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Wako Kanchora


As Jessica's mind wandered back to a significant moment two weeks ago, she vividly recalled sitting in her doctor's office, her heart pounding with anticipation. The doctor's words echoed in her ears as she received the life-altering diagnosis. For her, those words meant her death sentence, In Jessica's case, the news was undoubtedly overwhelming. She grappled with a mix of emotions—fear, confusion, and a sense of disbelief. The weight of the diagnosis settled heavily upon her shoulders, and she understood that her life was about to change drastically...

Chapter 1 First Meet

Chapter 1. First Meet

Mr. Redford POV

Today is D-Day, it has to be perfect, everything has to be perfect. Why shouldn't it be perfect? I deserved this I worked for it. For months I have waited and finally, it's here a chance to seal the deal. A chance for me to acquire Heartland Tech Company a multi-billion dollar company I have been in a race to acquire since the start of this year, a lucrative year has been for my companies especially 'Redford Investment' at the start of this year our stock raised from $55 to $125 an increase of over 127%. Drawing in investors from different parts of the globe.

It's 3:55 AM five minutes before my alarm clock usually rings, I couldn't get some shut-eye the entire night. I was anxious about how it'll turn out, but obviously, it'll be successful like the rest of other countless companies, restaurants, and clubs I had obtained under Redford Investments. "Sign here, here, and here" are the words that kept on repeating themselves in my mind like some sort of mantra.

After two to three minutes or so, I decided to switch off the alarm and wake up. Every single minute of my time was precious and due to this, everything is usually planned out to avoid wasting time. My dad always said, "The greatest investment you'll have in life is time." And it depends on how you invest it.

Whenever I wake up I usually have about 5 minutes to enjoy the view of New York City from the top of my thirty-four million-dollar penthouse you know to soak in one of my undoubtedly biggest accomplishments, but this time it was different cause I wanted everything to be perfect.

I made my bed, at least that's one of a handful of jobs I did around while the rest was taken care of by the maids. I rushed towards my inbuilt gym downstairs for my usual cardio exercise in the morning for about 45 minutes precisely. Around 4:42 AM after my exercise, I headed over to take a relaxing warm shower letting the steam comfort my sore body.

After exactly twelve minutes I walked out of the shower towards my big walk-in closet for my usual or if I may casual dressing code. Today I'm wearing my standard shirt and I buttoned it up fully to support the elegant tie I'm wearing. On top of the shirt I put on a sleek vest with five buttons, it has a fairly deep v-line, which causes the vest to line up perfectly with the jacket's v-line when it's buttoned up. The jacket fits me like a glove, a tailored glove. It has a wide herringbone pattern which gives the suit a classy and graceful look. The four buttons of my single-breasted jacket are all buttoned up except one, it adds a casual touch to an elegant look.

The jacket is the same length all around, it has a vent at the back, there are two pockets on one side and one pocket on the other and there's a breast pocket that contains a stylish pocket square.

For pants, I decided to go for one that has the same pattern as the jacket, but a different, complementary color and they make an ideal combination with the shoes I'm wearing which is a chich pair of cap toe Oxford.

To top it all off for a watch I decided to go for my billionaire watch from Jacob and Co a thing of beauty custom-designed and built for me, this watch is adorned with two hundred and twenty carats of emerald-cut diamonds which is strapped to crocodile strap bracelet, a watch that screams luxury whenever I wear it.

I glanced at the clock and it was 5:00 AM exactly so I had about three and a half hours to spare, for breakfast I usually prepare it myself but as you know today I'm doing it differently so yesterday I informed Fiona, my chef, that she will be preparing it for me.

As you already know I'm a workaholic at the dining table while waiting for my breakfast I was going through the stock market via my laptop, to see what's new in the market, possible opportunities for my company to invest in, and the stock prices for Redford Investment.

"Sir Good morning," Fiona asked while wheeling the serving cart trolley.

"Good morning to you too Fiona," as she's entering the room the sweet smell of coffee aroma suddenly fills the room. So what's for breakfast? I asked.

