoughts, but the nightmare continued to haunt him. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was some deeper meaning behind it-something he needed to uncover.

As he lay back down, his mind raced with possibilities, but he knew that he needed to rest. He closed his eyes and tried to push the nightmare to the back of his mind, hoping that he wouldn't have to face it again.

The old man by the fire continued to laugh and chant in a language Andrew did not recognise. He felt a sudden urge to leave and find Elizabeth. As he stood up, he felt the sharp pain in his side, reminding him of the fight with the other pack. He got furious at the old man's continuous chant and approached him.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Andrew asked the old man.

The old man stopped his chanting and looked at Andrew with a toothless grin. "You are not just in my forest; you are in the land of the ancestors, my son. The spirits brought you here for a reason."

Andrew looked around and realized he was in a clearing deep in the woods. The trees around them were tall and thick, which was unusual compared to the one he saw when he regained consciousness from his fight with a pack of wolves. The moon was barely visible through the canopy.

"What do you mean the spirits brought me here? And who are you?" Andrew asked, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"I am the keeper of the ancient wisdom, and the spirits brought you here for a reason," the old man said, still grinning.

Andrew felt uneasy around the old man, but he knew he had to ask him about the visions. "Can you tell me what those visions meant? I saw a little girl and some zombies. It felt like a warning."

The old man's expression suddenly turned serious. "Ah, the visions; they are a warning indeed. The girl you saw is the one you seek and the one you must protect. The zombies represent the danger that surrounds her."

Andrew was confused. "What danger? Who is she?"

The old man shook his head. "I cannot say. But I can tell you this: She is the key to the future of our kind. You must protect her at all costs."

Andrew felt a sense of responsibility wash over him. He doesn't know who the old man referred to, but he knew he had to find Elizabeth and protect her from whatever danger was lurking. He thanked the old man and left the clearing, determined to find Elizabeth. The old man watched him leave and intensified his chants, throwing incense and dancing around the fire.

As he made his way through the woods, Andrew's mind was filled with questions. Who was Elizabeth? What danger was she in? And most importantly, how was he going to protect her from an unknown threat?

Andrew's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden growl. He turned around to see a group of wolves, led by the Alpha, approaching him. He realized too late that he had been set up, and his heart sank as he braced himself for the attack. He was about to throw a fist when he blanked out.

Wincing in pain, Andrew slightly opened his eyes and observed that he was in the old man's forest. He tried to remember what had happened, but it dawned on him that he was hallucinating. He hadn't left the old man's forest, nor had he been confronted by the Alpha.

What was happening to him-a strange nightmare and now a hallucination? He braced himself up and confronted the old man again, who was laughing hysterically, dancing, and chanting while spraying the fire with incense.

"Are you the one responsible for what is happening to me?" Andrew asked, creasing his eyebrows.

"Deep in the woods is a young babe clad in gold stardust until boom!" "An eagle took her away, but it took her away not to give her wings to fly so high but to feed her to its young," the old man said, laughing hysterically again and making hand signs.

Andrew then looked at him, confused and not understanding his parable. When the old man saw how confused Andrew was, he said, "You're to cross seven waters, seven valleys, and seven mountains, passing through the valley of knives to the forbidden river."

"Valley of knives, river?" Andrew asked with a disturbed expression.

"Take this with you; it'll be your protection". The old man handed over a pearl pebble golden necklace to Andrew with thorn rings attached to it as it glistened by the sun's rays.

"Why do I need to pass through all these?" Andrew asked

"You're the one to break the curse deep within our roots". The old man said "

"How?" Andrew asked.

"On the night of the full moon, you'll be completely initiated into a raven wolf. You'll become a danger to the world and to yourself; you will become scared of how beastly you'll turn. You must learn to control and tame your powers before then," the old man warned.

"Raven wolf? I know about the Alpha, the leader. I also know about the Beta, who's the second in command; but I've never heard anything like raven wolf. Am I going to be a raven or a wolf raven? Andrew asked curiously".

The old man smiled and said, "The spirits chose you to become a raven wolf-the wisdom of the spirits. You'll be endowed with great power and wisdom, but your powers will be limited to the beta. Your powers will look greater than the Alpha, but you wouldn't be able to defeat him with your strength".

"You'll meet a white wolf named Jack deep within the woods; your immense powers will tempt you to fight with him in a deep, brutal fight of kings for seven days, and this is due to the fact that there's an enmity between the white and black wolves; without this protection, you'll die. You're powerful, but he has a pure soul that would melt your heart. You have to be under this protection, and after the fight, Jack will be the key to unlocking the key to your riddle before you embark on the journey to meet the Alpha. He will train you and teach you a lot; you'll have to be humble to learn," the old man added.

Andrew began asking questions, and the old man finally said, "A thousand miles from here is Jack seated by the brink of a river, the river of purity; you'll meet him there."

Andrew raised the pearl pebble necklace and examined it closely. The thorn rings were sharp and intimidating, but he knew that he had to trust the old man's words.

He thanked him and got up to leave.

Andrew left the old man's cottage feeling perplexed, with a million thoughts running through his mind. He couldn't comprehend what he had just heard, but he knew that he had to follow the old man's instructions if he wanted to break the curse and save Elizabeth and the rest of his pack from the Alpha's clutches.

As he walked through the dense forest, Andrew couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched. Every rustle of leaves and every snap of a twig sent shivers down his spine. But he kept moving forward, determined to find Jack and complete his mission.

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Raven Wolf: The Curse of Seven

Chapter 1 The Encounter
