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Maid For The Lycan King

Maid For The Lycan King

Maxwell Angelou


Title: "Maid For The Lycan King" Drihaana, a young woman from a small village, dreams of working in the Lycan Castle. Her dream finally comes true when she is hired as a maid for the Lycan King Drew. At first, Drihaana struggles to adjust to her new life in the castle, but with hard work and determination, she quickly becomes an integral part of the staff. As she spends more time in the castle, Drihaana begins to discover the secrets that lurk within. She learns that the Lycans are not all the same and that some of them are kinder and gentler than others. She also finds herself drawn to Drew, the Lycan King, and his kindness towards her. However, as she gains more insight into the Lycan way of life, she discovers that that there are forces working against Drew and his pack. They face a common enemy, and Drihaana soon finds herself caught up in a battle to save Drew and his pack. As danger draws near, Drew must make a difficult decision. Will he choose to open his heart and reveal his true feelings for Drihaana, or will he choose to keep his distance and continue to protect his pack at all costs? "Maid For The Lycan King" is an action-packed romance novel that explores the dynamics between humans and Lycans. It is a story about love, loyalty, and the bonds that tie us together. With twists and turns at every corner, this book is sure to keep readers captivated until the very end.

Chapter 1 First Day In The Lycan Castle

Drihaana took a deep breath and knocked on the large wooden door in front of her. She had been waiting months for an opportunity like this to come her way. As a young girl, she had always dreamed of working inside the Lycan Castle. Being a maid for the Lycan King was not only an honor, but it offered safety and security for her and her family. The door creaked open and a tall, imposing figure stood in front of her. He had a stern look on his face but spoke softly, "You must be Drihaana.