For breakfast, I have prepared a stack of fluffy golden pancakes, perfectly cooked to a light and airy consistency. The pancakes are accompanied by a pitcher of maple syrup, ready to be drizzled generously over the stack, adding a touch of sweetness and richness. Next to the pancakes, there is a plate of sizzling bacon, its crispy edges tempting you with its savory aroma. The bacon is cooked to perfection, offering a delightful balance of smoky flavor and a satisfying crunch. On a separate plate, there are sunny-side-up eggs. The eggs are cooked just right, with the yolks still runny, providing a luscious and creamy texture that pairs perfectly with the other components of the breakfast. To add a touch of freshness and balance to the meal, there is a bowl of vibrant, colorful fruits. Slices of juicy watermelon, succulent berries, and tangy citrus fruits adorn the bowl, offering a burst of natural sweetness and a refreshing palate cleanser. "Hope you enjoy sir," Fiona finishes as she's about to exit the dining room.

"Will do Fiona," at this point, my mouth was watering, just exquisite she's the best chef possibly in the entire world. I pondered in my mind.

After finishing my super breakfast, when I glanced at my wrist watch it was 7:05 AM I had roughly one hour remaining. For the next thirty minutes, I wanted to keep myself busy so I had to read the morning paper.

I grabbed my briefcase and my trench coat and I headed to the hallway, as I stepped out of my comfortable living space and entered the hallway. The hallway is well-lit, with soft ambient lighting creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The walls are adorned with tasteful artwork, and plush carpeting cushions my footsteps as I make my way to the elevator. Approaching the elevator doors, a person may notice the sleek and modern design of the elevator's exterior. The doors open automatically, revealing a well-appointed interior. The elevator is spacious, with polished metal accents and mirrored surfaces that create an illusion of even greater size. Inside the elevator, a panel of buttons lines the wall, indicating different floors and destinations. I pressed the button for the lobby, and the doors closed smoothly. Soft music plays in the background, adding a pleasant ambiance to the short journey. As the elevator begins its descent, I feel a slight sensation of movement, but it is incredibly smooth and almost imperceptible. The gentle hum of the elevator motor provides a sense of reassurance as they glide effortlessly downward. During the descent, a digital display above the panel of buttons indicates the current floor and the passing floors. Within a matter of moments, the elevator slows down and comes to a graceful stop. The doors open, revealing the lobby of the building. The lobby is a vibrant and bustling space, adorned with tasteful décor and stylish furnishings. Natural light streams in through large windows, casting a warm glow on the marble floors. Through the big glass lobby doors I can see my driver Bernard standing beside my black Maybach parked in front of the building.

Briefly, I made my way through the door, "Good morning sir," Bernard greeted me. His face is adorned with a genuine expression of happiness, radiating warmth and joy, "why wasn't he happy? His boss is about to acquire a company that is highly regarded to be the future of telecommunications," I pondered.

"Good morning to you too Bernard," he opens the door for me to enter. From the moment you step inside, you are greeted by an opulent interior that exudes elegance and craftsmanship. The attention to detail is apparent in every aspect of the car's design, from the plush leather seats to the exquisite wood trim and hand-stitched accents. The cabin is exceptionally spacious, providing ample legroom and headroom for all occupants. The seats are meticulously designed to offer the utmost comfort, with a variety of adjustments and massage functions to cater to individual preferences. The use of high-quality materials and the integration of cutting-edge technology create an ambiance of sophistication and indulgence.

Usually, a trip from the penthouse to Redford Investment headquarters is about thirty minutes drive. Looking at the watch it was 7:40 AM which meant I had around fifty minutes and the meeting starts at 8:30 AM in turn it meant I had twenty minutes to spare so I sat back, relaxed, and I enjoyed the ride. As you start the engine, the power and refinement of the Maybach become apparent. The car glides effortlessly, thanks to a powerful engine and advanced suspension system. The ride is exceptionally smooth, isolating passengers from any road imperfections and external noise. Without even realizing it. "Sir, we have arrived," Bernard disclosed. "Wow! That was fast," I responded. He opens the door and I get out holding my briefcase and my trench coat. "Thank you," Bernard. "You are welcome sir," he replies while closing the door behind me.

I was a bit nervous if I may admit, I made my way through the lobby to the elevator, where I pressed number ninety-six at the display buttons, meaning it was located on the ninety-sixth floor. 'Ding' the elevator door opens slowly and I made my way out of the elevator to the boardroom where the board members were waiting for me, looking at the watch it was 8:13 AM, which means I was seventeen minutes early also it meant the board management for Heartland Tech Company had not arrived yet, so it gave me a room of about ten minutes to hold a brief meeting with Redford Investment board management.

The boardroom was buzzing with anticipation as they awaited my arrival, with my usual charismatic and influential billionaire character, I entered the room with an air of confidence and purpose. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to me.

