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Michael S. Farag


Chuck, a cop, meets Lily, a manipulative beautiful woman. She sends him to another reality: the fabric; Chuck has to love Lily and kill her ex: the fabricator, who might have created the fabric, in order to escape from the horrified fabric. The cop faces horrors, struggles with Lily's manipulative nature and her herculean unstable son: Caleb. The fabricator's new woman, Olympia, is an omnipotent psychopath, has controlled Lily's daughter: Rhona, the three-eyed lizard: Khepri and the lizard army; she torments and tortures the creatures in the fabric and it ignites Chuck who joins the counterforce. Shanika, the rose lady, who neither eats nor drinks, ruled the counterforce with Nipuna, who has insanely magical powers but chooses to call it science, she has the white troops and their leaders: the mighty Moriab. The autochthons are an army of formidable gorilla-like creatures with great powers; their queen, a ridiculously powerful creature, a threat to the fabricator himself, has made a deal with the fabricator: she surrenders her powers to Rhona and the fabricator imprisons the autochthons so the queen can marry the autochthon she loves against the autochthons sacred rules; the queen gives a son, the mighty Dimar, and he wants his mother powers back, wants to kill Lily because she has killed his powerless mother whose essence is preserved in a colossal white serpent. Chuck has to face all that and more.

Chapter 1 Crazy Family

"I'm going to turn realities upside down, won't stop until I've found someone capable of killing you and your precious Olympia. He will love me, will do anything to please me then we will destroy everything. My new lover will be glorious, will, certainly, triumph over you. We will take over your insanity but fear not, it will be nourished with the terror of sane creatures. Rhona and Caleb are going with me. They will be there as I made people's darkest ideas and feelings consume them, torture them. Projections will succeed their emitters. You have my word," said Lily calmly as she travelled through the great darkness, across space and time.


Rhona strolled down the corridor in her mother's hotel, pale skin like a corpse, soft like silk, dark silky hair which ended at the base of the neck, matt black round eyes like darkness without a shine,white eyelashes like an old woman, round face, the heart-shaped lips were extremely red, small mouth and nose like an innocent kid. Her body was wrapped in a black knee-length body-con dress with short sleeves which showed her exquisite physiques. Lamps were hanged from the ceiling, covered with cobwebs, casting nightmarish dim red light over the tarnished wine walls of the corridor where Rhona's shadow swayed on the red ragged carpet like a mermaid made of darkness.

Her face was too cold, too emotionless, her left hand held a sharp knife with the honed blade touching the extremely blue veins of her extremely white wrest, edge moved to and fro on her veins and it didn't matter, her skin wasn't affected, impenetrable. She laughed hysterically like a psycho, with high-bitched annoying sound like a siren. "I should kill myself," she said with a made-up nasal sound and fake sniffles: A movie she had seen the other day, with a heartbreaking suicide, enraged her.

For a woman used to see dreadful monsters as very-welcomed residents, some make-believe tragedies scripted with unauthentic inspiration wouldn't reduce her to tears, just would fondle her sarcastic, rude personality. Her bright red high heels clicked and clacked across the red carpet with muffled cracks garbled by the scrap of the corpse dragged by her brother, Caleb, across the hall. A crooked band of blood followed the corpse as it slid down the wooden floor outside the carpet.

A knife with a black scale was implanted directly, precisely through the heart surrounded by a circular spot of blood upon the white shirt of the poor victim, dead eyes staring at nothing, opened mouth, horrified face portraying the moment of a violent death yet Rhona smiled, looked at these empty eyes and chuckled. "Don't look at me like that. Your stupidity isn't my fault," she laughed.

"Stop it," said Caleb strictly and left the corpse to straighten his back, scratched his tan bald scalp, rubbed the side of his head where his left ear had used to be, grimaced and his big nose seemed bigger, his big right ear twitched in solitude, his hooded black eyes glared, his thick lips parted and showed his huge oral cavity which looked like a miniature cave mouth with square big teeth. He wanted to shout at Rhona but she ignored his anger, crouched, close enough to touch the corpse's head, and squeezed the dead man's cheeks.

"So cute," she giggled, stood up, used the sole of her red high heel to press his cheek to the floor. "Look away, now. I'm bored," she said and mashed his face as in grinding out a cigarette with foot.

Hisses were heard, steady footfalls approached and the red light introduced a green monster: body like a human, face like a human but the skin was green and armored with rough scales like a crocodile, naked without hair or genitals, tall like a basketball player, three round yellow reptilian eyes on his rectangular face, one of them was in the forehead, big mouth with triangular sharp teeth appeared when he smiled wickedly. The green monster scratched the pupil of his left eye with the long black claw of his index as he ambled towards Rhona and Caleb.