Come in, please." As she walked into the castle, she couldn't help but be in awe of the grandeur and splendor that surrounded her. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. Everything was bigger and grander than anything she had ever experienced. The man led her through winding corridors until they reached a set of massive double doors that led into a grand hall. The scent of blooming flowers filled the air and it was a welcome change from the dampness of the forest she was used to. In the middle of the hall, sitting in a throne-like chair sat a man who must be the Lycan King. His eyes were fierce and commanding, and his presence demanded respect. "Come closer, Drihaana,” he called out. She shuffled nervously in her plain brown dress as she made her way toward him. She had always heard that the Lycan King was different from others, with his wolf-like senses, heightened strength, and stamina. She had never personally met him before, but her heart was racing with excitement and fear. With one sweeping glance, the King assessed Drihaana’s appearance. It felt like an agonizingly long few seconds before he finally spoke up and said, "Welcome to the castle. You'll be a valuable asset to our staff." Drihaana felt relieved when she heard the words and almost missed the smile that tugged at his lips, but then he spoke again, "But do not be mistaken, here, you are not equal to us, here you are the human, and we are the Lycans." Drihaana nodded, afraid to speak, as she realized just how different her life was going to be from now on. She had been warned about the Lycan King and his people before, but something deep inside her told her that she would be safe with them. From that day forward, as the newest hire at the castle, Drihaana worked tirelessly to maintain the cleanliness and order of the castle. She watched and learned as she went about her day, observing how the Lycans interacted with each other, and slowly but surely she started to feel like she belonged. As she settled in, the King started taking an interest in her work and her progress, which was both daunting and empowering at the same time. He slowly started to show her favor, and she soon realized that she had become more than just another human maid in his eyes. She was relieved to see that he was not like the other Lycans she had heard stories about, he was different, gentle, and kind in his own way. As weeks passed by, Drihaana finally felt like she had found her place in the Lycan Castle. She knew there would be challenges ahead, she needed to earn the respect of the other Lycans who had never been kind to humans. However, she had been given a chance that she never imagined she would get, and nothing would stop her from making the most of it. As Drew walked by the kitchen where Drihaana was preparing a meal for the Lycan pack, he paused and watched her move gracefully about her work. After admiring her for a moment, Drew broke the silence, "Drihaana, can I speak with you?" "Y-yes, your highness," Drihaana said, turning to face Drew with a slight bow. "I wanted to ask you something. I have not heard much about where you come from. Can you tell me about it?" Drihaana paused and looked down, her mind racing with all the memories of her past. She had come from a small village outside the Lycan kingdom, where life was hard and her family struggled to survive. After a moment, Drihaana lifted her head and spoke with a soft voice, "I come from a small village outside the kingdom, your highness. It was a struggle for us to survive, but we made do with what we had. It's a simple life, but one that I miss dearly." Drew nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I see. It must have been hard for you to come here, to a place so different from what you knew." Drihaana nodded, her eyes downcast. She had missed her family and her old life, but working in the Lycan castle had offered her a new chance and a new opportunity. "But I am grateful for the chance to work here, your highness," Drihaana said, looking back up at Drew. "It is an honor to serve the Lycan King and his people." "I'm glad to hear that," Drew said with a soft smile. "I trust that you will continue to work hard and make a positive difference here." Drihaana bowed her head in appreciation, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment for gaining the Lycan King's approval. "Thank you, your highness," she said with a smile, before returning to her work in the kitchen. Drew remained silent for a moment, watching Drihaana as she resumed her work. He was impressed by her dedication and work ethic, but he could sense that there was more to her story than she was letting on. "Drihaana, I sense that there's something else that you aren't telling me. You're hesitant to speak of it," Drew said, his voice filled with concern. Drihaana hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to the Lycan King. But something about the sincerity in his voice made her feel safe enough to open up to him. "I left my family behind when I came here, your highness. It's been hard being so far away from them, but I'm doing this for their safety and future," Drihaana said, her voice soft and almost timid. Drew could sense the pain and sacrifice in her words, and he felt a pang of sympathy for her. "I understand how hard that must be for you. You have my assurance that I will make sure that you and your family are well protected." Drihaana's eyes widened and she looked up at Drew with surprise and gratitude, her heart swelling with emotion. "Thank you, your highness. Your promise means a lot to me," she said, a tear forming in the corner of her eye. Drew smiled, reaching out to gently wipe the tear away with his thumb. "You are a valuable member of our pack. We will always look out for one another, that is what being a part of the pack means." Drihaana felt a wave of warmth and acceptance wash over her. She knew that she had found a new home here in the Lycan Castle, with an unlikely friend in the Lycan King. "Thank you, your highness, for everything," she said, her heart filled with a newfound sense of belonging. Drew nodded, his own heart swelling with pride at the thought of his pack growing stronger with each passing day. The bond between him and his pack was unbreakable, and he was eager to continue forging it further. With a gentle nod, Drew took a step back and gestured to the table where Drihaana was working. "Now, let's focus on your work. I'm sure that there are members of the pack who are eagerly waiting for this meal." Drihaana smiled gratefully and went back to her work, under the watchful eye of Drew. As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the Lycan King. She had found a new home here, with new friends, and a new purpose. As the meal was being served, and members of the pack came to enjoy it, they all noticed the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen, and compliments flowed from all around. Drihaana felt a sense of pride and joy, knowing that she had worked hard to make this meal from scratch, and it was being appreciated. Drew, too, noticed the reactions of the pack. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction in seeing the pack of Lycans enjoying a homemade meal together, brought together by Drihaana's hard work. And for a moment, he felt grateful for Drihaana's presence in the castle. As the meal ended, Drew approached Drihaana once again, with a kind smile on his face. "Drihaana, your cooking has impressed the pack today. Your work hasn't gone unnoticed." Drihaana's face lit up at Drew's compliment, and she bowed respectfully as a sign of gratitude. Drew chuckled slightly, "No need for formalities, Drihaana. Just keep up the good work." With warm feelings in her heart, Drihaana continued her work, already looking forward to the next meal. She was grateful for the new life she had been given, one that she never imagined would happen. As the day went on, Drihaana couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and purpose, a feeling that she knew was going to stay with her in the Lycan Castle.

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