As the meeting commenced, I took my place at the head of the table, flanked by my trusted advisors. I started the meeting by acknowledging each member of the board, emphasizing the importance of this deal.

"Ladies and gentlemen as you all know today we make our big move, possibly the biggest in the history of this company, with this acquisition not only we will venture into the telecommunications industry, but our company will be able to tap into the market cap of over two hundred billion dollars. Which will cause the stock for Redford Investment to skyrocket." As I continued articulating the vision I had for the future of Heartland Tech Company, highlighting the tremendous opportunities that lay ahead. The board of directors, an assembly of accomplished individuals from various backgrounds, leaned forward attentively, eager to hear what I was conveying, that's when I knew "I got them," they all were at the palms of my hands, they knew the significant impact this acquisition would have on their careers, as well as the growth potential for the company as a whole.

The board members, in turn, expressed their admiration for my boldness and strategic thinking. They shared their thoughts, ideas, and suggestions, creating a collaborative atmosphere that fostered innovation and constructive decision-making. This concluded our small meeting at 8:25 AM, which meant they were about to arrive at any time.

At precisely 8:30 AM, the doors swung open, and the board management from Heartland Tech Company entered the negotiation room. Formal greetings and pleasantries were exchanged, acknowledging the significance of the moment and setting a respectful tone for the discussions ahead.

The negotiations commenced with a cordial but focused atmosphere. Mr. Redford, representing Redford Investment, eloquently outlined the strategic rationale behind the acquisition. He emphasized the synergies and growth opportunities that would arise from the combined strengths of both companies, highlighting the potential for expanded market presence, technological advancements, and increased shareholder value. The board management from Heartland Tech Company listened attentively, weighing the presented arguments and assessing the potential benefits and risks of the deal. They raised thoughtful questions, seeking clarity on specific terms and seeking reassurances regarding the preservation of their company's culture and values. Throughout the negotiation, Mr. Redford and his board management team engaged in open dialogue, addressing concerns, and presenting persuasive counterarguments. They skillfully balanced assertiveness with diplomacy, ensuring a constructive and respectful exchange of ideas. The negotiations continued for hours, with both sides analyzing financial projections, market trends, and competitive landscapes. Lawyers and financial experts from both teams provided insights and guidance, shaping the terms of the deal and ensuring legal compliance. At times, tension filled the room as both sides negotiated the finer details of the acquisition. However, a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect prevailed, enabling compromises to be reached and paving the way for a mutually beneficial agreement. As the negotiation neared its conclusion, a sense of achievement and excitement permeated the room. Handshakes were exchanged, signifying a positive outcome and a shared commitment to moving forward together.

Mr. Redford knew he has done it, with them agreeing to a deal of about two hundred and six billion dollars, probably his biggest achievement since he started the company. "Now it's mine and mine alone," he pondered in his mind. Having a stake of about fifty-six percent of Redford Investment not only meant he had the title of a billionaire but also meant he had the majority ownership of any company Redford Investment owned, technically speaking Heartland Tech Company was his.

After a major achievement like this, the only thing to do was celebrate he pondered. Well, he is not your typical billionaire that would rent a yacht, throw big parties, or do anything crazy of any sort he valued his privacy and disliked people buzzing about him. So he celebrated the only way he knew by having a nice dinner and a bottle of wine to top it all off. So headed to his normal restaurant, The Mountainview Willow it's not that fancy enough but it was among the restaurant where he had the peace and tranquility he desired as he was rarely recognized by anyone and he loved it.

As he was enjoying his dinner something caught his eye, It was rare for Mr. Redford to lose focus as he was a busy man, but this time he didn't care.

A lady he describes as a Snowflake in the middle of the summer.

Not a lot of women usually grasped my attention as she did but... She got my attention the second I laid my eyes on her. She seemed to possess an undeniable elegance that drew me in, and I found myself unable to look away. Intrigued by her presence, my curiosity grew with each passing moment. I wondered about the stories behind her eyes, the experiences that had shaped her, and what had brought her to this very place at this particular time. She was wearing a denim jacket with a tight grey shirt which accentuated her torso perfectly and wore dark red lipstick, which only enhanced her feature to a whole other level, making me wish I could be the one to smudge it.

After finishing my dinner and paying the bill, unable to resist the urge of meeting her, I summoned my courage and approached her table, with beautiful amber eyes and her already sexy lips, I found myself lost for words and confused.

"H... Hi, I'm Christopher ... Christopher Redford," I gulped.

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