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Arranged Alliance

Arranged Alliance



A story about a girl and a boy, who got into an arranged marriage and seems like their past having some kind pf connection. Both having a steep relationship with their family and their father being best friend from childhood, both of them have to go to very hard times. The mystery of their parents how they died how they connect both of them in this very square of mystery, soon they will know how much life is in danger of them. Nicholas Bretons already finding his mother's death and made him think, what part of his life was ever true? And Nora Duke finding her mother's true death, ended up only tolerate her stepmother abusing and planning to get a revenge on her of her mother. People think riches have a great life but can someone ask Nora and Nicholas how's their life is. But when secrets reveled from behind the curtains and on by one came in front of people, they eye open up that not all riches are same. People will also get that; revenge is not the progress of life or peace. Love is.

Chapter 1 The loss of precious

A very happy night where three lost friends meet again, or maybe the last time. You never know. It was night, the hotel named by beautiful night, yet it wasn't beautiful at all.

A car stops in front of the restaurant, a beautiful women came out of car in her hands there was a little baby boy, a handsome man came beside her and put a hand on her back, smiling at his mother and he's son who came in this world 10 months ago. They both went with smiles plastered on their faces. They got to a reservation table with three chairs in a room. It is one of the most expensive restaurants in London, moon night.

After they seated another person came, her beautiful skin has a light makeup on. She wore a short white dress paired with white shoes. She was a gorgeous woman with a cute baby girl.

She was holding a prom. In the prom there was a cute little baby. She was staring at the stranger with her big doe eyes. The girl started laughing and they all laughed at her cuteness. His mother put him beside her and sat between her best friend and husband.

The restaurant was from when they were children, they love to come here. They even have so many words, quotes, curses written here and there was a painting of them when they were kids. All four of them arms on each other shoulder, smiling brightly like there never going to happen to bad them. Like there was never sadness between them. Only love and friendship.

They were talking about something about her father, he was on a business trip and he would come back in the morning. They all talked about their childhood memories they have, after spending the whole night they all went out of the restaurant and sat in their own car.

It was their best night, yet it became the worst night ever in their life.

His parents were laughing, singing and glancing at him. But suddenly it changes into screaming, crying and pleading to God. The car was hit by a truck and there was no one who could help them. They were alone in abounded forest.

His parents were barely moving, he was crying. But no one came to hear his screaming.

His father got a little conscious, his forehead was bleeding, he opened his eyes and saw his son was crying. He looked at his mother who was all bloody, heads down and clutching him to her heart, his father eyes were wide he started waking his mother, shook her, shout at her but she doesn't or can't respond. His father got out of the car, limping on the road looking for any help but no one came, the truck which hit them was also gone.

His father hears him crying, he pulls him out and tries to shush him. He again tried to shake her up, but it was hard, he felt he was devastated. His mother's head bumped on the car window; his father could see the glass shred was on her forehead. His father put him on the cold road as he cried hard and pulled his mother out and laid her beside him. His father carries him and pulls him in embrace to shush him only his father cries silently and tries to realize the cruel scene in front of his eyes. They were so happy and laughing and now they are crying. His father closed his eyes and clutched him to chest. my beloved wife. his father while clutching him to his heart. Silent tears streamed down his face. Oh Nicholas!

Her mother in the car was in the back seat with her in her hand, she was sleeping and her mother smiled looking at her, her eyes couldn't go anywhere else only to see this beautiful, fragile girl. But the car came to a halt and all the windows got shattered. Her mother covers her with her body so she can't get hurt. Her mother looks for the driver, but he was nowhere to see, a crimson color liquid come Infront of her mother eyes. Her mother was bleeding from everywhere. Her mother barely can get out of the car with her in her mother's arms, clutching to her chest and looking for the driver. Her mother glanced at her then looked for the driver but he was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly from behind her mother hears some voices and her mother glancing at her, tear streamed down to her mother face of fear. It was abounded area and restaurant is far away, the footsteps coming closer to her, her mother take one glance to her, take deep breath, throw her heels and ran as fast as her mother could the man was also running behind her mother but no matter what he does he can't come to her. Her mother ran, ran and ran until her legs gave up and fell on her knees, her mother looked at her and she was sleeping soundly as a cry left her mother mouth Oh, Nora! Please don't wake up. Not this moment. She looks behind her the man was far than she can imagine or see. Her mother was so injured that she barely can walk yet her mother ran only for her. Only for Nora.

Her mother saw some lights and run there; she looks behind, the man was not behind them now. There was a park, her beautiful and elegant white dress now was blood red, and her face was wet with tears and blood splattered on her face and hair. She was also injured in the head and leg. Barely can bear her pain anywhere, her mother sat under the tree hugging her and sobbing in her head. Checking her pulse, she was breathing yet her mother was taking her last. The last thought that only came to her mind was. Oh, Nora! Please live. Her mother hugged her and closed her eyes and then never opened them. Her mother took the last breadth holding her to her chest, and her arms went limp and Nora was in her lap now. She was crying.

And that's how Sophia was gone with weeping Nora in her hand. People started to gather and took pictures and made videos, made Nora shush. Nora opened her wet eyes, at first, she just stared at them but then started to cry maybe she also got to know that her mother was dead. The police and ambulance came and took Nora and lifeless Sophia.

David also came there after hearing the news, he was shocked to hear his only daughter crying and weeping he tried to shush her. And eventually she slept. David hugged her chest and watched Sophia going in the ambulance, feeling lonely he tightened his grip on Nora's. He closed his own eyes, taking all its in. My beloved wife. I can't let you go. And that's how Sophia was gone leaving only her daughter behind, Nora Duke.

His father James holding Nicholas watching nurses to get his mother Lily to ambulance, they laid Lily on the stretcher. James doesn't let Nicholas touch anyone so they give a blanket to him. James looks at Lily and then at Nicholas a tear escaped from his eyes as a cry. He watches Nicholas sleeping peacefully, he doesn't even know his mother died at young age. Just sleeping after crying so much. James hug him and cried glancing at Lily lifeless body going in the ambulance.

He closes her eyes. And back away letting her body get away, from his life, from his warmth. And that's how Lily was also gone leaving his only son behind, Nicholas Bretons.

That's how Nora and Nicholas lost their mothers that day, and their life became hell after this incident. People think that was an accident, but no one knows the truth. And no one can know. After this incident James and David didn't talk a lot, only about business. James didn't meet Nora and David didn't even see Nicholas, again. Even when they saw each other, they felt the whole world was crushing on them, they couldn't find words how they felt. They don't have anyone beside them to tell someone anything except their child. They were broken, devastated, messy and alone.

Both of them are living different lives, now. Away from each other, from their beloved wife's grave, and their children. If they lived under the same roof, they couldn't face them but they had to. They lost one part of life. They can't lose to one another. So, they make a decision. The decision that makes them hard decision and forced them to live hard life.

Only to make their own child life hell.

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