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The love sacrifice

The love sacrifice



Slap! Zoya fall on the ground with lots of blood falling from every part of her body she was having cuts and bruises her vision blurred but their was no one to save her she saw the legs walking away from her and taking a gun from the drawer. Then suddenly thunderbolt and the men holding the gun fall and pool of blood came from his mouth and Zoya felt that she was being lifted up gently. Who was that is that an angle came to take zoya away or is that a person read full story to know

Chapter 1 The introduction

In a small town in India their lived a girl name zoya she was very shy and less confident girl. Zoya have goldish brown hair with dark brown almond shaped eyes with round shaped face and little pink lips. She was a very soft hearted girl. She was born in an lower middle class family, she was having two elder sisters named meerab and haya they all loved eachother very much and lived happily with the low income of their family also.

Zoya mom was a doctor but while marrying her father he asked her to leave her job or forgot about the marriage her mother was a really selfless person who have raised up her younger siblings because her mother was always busy with household tensions as they were a joint family, her mother agreed to leave her job to get married with her father.

But, on the second day of her marriage her mother-in-law told her that she never liked her she brought her as daughter-in-law because her son height is not that much. After that when ever her mother try to get some personal time with her father her mother-in-law would call her out for some work and her would always ask her to leave to do the work she has

Zoya never liked her grandmother because she was the cause her mother and father always fight and in fight her father would always say that he will divorce her mother infact he should have done it on the second day of marriage itself.

While zoya was in her 8th standard she started feeling for a guy named Saif but he was a Playboy and Zoya was a shy and less confidence girl she never had the courage to tell him about her feelings.

Once in her 10th standard a boy from the same society told zoya about his feelings for her his name was zoah. Zoah was a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual. Zoah have black silky straight hair and brown eyes with a oval shaped face and light pink lips he was an average looking boy. But zoya rejected him Brutally by saying if she had the power she would never see his face which shattered the boys heart and he stopped approaching her. Because at that time she was in love with his elder cousin Saif.

Zoya friend sara was a really good friend of Saif so one day she decided to tell Saif about how Zoya feel about him for that Zoya was not ready but her friends forced her and she get into an relationship with Saif.

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