"What has happened?" asked Rhona.

The beast talked with voice like hisses: "The dead man didn't do anything wrong. His only sin was bad luck, a drunk man rented a room on the second floor but, as a drunk, went to the fourth floor where he mistook a room for his. Unfortunately, the door was ajar, he pushed it and saw the ominous creature. A naked bald man, the skin was armored with scales like a crocodile. At first sight, the chump mistook him for a man with leprosy and such but his blood ran cold when he noticed a third eye, in the forehead, gazing upon him."

"Ok, we got it," said Caleb but Khepri glared at him and proceeded.

"This abomination sobered him up, replaced the ecstasy with horrible fear. His respiration went chaotic: deep exhales, shallow inhales, shallow exhales, deep inhales as though the panic had jammed the signals of his respiratory center in the medulla oblongata. Ataxic respiration, a medical term for a fatal irregularity in respiration caused by damage to the medulla oblongata by trauma, and in this case, the fear was the trauma."

"That is so amusing," said Rhona with the enthusiasm of a little girl and Khepri smiled with pride.

"He would have been scared to death, literally, but he had his self-preservation persuading him to perceive all this as a sleep paralysis accompanied by a nightmare. He fought his imaginary physical restraints, hummed as he tried to muffle his scream, and used his decaying energy to hobble backward a few steps then turned to escape, only for his eyes to meet Caleb's, the panic was dispatched when the knife penetrated his heart. You are hideous, painfully mumbled the man before going beyond the veil."

"How did you know all that?" asked Caleb.

"I'm Khepri," said the green devil with arrogance, ambled towards the corpse, crouched beside it, used the limbs to make a knot, effortlessly breaking every bone in the process with cracking sounds, used this knot, as a handle of feet and hands, to carry the dead man like a bag, the eye on his forehead glistened and dropped tears while the other two smiled maliciously.

"I wish to comprehend the paradox among your eyes," said Rhona.

The creature put his hand on Rhona's scalp in a fatherly manner and patted on it. "You are late. I've left the door ajar for you."

"And due to this act, we have a corpse here...Thank you," replied Rhona sincerely.

"We should get rid of this corpse," yelled Chuck impatiently.

"I want to chat with him," said Rhona.

"No, you are chatty and he is shy," replied Caleb.

"You two won't mix," commented Khepri.

They reached a rusty metal door with blood stains all over it and the dust had clung together with old blood, forming lumps of brown greasy substance scattered all over the rust. "TEK NESA SHA DAGWANOENYENT," said Caleb.

The door squeaked and opened inward, revealing darkness and a nasty pungent smell, the odor of blood and ammonia mixed with a citrus scent. A thunderous roar which came with cold breath cooled their faces. Caleb entered the room followed by Khepri. Rhona, after a moment of hesitation, took a step forward to follow them as well, Caleb forbade her with a gesture.

"I want to meet him, please," said Rhona in a childish attitude.

"No, you are annoying...why don't you go clean the blood," insisted Caleb.

Khepri and Caleb were in, the door was shut behind them, leaving disappointed Rhona outside. It was chilling and the odor was stronger, the floor was so viscous and slippery by the coagulated blood. their footsteps sounded like stepping on mud. Two balls of fire lit the place. A giant bodiless Neanderthal head, with black skin, floated in the air. Gray hair, splashed with blood, covered the face and his fiery eyes behind the hair were like two dragons breathing fire behind grey bars in a dark dungeon.

The nightmarish creature was very neat, decked his place out very well, using the offerings as decorations. In the left corner of the room were chunks of human legs and feet: all colors and gender. In the right corner were chunks of arms, hands and shoulders. Some chunks were skinned while others preserved the skin. On the wall, facing the door, he hanged the viscera organ-wise: livers at the top, hearts beneath them then lungs then spleens and intestines.

"Bon appetite," said Khepri while putting the juicy meal down.

Caleb leant down, untied the knot of feet and hands, started to strip the corpse, removed the belt, took the shoes off, slipped the trouser, put his hands on the underwear and chuckled. "You should have peeled the fruit for him first. Where is your manner?"

"You are the authority here, but just don't patronize me, I'm ancient, you are a kid, it is that simple. Owning an experience that I've never encountered doesn't make you wiser," replied Khepri while repressing his anger but his third eye gave him away.

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